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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

And most probably failed Iranian revolution export project is the reason for such Azeri behaviour.

This behavior is typical of Iranian policy of late. They offer you a chance to capitulate, if you refuse, they will side with anyone and everyone to destroy you.

This tendency has pushed Arab regimes completely into the hands of US and Israel, it has resulted in several decades of war in Afghanistan, has caused humanitarian tragedies for Sunnis of Syria and Iraq, and has reared its ugly head in Armenia.

In Pakistan, it has caused us loss of life of civilians and security forces due to Iranians hosting Indian proxies.
Talk about territorial integrity? About about NATO bombing Serbia to make Kosovo secede. As Chinese say, power comes from the barrel of a gun, not from a piece of paper.
NATO (NATO member countries) should have obtained UNSC Authorization prior to using military force in Serbia. UNSC Authorization was obtained for the use of force in Afghanistan.
for me INDIA siding with armenia is enough evidence that armenian are the oppressors coz Hindutva NAZIE will support the one like him afcours UN recadinses nagorno karabakh as Azérie territory.
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YOu know what i realized, when you talk about IRan, i just realized that i am not sure if you are actually analyzing IRan or your insecurities about Iran's Islamic "credentials"...seriously!!

Who are you to question my or any other Muslim's Islamic credentials?

You are not even Muslim. This is not a place for your games, discuss the thread, not posters.

You are breaking forum rules again. Keep going on and I will report you.
Why are Iranians hypocrite stooges for Vlad Putin. 25% of the civilian population of Chechnya were slaughtered by the (Turko-Mongol)-Russians in the Chechen Wars. Chechens had their own country like Nagorno-Karabakh. That they won, nearly exactly like Nagorno-Karabakh, after the break up of the Soviet Union. Then Yelstin appointee Putin did a false flag:

Even made the British papers:

Russia does a terrorist attack against themselves so they could kill a quarter million Chechen civilians for oil, and here is Iran's response.

Russia supports separatists Ossetians in Georgia, does not support separatists in Russia.

Putin's fake nationalist Russia is not trying to help Iran

Putin helped Assad only to beat ISIS for ISrahell. Held up S-300s for years because of Bibi Netanyahu's veto in Moscow. Are Syria's S-300s fully operational now to hit Israhelli warplanes. Probably not still after years of waiting.

Putin support India. Putin supports the neo-nazi Muslim haters in Europe. Those far reichers only like Iran because they hate the jews even more than they hate Muslims.

Iran is an honest player in the Caucasus as much as Israhell is an honest player in Syria.

Iranians response: that is different Georgia is controlled by zionists.
Putin is a zionist stooge, much like the Putin-bots in Iran.

Have tensions between Russia and Iran in Syria gone so far that it is at this stage?

I was not expecting this sort of post from you.
On what price ?? Between a thousand or hundred thousand dollar drone and million dollar AA defence equipment the armenian will soon find they are digging a very deep hole they could never hope to climbing it up again ...
It's a simple math really . But , it's due coming anyway ..
LMAO @ its a simple math- no its not! Russia can sell Christian , fellow CSTO ally and friend any equipment, using any method- gold, loan, deferred, gifts,etc, especially if it helps trim down all the wild TUrkish proxies in the region...just watch..you realy think Russia will leave Armenia to hang dry? LMAOOOOOOO...if u think so then just watch the conflict for your surprises...
Bullcrap. As I have already pointed out, Armenians butchered Azeris too. Yerevan used to be 50% Azeri - yes, you read it right - until Armenians flooded back and drove them away. The whole premise of Armenian exclusive victimhood is false. Armenian, Azeris and Kashmiris have all been victims. Delhi was never a victim, only a perpetrator, hence your weak analogy is patently false.
Show me the genocide against the Azerbaijani in Eravan. I don’t recall no Muslims being crucified after getting raped by some savages. You however can see all the evidence of what happened to Armenians. I never said Armenians were angels, in the 1990s war they committed atrocities but that was retribution for Azeri killings. Read up please. Did you even look up what Azerbaijani did to Armenians living in Baku, or Ganja or even inside Nagorno-Karabakah? Back in 1990?
Gotta love the effort you go to, to defend indefensible and hostile Iranian actions against Muslim Turkey, Azerbaycan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Arabs, etc.

Shah bash.
Gotta love the victim mentality and attitude you put on once Iran comes up- dont be afraid bro! Islamic Iran wont hurt you. if you want IRan on your side so bad, then man up and ask for it and dont give a damn what the cost for that will be....
Afghanistan and Pakistan are headed towards merger
hah a ....not without Iran annexing western afghanistan first. if You merge Afghanistan into Pakistan, you wont get all of Afghanistan,thats guaranteed incase you didnt know.
Iran has two rising Muslim powers flanking it,
who and who? is White, CHristian NATO- dependent Tukey one of them? this is so funny- Iran already took on their daddy US and didnt lose so how will they be any real threat? the 2nd country isnt a threat, so just mention the name. the problem you have is you start competing with IRan in what you are not good at - empire building. just keep doing your biz with China bro.
day by day internal troubles are brewing and proxies are failing.
are you talking about Turkey? they started copying IRan and they arent getting the same results...US cant put boots on ground in ME anymore in serious #s thats why US lets TUrkey do this BS.

It is time for Iran to try behaving like a responsible country and backing away from India, Armenia, Serbia, Assad, and stop arming Shia militias all over the ME.
Same for Pakistan. US already moving tanks to your border, because of interference with Afghan peace deal. i LOVE how some of

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