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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

On what price ?? Without the turks coming in there is a litle to no reason nor justification for pulling the CSTO card .
If we leave Azerbaijan and Armenia alone, Armenia will wear down Azerbaijan, frustrate them,and soon it will be stalemate...smaller enemy doesnt mean les competent enemy.

Enemy with better airforce doesnt mean that Enemy will win. so many of you make bad assumptions that kept getting proven wrong in recent and new conflicts. Armenia has already had disproportionate damage on Azerbaijan, i dunno, it might be Russian training..
LMAO @ its a simple math- no its not! Russia can sell Christian , fellow CSTO ally and friend any equipment, using any method- gold, loan, deferred, gifts,etc, especially if it helps trim down all the wild TUrkish proxies in the region...just watch..you realy think Russia will leave Armenia to hang dry? LMAOOOOOOO...if u think so then just watch the conflict for your surprises...
And again .. you are missing the point here . By the cost comparison alone the balance was allready tipped on the Azeri's side ...
Between the thousand-hundred thousand drone price vs million dollar worth of equipment ..?? And do you honestly believed when thing get to this point the turks were still thinking on profits too ....

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By the cost comparison alone the balance was allready tipped on the Azeri's side ...
the war is just started and its not over, so why are you making these sort of assumptions?? ur not even on the battlefield..or are you insecure Azerbaijan might really be losing even if they shouldnt???? calm down too bro!!
if Iran and azerbaijan combine... you can call it whatever you want.

pashtoos never ruled Iran. They briefly managed to capture parts of , including Isfahan (which they absolutely pillaged and burned). this was done with Ottoman assistance who wanted to weaken IRan at the end of the safavid dynasty when the situation was unstable.

this gave birth to the famous Nader Shah. Who took the Iranian army and absolutely crushed the afghans. completely anahilated and ended the Hotaki dynasty .

and gave the ottomans such a severe skull crushing beating, that it scared the Russians into voluntarily handing recently occupied Iranian lands back. wanting nothing to do with Nader Shah.

because Armenia is in the way. and turkey really doesnt have much of a territorial claim there, and it had never historically reached the caspian. which would be a huge geopolitical shift that neither Iran or Russia would allow.
lol, we destroyed the safavids, remember, if we could do it once, we can surely do it again. Nader shah was not even a shia, you do know that, the fifth school of thought. Ahmed shah durrani was a general in the army. An afghan would never be associated with Iran if nader shah was hostile to them. When nader shah died, Afghanistan became detached, meaning it willing binding it to afsharid empire.
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Who are you to question my or any other Muslim's Islamic credentials?
this isnt what i said. i said YOU are questioning IRan's Islamic credentials. dont mince my words.
You are not even Muslim. This is not a place for your games, discuss the thread, not posters.
No i'm not, and i dont have to be to be on this forum so whats your point? dont censor me.
You are breaking forum rules again. Keep going on and I will report you.
no i'm not. what rule did i break? stop manipulating. i'm confronting your bad arguments, point for point and now that its going bad for you you start attacking me with false accusations.
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If we leave Azerbaijan and Armenia alone, Armenia will wear down Azerbaijan, frustrate them,and soon it will be stalemate...smaller enemy doesnt mean les competent enemy.

Enemy with better airforce doesnt mean that Enemy will win. so many of you make bad assumptions that kept getting proven wrong in recent and new conflicts. Armenia has already had disproportionate damage on Azerbaijan, i dunno, it might be Russian training..
We are allready coming to this point yet you still thinking on what if scenario ?? Are you serious here ??.

Am i talking to a wall or somthing ?? Damn
Wrong, Karabakh was taken over by Czar Alexandar in 1812 during Persian Russia war, and ten of thousand of Azeris were expelled after Treaty of Gulistan... please check history and stop lying.
Azari are Iranians, they simply moved there whenvsafavid rulers conquered the region. Armenians lived there since time before the Hittite empire, 3000 years before anyone else was there, way before they were Christians.
you compare Nagorno-Karabakah to Chechnya? That’s land Russia won in a century of conquest. It’s been Russian over 2 centuries now and won in a war. Nagorno-Karabakah was taken by dictator Joseph Stalin and administratively handed you Azerbaijan in Stalin policy of divide and conquer. Same as Abkhaz Muslims and Ossetian being put under Georgian control. Have you ever heard of Abkhazia? I also didn’t see no Pakestan I fighting In Chechnya. Plenty of fanatic Wahabi Salafi pigs that radicalized the Sufi Chechnya folk. I loved watching those pigs die but the cowards they were, they run like rabbits when Russia actually decided to fight. Salami cowards left Chechnya to the Russians and run away to cause massacres in other Muslim lands!

Iranians have no say in the future of the people of the Caucasus. They are hypocrites in supporting Putin. They are for war to subjugate the people of the Caucasus to Putin, like the people of Ossetia, Chechnya, Dagestan, Ingush.

Then these same brain dead Iranians get offended when Azerbaijan claims land given by the Moscow government in the division of the Soviet Union that gave North Ossetians to Russian SFSR. Why not freedom for the people of the North Caucasus.

Finland got their independence, they were occupied by Russians since 1810
Estonia got their independence, occupied by Russians since 1718
Latvia got their independence, occupied by Russians since 1795
Lithuanaia got their independence, occupied by Russians since 1795
Ukraine got their independence, occupied by Russians since 1777
Moldovia got their independence, occupied by Russians since 1810
Part of Poland got their independence, occupied by Russia since 1815

The Caucasus were among the last territory taken, why should they be held by genocider Putin.

Ossetia, Chechnya, Dagestan, Ingush, Crimea should supported for independence from genociding Mongol Russians.

This is where Turkey is right. They are wrong in their neo-Ottomanism. Turks are behaving like Mongol-Turko-Russians in Syria, Libya, Iraq, Cyprus and Greece.

How Netanyahu treats Palestinians and Syrians and Iranians, Putin treats Crimean Tatars, Chechens, and other people Iranians want to be continually subjected to Moscow.

Iran should trade, Iranian wealth and oil and go to Moscow, and Caucasians can ge free.

The people of the North Caucasus have their Bibi Netayahu for fuhrer of Russia in putin, and Iranians support this genocider.

Iranians are like the idiots in the US who think the two party system, one of the parties 'must' be a good option, if it is not the Democrats, then the Republics 'must' be choice. If not the Republicans then Dems 'must' be good. This is the option of Washington and Moscow.

Iran there is a fight between anti-Hezbollah Macron vs anti-Assad Erdogan. Have the Iranians be forced to pick a side. Same false dichotomy with putin vs USA. They are both terrible options. And Iran sides with Putin against Muslims in the Caucasus again and again. Shia Muslims. Sunni Muslims. Iran does not care, Iran wants them subjugated to Russia, who genocided Muslims. We are not talking about oppression, like in Kashmir. Russia genocides Muslims, and Iran backs these actions, as fighting terrorism.

The same exact argument are made against Iran, we need to bomb Iran to stop Iranian terrorism.

The Republic of Chechnya was free like Nagorno-Karabakh. Iran supports the break away Republic of Christian Armenians. They do not support the Republic of Chechnya, that was framed with a false flag.

This is exactly what Putin did to start a war with Chechnya, a false flag.

Washington and Moscow are on the same side since 1991. Washington loots and Moscow has to take it.

Chechens were three times genocided by the Russians, you say the Armenians have more rights than Chechens. FK OFF.
Also southern underbelly of Russian territory...if you play with Russia's border countries that Russia supports, expect a sting. Russian military today isnt outdated, old USSR military..some people want to understand that the hard way it seems.
Interesting how you readily accuse others of hypocrisy. Turkey is equally permitted to take an active interest in its regional power balances. Turkey is as permitted as Russia to ensure friendly governments are in place in its neighbourhood.

Iran needs to be at peace with the reality that Turkey has a better track record of empire building and can do it without descending into a damaging short-sighted mullahocracy. No Pakistani has any personal beef with Iranians or the nation of Iran per se but we know for a fact that Turkish interests align with ours in terms of Hindustan. Iran fluctuates and flip flops while the Saudis have gone missing completely.
Azari are Iranians, they simply moved there whenvsafavid rulers conquered the region. Armenians lived there since time before the Hittite empire, 3000 years before anyone else was there, way before they were Christians.
Oh dear, another temporal absolutist. Shall we return all lands to their original genetically determined inhabitants? You might need to terminate the white race if you wish to follow that theory.
Iranians have no say in the future of the people of the Caucasus. They are hypocrites in supporting Putin. They are for war to subjugate the people of the Caucasus to Putin, like the people of Ossetia, Chechnya, Dagestan, Ingush.

Then these same brain dead Iranians get offended when Azerbaijan claims land given by the Moscow government in the division of the Soviet Union that gave North Ossetians to Russian SFSR. Why not freedom for the people of the North Caucasus.

Finland got their independence, they were occupied by Russians since 1810
Estonia got their independence, occupied by Russians since 1718
Latvia got their independence, occupied by Russians since 1795
Lithuanaia got their independence, occupied by Russians since 1795
Ukraine got their independence, occupied by Russians since 1777
Moldovia got their independence, occupied by Russians since 1810
Part of Poland got their independence, occupied by Russia since 1815

The Caucasus were among the last territory taken, why should they be held by genocider Putin.

Ossetia, Chechnya, Dagestan, Ingush, Crimea should supported for independence from genociding Mongol Russians.

This is where Turkey is right. They are wrong in their neo-Ottomanism. Turks are behaving like Mongol-Turko-Russians in Syria, Libya, Iraq, Cyprus and Greece.

How Netanyahu treats Palestinians and Syrians and Iranians, Putin treats Crimean Tatars, Chechens, and other people Iranians want to be continually subjected to Moscow.

Iran should trade, Iranian wealth and oil and go to Moscow, and Caucasians can ge free.

The people of the North Caucasus have their Bibi Netayahu for fuhrer of Russia in putin, and Iranians support this genocider.

Iranians are like the idiots in the US who think the two party system, one of the parties 'must' be a good option, if it is not the Democrats, then the Republics 'must' be choice. If not the Republicans then Dems 'must' be good. This is the option of Washington and Moscow.

Iran there is a fight between anti-Hezbollah Macron vs anti-Assad Erdogan. Have the Iranians be forced to pick a side. Same false dichotomy with putin vs USA. They are both terrible options. And Iran sides with Putin against Muslims in the Caucasus again and again. Shia Muslims. Sunni Muslims. Iran does not care, Iran wants them subjugated to Russia, who genocided Muslims. We are not talking about oppression, like in Kashmir. Russia genocides Muslims, and Iran backs these actions, as fighting terrorism.

The same exact argument are made against Iran, we need to bomb Iran to stop Iranian terrorism.

The Republic of Chechnya was free like Nagorno-Karabakh. Iran supports the break away Republic of Christian Armenians. They do not support the Republic of Chechnya, that was framed with a false flag.

This is exactly what Putin did to start a war with Chechnya, a false flag.

Washington and Moscow are on the same side since 1991. Washington loots and Moscow has to take it.

Chechens were three times genocided by the Russians, you say the Armenians have more rights than Chechens. FK OFF.
Absolutely not the same, South Ossetia was given to Georgia by Stalin! They want to get back to Russia! So are the Muslim Abkhaz, they fight Christian Georgia to get back within Russia. Chechnya was a Russian republic and autonomous. They tried to secede from Russia, in no way they were persecuted or genocide by Russia until the wars of 1990-2000s. Russia committed genocide against them in 1700-1800s. Crimea was Russian territory until Stalin transferred it to the Ucraina. Also I believe Iran has been very sensible to the Caucasus issue and avoiding to destabilize the area. It kept a neutral stance towards Azerbaijan and Armenia but sides to a certain extent with Armenia when it saw what Azerbaijan was doing. Most Iranian of course support the Azari, because they are Shia Muslims and Iranian and Acari have common everything. I’m sure I have relatives on both sides of this conflict.
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