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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

Aryzin, you are right, Stalin policy if divide and rule, but soviet split on those boundaries, whats wrong with Armenia to try to take that area by going to war.. peaceful coexistence would have been better if Armenia had allowed people in azerbijan with 75% armenians kn Karakah to live peacefully
It’s not a matter of coexistence, the Armenian people were getting massacred by Azari people. Look up Baku Azerbaijan pogrom against Armenian people living in Azerbaijan. The Armenian folk had no choice but fight off genocide. People here conveniently bring up that Nagorno-Karabakh is recognized Azerbaijani territory but don’t seem to know or even aknowledge that Armenians lived and owned the land way before. The reason for this war is simple and people here don’t want to understand that Armenians were being killed and ethnically cleansed in 1990, in Baku snd all over Azerbaijan. Armenians took up arms and fended off Azerbaijani attacks aimed at completely killing off Armenians. The land never belonged to Azerbaijan , it was given to them by Stalin and Armenians never were given a choice, and when after the Soviet collapse, Azerbaijan had a chance to be a democratic society, they instead opting to kill their Christian neighbors and dispossessed the Armenian folk of all property, in many cases killing them, raping them and terrorizing them to the point of taking bulldozers and destroying Armenian cemeteries to show them they were never going to come back to their homes. If this seem to be righteous and Pakistani fellows here condone it, then I would say that in this case there is absolutely no difference with Kashmir. Telling me Kashmir is a different story doesn’t cut it because the transfer of Nagorno-Karabakah to Azerbaijan was done at the whim of a dictator and Armenians never had a say to whether they wanted their land to be given to Azerbaijan. If you’re ok with Nagorno-Karabakah being Azerbaijani, then you need to also say that Kashmiri have no right to any self-determination and that their territory belongs to India and that Kashmiri people deserve to be ruled and raped and murdered by Indian Army.
We don't need Armenian members, we very conveniently have many Iranian members doing free propaganda for Armenian crusaders.

Simple point is this, Nagorno-Karabakh is Azerbaycan land, recognized by the UN, which was forcibly annexed and had its demographics changed by violence, murder, and exile of its Azeri population by Armenian invaders.

Now they have begun this conflict which Azerbaycan has been warning the world community over and over again, most recently in their last UN speech a few days ago.

Armenia was preparing for this attack for years, fortifying its positions and raising fascist Islamophobic militias with Russian and Iranian support and training.

Now that they are losing, they cry in front of the world community.

As Pakistanis, it reminds us exactly of what Indians did to us at Kargil. Pakistani military victory was weakened and eventually gave way to a political loss due to the antics of our PM Nawaz Sharif under Western pressure.

I am sure Armenia is trting the same tacric, but they forgot that Turks and Azerbaycanis are not ruled by traitors like Pakistan was in 1999.
Behavior of iran isnt surprising..its like your with
Us or aginst us....
dont be surprised if during a war with india they invade Pakistan..

Armenia-azeri conflict should have been resolved with talks but armenia shows no flexibility..the land belongs to azeri but demographics is more armenian..

Solution should have been a autonomous region inside azeribijan free of armenian influence and least inference from azeri sadly didnt happen and we r seeing war now
Yes, I know some Turks themselves refuted this claim, but some Turks believe it as well, esp in the AKP party.

As for Durand Line issue, it is gone in sha Allah as soon as Taliban comes.
Basically, it's a matter of mindset!!! Anyway, the Turkish folks in general know that they have to fight to get their legitimate rights back....
How can you say that so casually? Azerbaijan allowing Israel to set up a base is a huge problem because it is the only way Israel could realistically attack Iran, which effectively makes Azerbaijan an enemy state.

Also, Azerbaijan is barely Muslim, much less Shia. Azeri Islamic faith is on paper only, in real life, Islam in Azerbaijan is surface level only and has nothing in common with the deep roots of Islam in Iran or Pakistan. In other words, it is kind of misleading to call Azerbaijan a Muslim country since it is only on the surface and on paper.
But it’s the truth, there really is no difference between Iranians, Turks, Azerbaijani and even Armenians. Only religion and linguistic differences. I’m willing to bet that genetically these people are really close.
Turkey Sends ISIS Warlord to Azerbaijan to Face Off Against Putin’s Armenian Allies

Former ISIS fighters have been dispatched to fight in a European showdown between Turkish and Russian proxies.
Muhammad Al-Binshi
Updated Sep. 29, 2020 7:11AM ET / Published Sep. 28, 2020 3:33PM ET


ISTANBUL, Turkey—On Sunday afternoon, a video depicting a large convoy of Islamist Syrian rebel fighters yelling enthusiastically as they drove off to war circulated widely on Arabic social media. Fighters in the packed trucks, driving quickly past the group of children filming with their phones, could be heard yelling “Allahu Akbar!” and, “Our leader, 'til the end of time, is our master, Muhammad!”
However, what shocked those watching the video weren’t the shouts of the Syrian fighters but rather those of the children filming, who yelled back at the soldiers in a language unfamiliar to most Syrians following their country’s nine-year war. “That’s not Kurdish, right?” said one user in an online group where the video emerged. “If they were Kurds, you think they’d be cheering them on?” responded another with a laugh out loud emoji.


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Over the next several hours, rumors swirled that the video was shot in Azerbaijan, a small Turkic-speaking nation lodged between Iran and Russia, and that the Syrian rebel fighters had been sent there to prop up the Azeri government in its war against neighboring Armenia that had begun that day. According to high-ranking Syrian rebel sources that spoke to The Daily Beast, these rumors are true. The fighters that appeared in the circulated video were part of a group of 1,000 Syrian rebel soldiers sent in two batches from Turkey on September 22 and 24.
“500 Hamza Brigade fighters were flown last Tuesday from southern Turkey to the Azeri airbase at Sumqayit [30 kilometers north of the Azeri capital of Baku]”, according to a source within the Syrian National Army (SNA) rebel outfit who requested anonymity. “Two days later, on Thursday, another 500 fighters from the Sultan Murad brigades rebel faction were similarly flown out to Azerbaijan.”
These claims were echoed by the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), a Syrian opposition body that monitors human rights violations in the country. SOHR sources suggest more batches of Syrian rebel fighters are preparing to be deployed to Azerbaijan.
The Hamza and Sultan Murad brigades are known within Syrian rebel circles as factions that enjoy especially close relations with Turkey, the last remaining patron of the Syrian opposition. Sayf Balud, commander of the Hamza brigades, however, is also known for his checkered past, in particular, as a former commander within the radical jihadist group ISIS.
An ethnic Syrian Turkman from the town of Biza’a in Aleppo city’s northern countryside, Balud originally joined the Abu Bakr Sadiq brigades, a moderate rebel faction near his hometown that received widespread support from Gulf states in the early years of the conflict. However, coming from a small, relatively unknown family, Balud failed to climb the ranks of Syria’s rebel movement as quickly as he would have liked, and as others from more prominent backgrounds regularly did. By early 2013, Balud had joined ISIS, whose ranks were staffed mostly by foreigners who couldn't have cared less about the social status of their Syrian recruits.

In July 2013, Balud appeared in an ISIS propaganda video shot in the border town of Tal Abyad after the group successfully captured the city from the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG). In the video, Sayf appears next to an Egyptian foreign fighter addressing a room full of two dozen captured YPG soldiers, who were assembled before an ISIS camera crew to officially repent for having joined an armed faction that ISIS’ leadership described as being “at war with God.”
Over the next several years, Balud’s star continued to rise, as the commander attained a level of status within ISIS that would have been unattainable in other rebel groups. Despite the large-scale defeat of ISIS across northern Syria at the hands of the YPG in 2016 and 2017, the cunning commander was able to leverage his history of fighting against Kurds to re-invent himself as a valuable client for another foreign patron: Turkey.
By January 2018, when Turkish backed rebel forces launched “Operation Olive Branch” to take over the Kurdish canton of Afrin located in Syria’s uppermost northwest corner, Balud regularly appeared in the group’s propaganda videos as the official commander of the newly formed Hamza brigades. His status as an ethnic Turkman, a small minority within Syria whose likeness to their Turkish kinsmen across the border has pushed Ankara to grant many coveted privileges such as Turkish citizenship and sensitive leadership positions, further endeared Balud to his new patrons.
According to SNA sources, Syrian rebel units now being sent to Azerbaijan by Turkey are almost exclusively led by ethnic Syrian Turkmen. “Sayf Balud is a Turkman. The Sultan Murad brigade’s commander, Fahim Aissa, is a Syrian Turkman, like Balud. Turkey only trusts factions led by Syrian Turkman to carry out these missions. These are sensitive for Turkey politically, and they don’t trust Syrian Arabs to lead them.”
Turkey’s intervention in Azerbaijan is indeed sensitive. After a four-year lull in fighting between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh, fighting between the two countries erupted anew on Sunday in fighting that killed two-dozen fighters.
Historically the Nagorno-Karabakh region has been internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan. But in 1991 Armenian factions within the region declared themselves independent. Three years of war over the disputed territory ended in 1994 with a Russian brokered ceasefire. The newly declared Nagorno-Karabakh republic was soon occupied by Armenia, which has since maintained de facto control of the area. With the exception of four days of fighting in April 2016, Sunday’s clashes were the first major instance of renewed combat between both countries over the status of the area. Both sides accuse the other of having initiated the fighting on Sunday.
Clashes continue, with dozens more casualties reported. Fighting alongside the Azeri regular forces were 1,000 Syrian rebel fighters, among them former jihadists led by ex-ISIS commander Sayf Balud.
All About the Oil
Turkey's move to send Syrian rebels to face-off against Armenia, a longtime rival of Turkey, is just the latest in a long string of neo-Ottoman foreign adventures undertaken by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan over the last 6 months. Ankara has deployed both its armed forces and Syrian proxies to crack down on Kurdish PKK and YPG forces in northern Syria and Iraqi Kurdistan throughout 2020.
Turkey has also intervened in western Libya and waters throughout the eastern Mediterranean where its navy has threatened NATO allies France and Greece in an attempt to strongarm both countries and lay claim to gas reserves located within Greece's maritime borders.
In Azerbaijan, Turkey is looking to demonstrate loyalty and prop up an oil-rich regime with which it has maintained close military ties since the 1994 ceasefire. Since 2005, they have launched numerous lucrative oil and gas initiatives including a pipeline that exports 1.2 million barrels of Azeri oil per day to the European Union (EU), earning Turkey upwards of $200 million in annual transit fees. In 2006, this cooperation expanded following the launch of the South Caucasus natural gas pipeline that annually exports 8.8 billion cubic meters of much needed Azeri gas to the Turkish market, a net importer of energy.
In 2011, Turkey began work on an expansive natural gas production network called the Trans Anatolian Pipeline, which is projected to export 31 billion cubic meters of Azeri gas to the EU by 2026. Turkish shareholders, who own a 30 percent stake in the project, stand to make huge profits.
Turkey’s push to transform Azerbaijan into a lucrative oil and gas export hub is also motivated by Ankara’s desire to come out from under Russia’s shadow. Turkey depends on Russia for 40 percent of its fossil fuels, a reliance that has forced Ankara to treat Russia as a friendly nation despite the fact that the two countries share almost no common interests.
The “Southern Gas Corridor,” a term referring to the various pipelines emerging out of Azerbaijan, has been heavily cheered on by the EU, which also wants to break its dependence on Russian gas. No surprise then that Russia is on the other side in the ongoing dispute between Azerbaijan and Armenia over Nagorno-Karabakh.
Nagorno-Karabakh is now the third theater where Russia and Turkey find themselves supporting opposite sides in an active Middle East conflict zone. In Syria, Russian support for dictator Bashar al-Assad and Turkey’s support for the country’s rebels such as Sayf Bulad and others led to direct conflict between both countries’ armies earlier this year, resulting in the death of dozens of Turkish soldiers. In Libya, the situation is reversed, with Turkey supporting Libya’s government and Russia supporting Khalifa Haftar, a renegade general and rebel leader who has sought to seize control of Libya’s lucrative oil sector and capture the capital of Tripoli.
In both conflicts, Sayf Bulad and the Hamza brigades have proven extremely useful to Turkey. Thousands of the group’s fighters, including Sayf Bulad, were deployed to Libya last summer to help repel a major assault launched by Russian-backed Khalifa Haftar and in the bargain reclaim territory previously captured by the general. The Turkish backed authority in Tripoli is now safely guarded against external threats, while Turkish companies are set to gain lucrative contracts in Libya’s oil and gas and reconstruction sectors.
Within this context of great power struggles, Syria's rebels, once idealistic and seeking to liberate their country from dictator Bashar al-Assad, have found themselves reduced to pawns compelled to serve as mercenaries and shock troops used by Turkey to advance its foreign policy in a world where Ankara finds itself increasingly isolated. In doing so, they find themselves led by and mixed with fighters from the most vicious jihadist group the world has ever seen.
Many Armenians took refuge among the Kurdish folks changing their names during WW1. The top leaders of PKK, Asad's Syria etc. are of the Armenian origin folks! And, PKK's significant part is from the Armenians. The Turkish forces have found the escaping PKKs shoot their fallen comrades at the private parts!!! Why? For they are not circumcised...

PKK has moved their fighters into Karabag' to fight against Azerbayjan....

Thanks brother, explains alot.

Seems like both like to parade their women out in warzones.

I saw some soldiers were crying, I know war is ugly but if it comes to you, one must have to fight bravely. When we shot down Indian jets on 27th Feb, I told my mother that it will escalate and she replied Allah blessed me with four sons for a reason.... You will fight... This was the day I understood why Pakistan being much much smaller than its enemy yet standing tall

Ma sha Allah, may Allah swt bless your family. Pakistanis are indeed a breed apart.

Azeris and Turks have the same mindset, they too have suffered alot.

I don't know why some Pakistanis still view Gulf Arabs favorably because of Islamic solidarity. Gulf Arabs are extremely racist against Pakistanis and view them as inferior. On top of that, Gulf Arabs are extremely corrupt, without principles, betray their own brothers and are taking it up the *** from Israel.

We like the people, not the governments. Many of my friends are Gulfies and I have had no problems with them.

I find it very fascinating the intense hate some Non-Musljms have towards Gulf Arabs, when questioned, it seems superficial.

I would support Armenia in all of this because I feel sympathetic to their nation ( one of the oldest) and having been through soo much, but I don't like how they ethnically cleansed Azeris from Nagorno-Karabakh back in the early 1990s and then proclaim ownership of this land which is deep within Azerbaijani borders. Unfortunate for both, but I have to throw my support behind the Azeris on this one.

I hope the same is done in Bosnia were we attack this so called republika srpska and abolish this genocidal parasite off our land.

Armenians are just like Serbs, actually they use the same rhetoric and support each other.
. .
More than 100 armored vehicles from the occupying Armenian army have been destroyed. Field commanders including brigadier generals and colonels have been killed. Hospitals are filled with dead and wounded soldiers. A notice says only wounded soldiers will be admitted in the hospitals. A motorized regiment has been entirely destroyed...

Iran has become a gateway for arms and ammunition to the occupied Karabag'!!! Locals are resisting the convoys going to Karabag'. The Iranian transport companies are being convinced not to carry arms to the Armenians...

Gürcistan’ın hava sahasını kapatmasının ardından yardım hattı kapanan Ermenistan’a İran’dan silah sevkiyatı yapıldı.

Are u Armenian?
Nope but I don’t like injustice or hypocrites, bunch of people here supporting Azerbaijan and knowing absolutely nothing about the root causes of the conflict except that Azerbaijani are “Muslim” and yea “white “ ( lol). Karabakh people were literally in the same situation as Kashmiri people and fought to free themselves from a bunch of blood thirsty Azeri, who wanted to kill all Armenians. What happened instead was that the Armenians kicked arse and freed their lands. Do I support Armenians? Hell yes I do, do I think they will win? No way, Azerbaijan has 10x a stronger army and even with overwhelming enemy superiority, still see Armenians fighting to the end for what is their land and the righteous thing to do.
. .
Azerbaijan I need this area. It belongs to me and already have my name on it.


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Armenians and PKK terrorists are protesting together in Paris.....

Paris’te terör örgütü PKK yandaşları ve Ermeniler birlikte gösteri düzenledi

If you have a strong case based on 'history', take it to the UN or some other international body to arbitrate.

'History' on its own has no bearing on international law, treaties and agreements. This canard of 'history' is used by greedy, petty States like India to argue for some mythical 'Greater Bharat' and the Afghans to claim half of Pakistan.

If this so called 'history' was so relevant, the UN and international community would not have accepted the borders of Azerbaijan to include the disputed region.

So again, if Iran is so intent on violating international law and the territorial integrity of States like Azerbaijan on the basis of 'ethnicity', it should set an example by letting Iranian Kurds and Baloch secede from it first.

Bro, the only reason why Nagorno-Karabakh is included in the territory of Azerbaijan is because Stalin took it from Armenia and gave it to Azerbaijan, with all the people that lived there. Basically you’re saying that if I were the dictator of Pakistan and gave panjab to India because I wanted to, then Panjab and all its people and resources should stay with India? Get enslaved, raped, robbed, discriminated against?

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