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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

Couple of really interesting videos with english translation that shows the extremely high morale of the Armenian forces.

I wont post it, but the same source has posted a 3rd video with the same group that shows what they did to a poor ambushed Azeri platoon. completely slaughtered them in 3-5 minutes and left their bodies laying there as they were... (you can look it up on their channel)

The Azeris are in for a brutal slaughter once they reach the mountains.. thats when the real war begins.

Azeris haven't reached any inhabited settlements yet. That's where Armenians will defend tooth and nail.
Azeris haven't reached any inhabited settlements yet. That's where Armenians will defend tooth and nail.

they have taken massive casualties to try and capture empty buffer zone flatlands. this with all out turkish help, pre-planned blitz, and raining expensive precision drones on Armenian positions.

Armenians are outnumbered over 3 to 1. Fighting a country with a defense budget larger then their total national budget... yet they beat the Azeris because of sheer determination. A journalist in the early 90s visited both and explained why the armenians won. He said he could not find a single armenian man not in military uniform... while azeri guys were in their civilian clothes smoking hookahs and hanging around...

Aliev has wetted the appetite of his people now with his propaganda bs and pushed himself into a corner. His people might start seeing anything but full liberation as a defeat now. lets see how hes going to save himself
This war is going exactly as I expected. There isnt much difference between the military capability of the two warring sides. Azerbaijan will accomplish absolutely nothing, NK will remain armenian. MARK MY WORDS. All of those who think Azerbaijan will accomplish a damn thing are mistaken. Infact, from now on the Azeri's will become less and less effective as weeks go by.

The Turkish president spoke to putin about ceasefire and blah blah...the signs are there. The azeris know they will accomplish nothing. I feel pity for all of the people who had so much false optimism on Azeris being succesful. Forget about succesful, they wont gain anything. Armenia will defend itself by its own nd keep NK permanently, Russia wont even be needed other than to act as a peacemaker to de escalate.

They had no chance of gaining anything.
This war is going exactly as I expected. There isnt much difference between the military capability of the two warring sides. Azerbaijan will accomplish absolutely nothing, NK will remain armenian. MARK MY WORDS. All of those who think Azerbaijan will accomplish a damn thing are mistaken. Infact, from now on the Azeri's will become less and less effective as weeks go by.

The Turkish president spoke to putin about ceasefire and blah blah...the signs are there. The azeris know they will accomplish nothing. I feel pity for all of the people who had so much false optimism on Azeris being succesful. Forget about succesful, they wont gain anything. Armenia will defend itself by its own nd keep NK permanently, Russia wont even be needed other than to act as a peacemaker to de escalate.

They had no chance of gaining anything.

Nah I disagree.
they have taken massive casualties to try and capture empty buffer zone flatlands. this with all out turkish help, pre-planned blitz, and raining expensive precision drones on Armenian positions.

Armenians are outnumbered over 3 to 1. Fighting a country with a defense budget larger then their total national budget... yet they beat the Azeris because of sheer determination. A journalist in the early 90s visited both and explained why the armenians won. He said he could not find a single armenian man not in military uniform... while azeri guys were in their civilian clothes smoking hookahs and hanging around...

Aliev has wetted the appetite of his people now with his propaganda bs and pushed himself into a corner. His people might start seeing anything but full liberation as a defeat now. lets see how hes going to save himself
Longer the war goes on...the worse it is for the Armenians. Can't compare the 90's conflict to this one. War has only been going on for 2 weeks. Azeri's have done well in liberating territory compared to other ME conflicts against a well dug in enemy in mountainous terrain.

For comparison....British army took one month to capture Basra district in 2003. In the Iran-Iraq war in the 80's.....it took the Iraqi's one year to capture small amounts of Iranian territory. Iran spent most of the decade recapturing it.
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AZ fighter bombers are bombing on the Armenian positions inside Karabag'!! F-16s, deputed to AZ, are providing protection....

Hankendi and Susa have been emptied...

Couple of really interesting videos with english translation that shows the extremely high morale of the Armenian forces.

The Azeris are in for a brutal slaughter once they reach the mountains.. thats when the real war begins.

Of course they have morale. They are in a beautiful scenic spot, with their friends, well armed and well fed. Its like school camp. beats the hell out of my day job. Until they get hit with a drone or a mortar lands in their trenches. then pieces of your friends litter the area where you sat and joked with them.

Suddenly that day job in a hotel in Yerevan seems a lot better. Their enthusiasm will wear off at first contact with the enemy.
This war is going exactly as I expected. There isnt much difference between the military capability of the two warring sides. Azerbaijan will accomplish absolutely nothing, NK will remain armenian. MARK MY WORDS. All of those who think Azerbaijan will accomplish a damn thing are mistaken. Infact, from now on the Azeri's will become less and less effective as weeks go by.

The Turkish president spoke to putin about ceasefire and blah blah...the signs are there. The azeris know they will accomplish nothing. I feel pity for all of the people who had so much false optimism on Azeris being succesful. Forget about succesful, they wont gain anything. Armenia will defend itself by its own nd keep NK permanently, Russia wont even be needed other than to act as a peacemaker to de escalate.

They had no chance of gaining anything.

are u telling yourself this with this tirade ? they have accomplished quite a lot, see the videos and maps
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