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Azerbaijan and the West's Rapprochement with Iran

Well maybe I exaggerated with "en masse" part but a lot of them do smuggle across the border to get treatment for various things in Iran.

Hmm, if its true then its good actually! We have to promote health tourism in our country! The world has to know that Iranian doctors are very capable and that they can receive proper treatment with less cost compared to what they can get in their countries.
Hmm, if its true then its good actually! We have to promote health tourism in our country! The world has to know that Iranian doctors are very capable and that they can receive proper treatment with less cost compared to what they can get in their countries.

I agree with that. Including cosmetic surgeries (Iran ranks nr.1 in nose jobs fx) and much more. I think health tourism has the potential to become a major industry for Iran, attracting people from all over the world.
Are you sure? How can that be?


''Safura Qadimova is among those who have benefited from Iran’s healthcare system.

“I’ve been married eight years, but we didn’t have children. I underwent endless tests and treatment, amounting to over 5,000 manats,” she said. “In the end, my friends advised me to go to Iran. I spent 400 dollars there and it only took a month – after the first course of treatment, I got pregnant immediately.”

Hashimli said the hospital would do little to stem the flow of people heading for Iran.

“If we don’t have decent doctors, and the ones we do have think only about getting money from their patients, then who’s going to go there?” he asked. “Everyone is still going to Iran.”

Hashimli said the government needed to pay more attention to southern parts of Azerbaijan because of their strategically sensitive location.

“It’s no secret that Iran wields influence in southern areas of Azerbaijan. And now it’s expanding its influence because of the local population’s needs,” he said. “Our government has to take this seriously. It must provide people with work and create the conditions for them to live decent lives, to study and to access medical treatment, so that citizens of Azerbaijan aren’t reliant on Iran.”

Azerbaijanis Flock to Iran for Food, Medicines - Institute for War and Peace Reporting - P212
When he said "healthcare" I had the U.S. definition of healthcare in my head. Which is generally referred to as Health Insurance. My bad!
Another nice story:

''Next to the border gate, a driver called Ismail stands next to his car. His 23-year-old son is slumped in the front seat, trying to hide from the sun, barely able to move. The two are returning from a trip to hospital in Tehran.

"My son was having treatment here in Azerbaijan but it wasn't doing anything," Ismail says. "The doctors didn't say what his problem was. That's why some people advised me to go to Tehran.

"We went there, they carried out a stomach operation and it was successful. My attitude [towards Iran] is very positive. I went there with big hopes - for my son to be cured there. It was successful. So I'm happy."

Ismail says that his son's operation cost $6,000. He has paid a first instalment to the Iranian hospital and has promised them he will pay the remainder.''

BBC News - Why Azerbaijan is closer to Israel than Iran


We even trust these people so they can pay later.
When he said "healthcare" I had the U.S. definition of healthcare in my head. Which is generally referred to as Health Insurance. My bad!

Well yes and no. US healthcare is capitalist business but its on the extreme side of capitalism, where people who are not high class are struggling for healthcare insurance.
Even those healthcare insurances that are affordable to the lower social classes, does not cover much at all.

I dont think offering health insurances to non-citizens makes sense. Instead they should pay for individual treatments.
Iranian healthcare (for non-citizens) should be a capitalist business model that is profitable.
But it should not be extreme like the US, but be much more price competetive and affordable in order to reach out the mainstream masses and to people from all over the world.

Then health tourism industry has potential to become a very lucrative, profitable and major industry for Iranian economy.
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