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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

Absolutely not the same, South Ossetia was given to Georgia by Stalin! They want to get back to Russia! So are the Muslim Abkhaz, they fight Christian Georgia to get back within Russia. Chechnya was a Russian republic and autonomous. They tried to secede from Russia, in no way they were persecuted or genocide by Russia until the wars of 1990-2000s. Russia committed genocide against them in 1700-1800s. Crimea was Russian territory until Stalin transferred it to the Ucraina. Also I believe Iran has been very sensible to the Caucasus issue and avoiding to destabilize the area. It kept a neutral stance towards Azerbaijan and Armenia but sides to a certain extent with Armenia when it saw what Azerbaijan was doing. Most Iranian of course support the Azari, because they are Shia Muslims and Iranian and Acari have common everything. I’m sure I have relatives on both sides of this conflict.

You did not open your mind, sorry, if you had then talk about how Armenian unilateral aggressive move into Karabakh is justified and throwing away of azeris is justifiable. sorry i am not buying your victim mindset.
I like you bro but you simply closing your eyes I also know there is no friends in politics, just temporary alliances and shared interests. At the end Iranian, Turks, Azerbaijan, are all Muslims and not my cup of tea as I don’t live there, however I will say I will support Armenians until proven they are responsible for war, which at this point it’s clear that Azerbaijan is the aggressor. The US, EU and Russia are all in aggregamento on that.

Was Russia the aggressor to the Second Chechen War.
I like you bro but you simply closing your eyes I also know there is no friends in politics, just temporary alliances and shared interests. At the end Iranian, Turks, Azerbaijan, are all Muslims and not my cup of tea as I don’t live there, however I will say I will support Armenians until proven they are responsible for war, which at this point it’s clear that Azerbaijan is the aggressor. The US, EU and Russia are all in aggregamento on that.
Just a silly argument. Armenians are occupying Azeri areas for last 30 years. What do you think Azeris should just live with Armenian aggression forever? Even after Armenian refused to honor the UN resolutions. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was right in saying that world powers tried their best not to resolve this issue. Now Azeris are doing it by themselves. The war started the day when Armenians occupied Azeri lands and it never stopped. It's not a new war. It's just a new phase of the war imposed by Armenians on Azerbaijan.
Hello, buddy we are from Pakistan. Pashtoon from both sides. you forget 30 percent of Pakistan army is Pashtoon. You want desertion, and I bet India would be happy. just try it, 20 years, this side lived in hell. You just need a kick to start a chain reaction. But i guess, army is not that foolish, build the bond to break it for a keyboard warrior.

So you have nothing but a broken down Afghanistan?
The 3rd video time @ :20 feel bad for the dude running towards the truck and getting hell fired on.
Looks like the Staff officers directing these ops didn't attend the War College for fun or learning how to lie with a straight face....

Systematically the enemy's capability and will to fight are being destroyed.....
Maybe if Pakistan follows you, we would have a broken down Pakistan, and you know what comes next, r@pIst India.

Rapist India and broken down Afghanistan are both our enemies

And I like other Pakistanis have no sympathy or mercy left for those Namak haram Afghans

Build the border fence and start kicking those refugees out

This is not funny. This is true. Nearly every major terrorist attack blamed on Muslims has been carried out by Western or Russian intelligence agencies. From the CiA Boston bombing to the MI5/6 London Subway Bombings.

This is known to everybody who is open to the truth.

Chechens were framed by Russians because Russians wanted Chechnya. To support Armenia and not Chechenya is worse than hypocritical.

Putin is in on the war on Islam, Putin gets to kill any pro-Western Muslims, and US gets to kill any anti-Western Muslims. So Muslims can't have peace. Both Washington and Moscow work for Netanyahu. It is a diabolical operation.
Okay, and being a pakistani, on what basis, should the durand line exist.
On the basis of the referendum that resulted in NWFP (as it was known then) joining Pakistan, as well as international law under which Pakistan is a successor State to the British and therefore inherits treaties and agreements made by the British, which includes the Durand Agreement on border demarcation with Afghanistan.

Under international law, the Durand Line is the legal and internationally recognized border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, which is why, despite all the whining and crying from Afghanistan, they have never dared take the issue to any international arbitration body because they know they'll lose.

That said, many people are sympathetic to the idea of open borders between Pakistan and Afghanistan, where trade & travel can occur freely. However, such open borders require peace and stability in Afghanistan as well as agreements on trade and uniformity on issues such as tariffs and restricted markets, otherwise open borders just become a way for other countries to bypass Pakistani tariffs or restrictions by being smuggled in from Afghanistan and Afghanistan just becomes a conduit for drugs & weapons smuggling, and a haven for criminals and terrorists with operations in Pakistan.
On the basis of the referendum that resulted in NWFO joining Pakistan as well as international law under which Pakistan is a successor State to the British and therefore inherits treaties and agreements made by the British, which includes the Durand Agreement on border demarcation with Afghanistan.

Under international law, the Durand Line is the legal and internationally recognized border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, which is why, despite all the whining and crying from Afghanistan, they have never dared take the issue to any international arbitration body because they know they'll lose.

That said, most people are sympathetic to the idea of open borders between Pakistan and Afghanistan, where trade & travel can occur freely. However, such open borders require peace and stability in Afghanistan as well as agreements on trade and uniformity on issues such as tarrifs and restricted markets, otherwise open borders just become a way for other countries to bypass Pakistani tarrifs or restrictions by being smuggled in from Afghanistan.
International law, hmm, where was international law when US attacked Iraq. Where is international law, when kashmir is occupied. Its not like that buddy. Why is china occupying ladakh, because it shows the old maps. I can show you an old map of Afghanistan, where NWFP was part of Afghanistan, will you cede it to Afghanistan if they ask, if the world acted on what Pakistani thing, then wars would never happen. Maybe if 62, if a country had courage, we would have kashmir, rather than talking about an invisible line. Yah, on another note, shaksgam valley was part of Pakistan, why did they give it to china. I mean, Pakistan, talks about durand line, but has no problem giving away free land to china. Maybe because angering a stronger state was not on the army menu.
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