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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

Old Article from earlier this year but still relevant.


ANALYSIS - Iranian media fails in Azerbaijan-Armenia tension
Some Iranian media outlets, journalists prefer to stand by Yerevan gov't, despite UN resolutions call Armenia occupier
Abdolsalam Sali·mi· Poor | 03.10.2020

ANALYSIS - Iranian media fails in Azerbaijan-Armenia tension

It is noteworthy that some Iranian media outlets and journalists have been ignoring the 30 years of persecution in Upper Karabakh and criticizing Azerbaijan despite Armenia's aggressive policies.
Some Iranian journalists and media outlets once again either remained silent or supported Armenia against Armenia's attack on Azerbaijani territories despite the United Nations (UN) resolutions.
The Armenian army has recently launched attacks targeting Azerbaijani civilians and the infrastructures in residential areas, adding yet another to its 30-year-old violations.
As it was 30 years ago, some of the Iranian media and some journalists still prefer to stand by the Yerevan government despite the UN resolutions that describe Armenia as an invader.
The 'Asriran' news website, known for its pro-President Hassan Rouhani's government news, only said, "Azerbaijan acknowledges Upper Karabakh as its territory. Armenia denies this. Upper Karabakh declared its autonomy, but no country has officially recognized its independence", regardless of which side is legitimate.
The conservative Telegram channel 'Al-Galibun', which is known for its closeness to Basij militia forces within Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and stands out for broadcasting the news of the Houthis, Hashd al-Shaabi, Hezbollah and similar Iranian organizations, did not refrain from describing the operation of the Azerbaijani army as 'an aggressive movement'. It also described Azerbaijani military operation as a scandal saying it is very similar to disgrace that Saudi Arabia experienced during the ground war in Yemen.
'Etemad' newspaper, known to be close to the reformist in Iran, holds Turkey responsible from military conflict in Upper Karabakh, while Cevan newspaper, which is also known to be close to Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, claimed that Ankara escalates the tension between Baku and Yerevan.
Young Journalists Club (YJC), affiliated with Iranian state television, served its report with the headline 'Turkish helicopters violated Armenian airspace.'

'Iran should support Azerbaijan'
Criticizing this situation Yedullah Kerimipur, a lecturer from the Faculty of Political Sciences at Harezmi University in Tehran, said in a statement on the social networking site Telegram:
''The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) issued four resolutions 823, 854, 879 and 884 on the occupation of Upper Karabakh by Armenia in 1993. In the first one, representatives of 15 member countries of the council fully attended the session and all voted in favor of Azerbaijan on Upper Karabakh.''
Stating that Iranians had the misfortune of being stuck with a view that is confined to a race, which is disconnected from history or geography, Kerimipur said: "President Rouhani should represent the conscience of all Iranians and feel the emotions of Azerbaijani people who founded Iran 519 years ago. He should have lamented for the martyrs of Karabakh. Iran should support that Upper Karabakh belongs to Baku.''

'Do not let opposing Erdogan hide the truths'
On his Twitter account, Iranian international relations specialist Ihsan Huseyinzade said: "Distinguished (Iranian) journalists should pay attention, opposition to Erdogan should not cause to hide the truths! His support for Azerbaijan in the conflict between the two countries does not in no way legitimize the attack by Armenia, as confirmed in international legal documents.''
Lecturer Dr. Mohammed Reza Yusufi from the Faculty of Literature at Tabriz University also said: "Imagine a country that 20 percent of its territory has been occupied and the UN resolutions on this issue have been ignored for 30 years. Now this country, Azerbaijan, is about to reclaim their lands, while the Armenian and Persian daring act as if they are oppressed."

* Translated by Yunus Girgin in Ankara

Old article, but still relevant.


Growing support for Azerbaijan in Iran
Tehran walks on a tight rope, undecided whether to bow to public opinion or back traditional ally Armenia
Syed Zafar Mehdi | 06.10.2020

Growing support for Azerbaijan in Iran

Although Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani is resisting growing pressure from the public and clergy to support Muslim neighbor Azerbaijan in its conflict with Armenia, his government has so far treaded a neutral stand.
Over past weeks, series of demonstrations in different Iranian cities, particularly in northern provinces, and a barrage of statements from various quarters have expressed solidarity with Azerbaijan, asserting its right to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity in the face of Armenia’s aggression.
The strategic community world over had been keenly watching Iranian moves, as it had traditionally sided with Armenia in its conflicts with Azerbaijan.
According to Maysam Behravesh, political analyst and former policy advisor, Iran’s support to Armenia was to quash separatist sentiments, as it hosts a sizeable presence of 20 million Azerbaijanis -- known also as Azerbaijani Turks -- in the northern parts, constituting a quarter of the country’s population.
“The prevailing perception in Tehran is that Azerbaijan’s recapture and control of Nagorno-Karabakh will likely to fuel Turkish/Azerbaijani separatist sentiments and ambitions in Iran’s adjacent provinces in northwest, which could threaten its national security and territorial integrity,” he said.
When Abulfaz Elchibey took over as Azerbaijan president in the early 1990s, he had expressed the wish to reunite Azerbaijan, which did not go well with Tehran.
Iranian Azerbaijan comprises the north-west portion of Iran including the provinces of East Azerbaijan, West Azerbaijan, and Ardabil. It shares borders with Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkey, and Iraq.
According to observers, Elchibey’s statement became a key trigger for Tehran to tilt towards the Christian Armenia, which shares 22 miles (35 kilometers) border with the country. This border is termed as a lifeline for three million population of Armenia.
“For Armenia, relations with Iran are a matter of survival as it remains blocked from two sides. For Iran also, the country has been a stepping stone to seek influence in the southern Caucasus," said Mehdi Mohammadi, a geopolitical commentator.
Besides Russia being the ally of both Armenia and Iran also plays a factor in cementing relations.
Recently several reports suggested that Russia was sending ammunition to Armenia through Iranian borders. Iranian officials, however, rejected these reports and termed them as “baseless rumors”.
Offering mediation
While resisting public opinion to support Baku, both President Hassan Rouhani and Foreign Minister Javad Zarif asked both the countries to resolve differences through dialogue, offering mediation along with Turkey and Russia. But both leaders have stopped short of condemning the actions of Armenia in an attempt to stay neutral.
But the calls are growing within the country to abandon the traditional stand and support publicly Azerbaijan.
On Saturday, Alireza Arafi, an influential cleric and head of religious seminaries, lent his support to Azerbaijan. He said the occupied territory of Nagorno-Karabakh belongs to Baku.
Arafi, who is close to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, said all religious seminaries, clergy, and student bodies are supporting the stand of Azerbaijan.
Further, in a joint statement issued by four representatives of Khamenei in four different provinces also asserted that Nagorno-Karabakh belongs to Azerbaijan.
Parliament Speaker’s Advisor Hossein Amir Abdollahian said the UN resolutions “stress on Azerbaijan’s sovereignty over Karabakh”.
A lawmaker from Iran’s Azerbaijan province said Karabakh is an “Islamic land” that will be “liberated”.
Many people have taken to streets in the northern provinces of Tabriz and Urmia demanding the closure of Iran’s border with Armenia.
Analysts believe that these unprecedented developments have put Tehran in a spot.
President Rouhani, in a telephonic conversation with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Vovayi Pashinyan, last week urged restraint and offered mediation to resolve the dispute.
Observers in Tehran say that wave of sympathy and solidarity with Azerbaijan, is also linked to Armenia’s growing proximity with Israel, which is the red-line for Iran’s hardliners.
Last year, Armenia established its embassy in Tel Aviv, which has not been viewed kindly in Tehran. In June this year, many protests were held near Armenia’s embassy in Tehran against the country’s decision to open its diplomatic mission in Tel Aviv.
“Iran is very sensitive about Israel’s growing presence in its neighborhood, which is directly linked to its internal security. So, Armenia’s closeness with Tel Aviv was seen as a betrayal,” says Mohammad Amin Hashemi, a writer, and regional observer.

Azerbaijani students make a difference
Further, thousands of Azerbaijani students are enrolled in Iran’s religious seminaries and many have already graduated and returned to their country.
While the public opinion in Iran seems to favor Azerbaijan, the official stance remains unchanged. But, there is speculation that the mounting pressure and changing geopolitical realities may force Tehran to change its traditional stand.
On Sunday, Iran’s embassy in Baku strongly condemned the attack on Azerbaijan’s second-largest city Ganja by Armenian forces that killed several civilians.
Behravesh, however, does not believe Iran will change its stance. He said that in this case (Nagorno-Karabakh conflict), Iran’s policy is driven by “national security interests and concerns”.
“That is unlikely to change under another president unless something major happens and transforms the geopolitical equation,” he told Anadolu Agency.
Meanwhile, Iran is closely monitoring developments on its borders, which is evident from statements by senior officials and a visit of the parliamentary delegation to the border areas.

Upper Karabakh conflict
Relations between the two former Soviet republics have been tense since 1991, when the Armenian military occupied Upper Karabakh, or Nagorno-Karabakh, an internationally recognized territory of Azerbaijan, and seven adjacent regions.

Some 20% of Azerbaijan’s territory, including the Upper Karabakh, has remained under illegal occupation by Armenia for roughly three decades.

The occupied Upper Karabakh region includes the towns of Shusha, Khankendi, Khojaly, Asgaran, Khojavand, Aghdara, and Hadrut.

The seven other occupied regions of Azerbaijan are the provinces surrounding the Upper Karabakh area, including Lachin, Kalbajar, Aghdam, Fuzuli, Jabrayil, Qubadli, and Zangilan.

Four UN Security Council and two UN General Assembly resolutions, as well as many international organizations, demand the withdrawal of the occupying forces.

Over 1 million Azerbaijanis became internally displaced persons, while 20,000 were martyred by Armenian forces and 50,000 were wounded and became disabled, according to Azerbaijan's official figures.

At least 4,000 Azerbaijanis went missing during the conflict and their fate remains unknown.

More than 2,000 Azerbaijanis were captured and taken hostage by Armenian forces.

The OSCE Minsk Group – co-chaired by France, Russia, and the US – was formed in 1992 to find a peaceful solution to the conflict, but to no avail. A cease-fire, however, was reached in 1994.

Many world powers, including Russia, France, and the US, have urged an immediate cease-fire. Turkey, meanwhile, has supported Baku's right to self-defense.

Great post. This is why it is so important to have Turkish members on this forum.

Thanks for posting.

Ridiculous post. No Muslim is the property of anyone else besides Allah swt. This mindset is toxic. Shameful.

This deliberate lie to pit Turks against CARS is not working. Actually not just CARs, but many Muslim countries are heavily influenced by Turkey.

Recent actions in Syria, Libya, statements on Kashmir, conversion of Ayasofya, and now support for Azerbaycan have made Turkey a hero in the Islamic world.

As our last Khalifah and one of the most powerful, successful, modern states in the Muslim world, Turkey is a role model which many countries want to emulate.
Your personal preference doesn't change the fact that there isn't an ethnicity called turkic, just like there isn't one called germanic or slav but brits french sweds rus polish ukrainian czech etc.
There's no such Turks but Turkics, central Asia is our concern not Caucasus.

Turks and Turkics are almost the same....2 different words in English but in their own language(s), they call themselves the same people, which they are also. They're more like cousins (Turkey, Azeris and other Turks living in other regions).

I'm sure you already know about that unless CCP history skimmed over that part.
Russian historical ties to Armenia. putin has nearly indicated if Azeri forces enter Armenian land in Armenia, Russia would intervene. putin wants the Baltic States in sphere and probably Azerbaijan too. Though the latter has never been disclosed. That is my educated guess on learning about Russia.

Azeris need to have a quick victory and settlement/peace, if this drags, the longer this goes on, the higher likelihood of Russian intervention.
Putin thinks in Soviet ways. He wants a strategic balance between his satellite nations such that no one has supreme strength. Secondly, he will resist Turkish influence by propping up Armenia if its home territory is threatened. He may permit Azerbaijan to liberate NK unhindered.
This is geopolitics, China is a stakeholder of central asia, an indirect stakeholder of Caucasus. You are emotional so can't think reasonably.

Do explain me how China came to be a "stakeholder of Central Asia" and an "indirect [one] of Caucasus"??

I ain't the one jumping into unrelated threads and siding against the Turks. Guess whose emotional?
Turks and Turkic are a very distinct group.

Turks today primarily descend Anatolian populations that gradually adopted Turkic language and aspects of Turkic culture. With the rise of nationalism - a "Turkish" identity began to develop, along with the recent concepts of Turanism and other segments of Turkish nationalism.


No, Turk and Turkic are 2 different words explaining similar things...

You have to understand that using English to describe Turks isn't going to help.....they're the same people, ask any Turk here on PDF they'll say so too.


^Regions where a Turkic language is spoken by the majority.

Turks are all related since they all came from the North East, above China. They're cousins of the Mongols and now, all the different Turkic countries are cousins themselves.

Language Similarities:


^Ordu means "Army" :D

Kinda like Urdu heh?
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