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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

Ethnic Armenians in NK sort of like like Scots in Braveheart. Defending their ethnic land.

It is highly likely Russia will recognize Artsakh the way Russia recognized Abkhazia and South Ossetia and the US recognized Kosovo if Azerbaijan tries to take over Artsakh. They always pull the ethnic cleansing card.

You are trying so hard to save face. I can sense your insecurity here in this thread.

Desperately like other Crusader fascists who support Armenian fascist regime, you have some kind of Neo-Crusader dream of a Christian empire ruling over Muslim serfs.

Give it a rest. Go outside and just take the hit that Azerbaycan gave your Armenian heroes like a man.
This conflict needs to be resolved soon. It should NOT be yet another little war where thousands of soldiers, civilians, and volunteers die or are brutally maimed for life on both sides, only to make yet another ceasefire. Rinse and repeat.
So the land belongs to Azerbaijan legally but the people in the Nigorno Karabakh region have their loyalty with Armenia. There are no easy solutions. But looking at the map of N-K, it would make sense to move the people to the western edges of Azerbaijan, adjoining Armenia and make that region a jointly-held region with nominal sovereignty given to Azerbaijan. Not a perfect solution but better than these endless feuds which CAN become a much bigger regional conflict.
okay, that is certainly a reason to be motivated.
Sure but you know perfectly well that the "English", with superior arms and numbers, eventually stomped the Scots.

English did not beat Scots. England and Scotland unified by marriage of royals, not because English conquered Scots on the battlefield.
and the Houthi are darn near fearless while the Sandis don't seem overly brave or effective.

I'd be surprised if either Arm or Az soldiers are as brave as Houthis or as ineffective as Sandis.

Although somebody cant remember who said that Az soldiers really don't like their leader so don't want to be fighting.
Azeris have been protesting for war ever since the incident in July. So whether they like their leader or not, one thing is for sure, they want to take their land back.
Azeris have been protesting for war ever since the incident in July. So whether they like their leader or not, one thing is for sure, they want to take their land back.

They've been trying since 1992 when Artsakh became de facto independent.
Hundreds of drones but many have already been shot down by Igla MANPADS. Each TB2 costs 2 million USD. The EO and engine are all imported from the west, making it very expensive. Turkey is investing a lot in Azerbaijan for no return but financial loss.
hahaha! return is there, Armenia for the first time in 30 years lost so much in short amount of time. if sustained for couple of days, their armor which is 20% plus decimated, will break soon..
i expect one more week of fighting before we will see a clear pic. but for now, Armenia is crying
This conflict needs to be resolved soon. It should NOT be yet another little war where thousands of soldiers, civilians, and volunteers die or are brutally maimed for life on both sides, only to make yet another ceasefire. Rinse and repeat.
So the land belongs to Azerbaijan legally but the people in the Nigorno Karabakh region have their loyalty with Armenia. There are no easy solutions. But looking at the map of N-K, it would make sense to move the people to the western edges of Azerbaijan, adjoining Armenia and make that region a jointly-held region with nominal sovereignty given to Azerbaijan. Not a perfect solution but better than these endless feuds which CAN become a much bigger regional conflict.

Better choice is another Kosovo or South Ossetia or Abkhazia.
hahaha! return is there, Armenia for the first time in 30 years lost so much in short amount of time. if sustained for couple of days, their armor which is 20% plus decimated, will break soon..
i expect one more week of fighting before we will see a clear pic. but for now, Armenia is crying

The only way Azeris take back NK is if they kill every ethnic Armenian there. Not gonna happen. There be foreign intervention well before that. Think Kosovo, Abkhazia, South Ossetia. Ethnic wars are the most brutal.
The only way Azeris take back NK is if they kill every ethnic Armenian there. Not gonna happen. There be foreign intervention well before that. Think Kosovo, Abkhazia, South Ossetia. Ethnic wars are the most brutal.

rofl... your wishful thinking. Civilians Armenians of NK want peace and co existence, they wont take up arms, rest now, u r trying real hard to help your armenian brothers, 30 years of illicit rule is good enough, time to go back
rofl... your wishful thinking. Civilians Armenians of NK want peace and co existence, they wont take up arms, rest now, u r trying real hard to help your armenian brothers, 30 years of illicit rule is good enough, time to go back
over 600,000+ refugees were forced out back in 1992; people who there for generations were kicked out by armenians; add to insult - there was always rumours that old Aliev did not do anything because grandmother was armenian.

Let us see, it is time to settle this conflict once and for all;
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