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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

good find..
but Russia wanted Crimea, but why Russia would fight for Armenia?

Russian historical ties to Armenia. putin has nearly indicated if Azeri forces enter Armenian land in Armenia, Russia would intervene. putin wants the Baltic States in sphere and probably Azerbaijan too. Though the latter has never been disclosed. That is my educated guess on learning about Russia.

Azeris need to have a quick victory and settlement/peace, if this drags, the longer this goes on, the higher likelihood of Russian intervention.
Armenia wants to use France , Russia , Iran even China to occupy more Azerbaijani Territory as like in 1990s but this tiime Turkiye protect Azerbaijan ... Nobody can attack Azerbaijan
and one on one Azerbaijan is kicking Armenia to libarete occupied Nagorno Karabakh by itself

and I remind everyone that Turkiye is a NATO Country .. so Russia , Iran and China can not fire even one bullet on Turkiye

I just showed daydreamers what about Turkish World and I am showing again
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Turkiye , Azerbaijan , Kazakhstan , Uzbekhstan , Turkmenistan , Kyrgyzstan and Turkish Republic of Nothen Cyprus are sovereign Turkish Countries

also there are 17+ million muslim Turks in Russia
also there are 35-40 million muslim Turks in Iran
also there are around 5 million muslim Turks in Iraq and Syria
and Eastern Turkestan in China

Russia , Iran and China should be friend to 250+ million Turkish World instead of enemy

Great post. This is why it is so important to have Turkish members on this forum.

Thanks for posting.

MMME there is no such thing as Turkish world. Central Asian countries are Russian and Chinese property get that through your head.

Ridiculous post. No Muslim is the property of anyone else besides Allah swt. This mindset is toxic. Shameful.

You are falling into this too much, people belong to the same language group doesn't make them the same ethnicity, some of the Germania and Slavic countries hating each other more than anyone else, for example, polish and rus, brits and french.

This deliberate lie to pit Turks against CARS is not working. Actually not just CARs, but many Muslim countries are heavily influenced by Turkey.

Recent actions in Syria, Libya, statements on Kashmir, conversion of Ayasofya, and now support for Azerbaycan have made Turkey a hero in the Islamic world.

As our last Khalifah and one of the most powerful, successful, modern states in the Muslim world, Turkey is a role model which many countries want to emulate.
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Once NK region is taken over, I'm guessing Azerbaijan will push into the small Armenian corridor above Iran to reunify it's region with Turkey. That'll separate Iran from Armenia...

The Russians supplied weapons to Armenia which went through Iran from the small strip of land Armenia holds between the small AZ. region and the NK region.
In that case russia steps in. Wont let that happen. Wish it cud happen. The whole geopolitics of the region will change.
So you want to be enemy of Russia, Iran, China? You have no chance to win.

Uyghurs are living well in China, if Turkey doesn't want to make trouble they are bridge of friendship.
Gdp of uyghur province increase many folds.
The per capita growth of uyghur is highest in the region.
My wish is to see Iran fully join the Turkish, Pakistan, Azerbaycan, and Afghanistan nexus. It would be a boon for all of our economies and we could control all trade from Europe to China.

However lately I feel like that it is an impossibility seeing the mindset of the Iranian government and IRG.

Would hate to see Muslims killing each other for useless wars, esp for Kuffar.

Then there is the very real American threat hanging above all our heads.

How can we come together? That is the question I keep asking myself.

What could pull Iran to our side?

I think the problem is even if Iran "comes to our side", you never know what they are doing behind your back, and when they will backstab you. Their mindset is that of a cult, and everything outside their cult is seen as the enemy. Even Malaysia experienced this. In the beginning, Malaysia wanted brotherly relations and did anything possible to build a friendship. Then they realized that the Iranians were giving young Malays "scholarships", brainwashing them into their cult and building cult masjids inside Malaysia. They managed to do this to a few hundred Malay kids before the government put an end to it - and pushed Iran aside. Iranians have done the same elsewhere.
Russian historical ties to Armenia. putin has nearly indicated if Azeri forces enter Armenian land in Armenia, Russia would intervene. putin wants the Baltic States in sphere and probably Azerbaijan too. Though the latter has never been disclosed. That is my educated guess on learning about Russia.

Azeris need to have a quick victory and settlement/peace, if this drags, the longer this goes on, the higher likelihood of Russian intervention.

Need to form a blitzkrieg Army Group to spear head this
Russian historical ties to Armenia. putin has nearly indicated if Azeri forces enter Armenian land in Armenia, Russia would intervene. putin wants the Baltic States in sphere and probably Azerbaijan too. Though the latter has never been disclosed. That is my educated guess on learning about Russia.

Azeris need to have a quick victory and settlement/peace, if this drags, the longer this goes on, the higher likelihood of Russian intervention.
Azeri don't care about invading Armenian territory....only liberating NK. Same with Turkey. Russia did the math and saving Pashinyan in NK isn't worth the trouble. Russia has good relations with Azerbaijan and has other issues to worry about as well....Belarus for one. All this talk of a larger conflict is fear mongering by the Armenians to get help from outside actors.

I think behind the scenes negotiations for ending the conflict are being done. I hope a settle occurs soon....but I think the Azeri are also in it for long haul if needed. .... that's not good for Armenia.
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