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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

Just a silly argument. Armenians are occupying Azeri areas for last 30 years. What do you think Azeris should just live with Armenian aggression forever? Even after Armenian refused to honor the UN resolutions. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was right in saying that world powers tried their best not to resolve this issue. Now Azeris are doing it by themselves. The war started the day when Armenians occupied Azeri lands and it never stopped. It's not a new war. It's just a new phase of the war imposed by Armenians on Azerbaijan.

Russia took back Crimea by force. Azerbaijan can take back NK by force if they have the required power.
Okay, and being a pakistani, on what basis, should the durand line exist. I mean KP is a pashtoon area. What if they tomorrow ask to accede to Afghanistan, would pakistan allow it. The same is for kashmir, i know how this works. Kashmir is a muslim majority area, would India give it, no, its all about might is right and no army is worthy if it pounces on the weak but cant stand to someone its own size.This is all bullcrap, if you wanted kashmir, 62, army would have had it. But that needs courage, not stupid debates on a nationalistic website.
Stick to a single subject, you're all over the place.

[Edit]: this is quite off topic, but since I've been asked, I hope the mods don't mind.

The Durand line is the legal internationally recognized border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. I'm not here to make some bs moral argument, I'm just here to stick with the facts.

You're presenting a scenario about KP that is unrealistic, thus not even worth bringing up.

Kashmir is an internationally recognized disputed land, the Durand line is not. The two are not comparable, not even on a principle basis.

I'm not here to debate you on the merits of Pakistan potentially getting involved in the China-India war in 1962. Why would you even being that up? You're arguing a strawman right now.


I have written about the Durand line quite a lot of times, and how it is essential for the survival of Pakistan as a nation. I'll try and explain why...

Afghanistan is not broken nation, because it was never a united nation to begin with. Through out its history, since even before the time of Ahmed Shah, the land was broken into tribes, fighting each other for anything and everything. Even Ahmed Shah's efforts of uniting the various lands fell short, as he died before his efforts to come to complete fruition.

This is why we've never seen a proper sustainable Afghan national government, and Afghan national army. The country is not united, and the moments that the afghan tribes do temporarily come together, it's only because of a foreign foe that threatens them collectively.

The Durand line is essential, as it divides the stable and united land that is Pakistan, and the Frankensteinian region that is Afghanistan, which keeps falling apart, no matter how much the world tries to stitch it together. The Durand line gives Pakistan a defensive line against any overflow of fighting that occurs in Afghanistan.

So long as the world continues to pretend that Afghanistan can be saved from its tribal divides, and ethnic divisions,to become a united nation (which will never happen), there can never be peace in the region called Afghanistan. I, myself, only call it a country and nation as a formality, nothing more.

The Durand line, which is the a part of the very idea of Pakistan, is the only thing that is keeping Pakistan from falling into the same chaos as Afghanistan.

This is just a short and quick summary of what my basis is. I've left out a number of other issues of why the Durand line is important, such as Afghanistan claiming sovereignty over Pakistani land, or the refugee issue, and so on.

Personally, I believe Afghanistan should be broken across political, geographical and ideological lines, like South Asia was between India and Pakistan. It would lead to long term stability.
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NK is sort of like Kosovo. Kosovo is internationally recognized Serbian land but controlled by ethnic Albanian separatists backed by neighboring Albania. NK is internationally recognized Azerbaijani land but controlled by ethnic Armenian separatists backed by neighboring Armenia. Nothing is perfect. Not even borders of nations that are supposed to be demarcated by ethnicity for example Serbia, Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan. That's why there are ethnic wars along borders.
I believe he meant to say it wouldn't be an issue diplomacy wise with Taliban coming into the picture --
Thanks for the correction.

Even in that case, the Durand line would be an issue. Let's not forget, the taliban were also against the Durand line, and claimed pakistani land, when they were in power.
NK is sort of like Kosovo. Kosovo is internationally recognized Serbian land but controlled by ethnic Albanian separatists backed by neighboring Albania. NK is internationally recognized Azerbaijani land but controlled by ethnic Armenian separatists backed by neighboring Armenia. Nothing is perfect. Not even borders of nations that are supposed to be demarcated by ethnicity for example Serbia, Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan. That's why there are ethnic wars along borders.
Kosovo is an internationally recognized independent nation, what are you talking about.

A better example would have been Taiwan.
Kosovo is an internationally recognized independent nation, what are you talking about.

A better example would have been Taiwan.

Kosovo used to internationally recognized Serbian land until NATO bombed Serbia into submission. Even today Kosovo is not UN member state. OK how about Taiwan? US does not recognize Taiwan yet arms Taiwan with weapons to slaughter mainland Chinese. Taiwan is sort of like NK.
Okay, and being a pakistani, on what basis, should the durand line exist. I mean KP is a pashtoon area. What if they tomorrow ask to accede to Afghanistan, would pakistan allow it. The same is for kashmir, i know how this works. Kashmir is a muslim majority area, would India give it, no, its all about might is right and no army is worthy if it pounces on the weak but cant stand to someone its own size.This is all bullcrap, if you wanted kashmir, 62, army would have had it. But that needs courage, not stupid debates on a nationalistic website.

As a pashtun, let me tell u on what basis the durand line exists.
First of all, the area of KP have been taken by the pashtuns of KP. We have yousafzai, khattak, afridi, mohmand and many other tribes that rule these areas since hundreds of years. Pashtuns in Afghanistan are our brothers and cousins but that doea not mean they can claim my land as theirs.
Secondly, the durand li e was signed by emir of Afghanistan with british, do u know why?? Pashtuns of KPK from dir swat in north till Waziristan in South never accepted British and kept fighting guerilla war. The british were fi ding it extremely difficult to control the northwest, so they made a deal with Afghanistan. The people of kabul basically cutt us off, the emir of Afghanistan promised brits that they will not help the pashtun guerillas against brits. People of kabul told brits to kill any pashtuns beyond the durand line and Afghanistan wont react. These people of kabul sold us off to the brits but we kept fighting, even till august 1947. Then we joined Pakistan with our own free will. Who is Afghanistan to claim anything otherwise.
Read some history and ull come to know that there have been many wars between pashtuns of east and west. Pashtuns of dir, swat and bajur fought lashkars from kabul, pashtuns of the east have always maintained their independence even when Peshawar was part of Afghanistan. Pashtuns are free and free to join anyone. If anything, there are more pashtuns in Pakistan than in Afghanistan. Pashtuns in Afghanistan are not in ideal situation, the tajik, uzbek and farsi speakers control everything and thats y pashtuns had to unite under taliban. If anything, they need to be liberated from those non pashtuns. I know my history well but unfortunately many pashtuns dont, PTM type movements are misleading ppl for their interests.
Azerbaijan News Anchor Crying While Announcing Victory News,
We can feel this victory tears Because we all hope Kashimir will be free from Indian army atrocities soon.Inshallah

The Armenians are hurting and desperately trying to get the Russians involved.....so far Russia has been neutral. I think they are letting the Armenians get pounded so they will accept some peace mediation from Russia. The Russians understand that status quo will no longer work.
The Armenians are hurting and desperately trying to get the Russians involved.....so far Russia has been neutral. I think they are letting the Armenians get pounded so they will accept some peace mediation from Russia. The Russians understand that status quo will no longer work.

Considering this is an ethnic war which is the most brutal kind of war, Armenia likely won't invoke CSTO unless they have heavy casualties.
Kosovo is an internationally recognized independent nation, what are you talking about.

A better example would have been Taiwan.

As a pashtun, let me tell u on what basis the durand line exists.
First of all, the area of KP have been taken by the pashtuns of KP. We have yousafzai, khattak, afridi, mohmand and many other tribes that rule these areas since hundreds of years. Pashtuns in Afghanistan are our brothers and cousins but that doea not mean they can claim my land as theirs.
Secondly, the durand li e was signed by emir of Afghanistan with british, do u know why?? Pashtuns of KPK from dir swat in north till Waziristan in South never accepted British and kept fighting guerilla war. The british were fi ding it extremely difficult to control the northwest, so they made a deal with Afghanistan. The people of kabul basically cutt us off, the emir of Afghanistan promised brits that they will not help the pashtun guerillas against brits. People of kabul told brits to kill any pashtuns beyond the durand line and Afghanistan wont react. These people of kabul sold us off to the brits but we kept fighting, even till august 1947. Then we joined Pakistan with our own free will. Who is Afghanistan to claim anything otherwise.
Read some history and ull come to know that there have been many wars between pashtuns of east and west. Pashtuns of dir, swat and bajur fought lashkars from kabul, pashtuns of the east have always maintained their independence even when Peshawar was part of Afghanistan. Pashtuns are free and free to join anyone. If anything, there are more pashtuns in Pakistan than in Afghanistan. Pashtuns in Afghanistan are not in ideal situation, the tajik, uzbek and farsi speakers control everything and thats y pashtuns had to unite under taliban. If anything, they need to be liberated from those non pashtuns. I know my history well but unfortunately many pashtuns dont, PTM type movements are misleading ppl for their interests.
Don't teach me history. I have read from magnaten to second anglo afghan war. The emirs signed it with the British not with Pakistani. So did the Chinese with the British, not Pakistan. Why did Pakistan drew the borders again with Pakistan, when they should have accepted what British gave them. I don't like to play game, straight to the point, now the ball is in your court. The problem is with Pakistani hypocrisy, on one side, Afghanistan, you are saying British did this and British drew this line and that. But on the other hand, the same British line didn't come into play when shaksgam valley was given to china. I mean come on, dhul jhonkna koi pakistaniyo sae sikae. Advisor one should forget the informal language at the top of para, its for the other guy.
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