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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

and the Houthi are darn near fearless while the Sandis don't seem overly brave or effective.

I'd be surprised if either Arm or Az soldiers are as brave as Houthis or as ineffective as Sandis.

Ethnic Armenians fight like lions in NK because they are defending their holy land from what they consider foreign invaders. Think Israel defending itself against Arabs in the 1940s to 1970s. On the other hand, Azeri soldiers have low morale because they know NK is historic Armenian land. It only became part of Azerbaijan when the Soviets gave it to them as a gift, in other words, not legit.
My two cents on the outcome of this war. Azeri forces will take back some land, Armenians will keep some. Both kept something, and none kept everything. Then it will be over.
I think the Azeri will focus on retaking districts that had large Azeri populations but were ethnically cleansed in the 90's....Fuzuli and Jabrail. According to Azeri sources Fuzuli district has already been retaken. After these districts are retaken....some sort of negotiated settlement will be arranged by the Russians, IMO.
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and the Houthi are darn near fearless while the Sandis don't seem overly brave or effective.

I'd be surprised if either Arm or Az soldiers are as brave as Houthis or as ineffective as Sandis.


Ethnic Armenians fight like lions in NK because they are defending their holy land from what they consider foreign invaders. Think Israel defending itself against Arabs in the 1940s to 1970s. On the other hand, Azeri soldiers have low morale because they know NK is historic Armenian land. It only became part of Azerbaijan when the Soviets gave it to them as a gift, in other words, not legit.

Is this why we see young Armenian soldiers on the battlefield, instead of veterans?

Also we have seen the video of them breaking down and crying.

You can try very hard to spin it, but the end result is Armenia failed in its invasion of more Azeri land and now has lost territory. In the coming days, they will give way more and more.

Azeris ruled all of Iran during the Safavi dynasty, which was one of the greatest and most powerful empires of all time. They went toe to toe with the Ottomans and our Mughal ancestors at their heights.
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yes i admit there is some credence to the idea of armenians fight tooth and nail
geneva conventions or not they see it as a war of existence. if they lose, they will eventually cease to exist.
Ethnic Armenians in NK sort of like like Scots in Braveheart. Defending their ethnic land.

You sound like a WWI general.....most thought victory would go to the side with better martial character. Modern machine guns quickly changed their thinking. Better morale doesn't make you bullet proof.

Similar... today drones are raining hell on the Armenians. Despite their higher morale...they have no answer.
okay, that is certainly a reason to be motivated.
Sure but you know perfectly well that the "English", with superior arms and numbers, eventually stomped the Scots.
Damn boy You coked up or something. Don't hurt nobody Boy. I mean i do understand Canada got some good shiznet but boy you on smoking some Armenian shiznet.
there is some merit to it
armenians are one of the great ancients who have maintained a continuous civilization across millennia.
The unfortunate events of ww1 brought this realization into their collective conscious that the threat of annihilation is very very real against them and their right to exist
when placed in a spot like that they will take any conflict against them as a war to exist and survive....
armenians are one of the great ancients

if that is true then where are the ancient man made structures? ireland, UK, France, Egypt, Pakistan.... have them. What is in Armenia? Wikipedia doesn't list any ancient man made sites in Armenia. So probably not true.
It is highly likely Russia will recognize Artsakh the way Russia recognized Abkhazia and South Ossetia and the US recognized Kosovo if Azerbaijan tries to take over Artsakh. They always pull the ethnic cleansing card.
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