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Azerbaijan and the West's Rapprochement with Iran

So what is that "greateness" of yours you guys always talk about?

I'm very well aware of our geography, unlike you, Azerbaijan is mostly flat, the mountain areas are to be found in border areas, which is populated by ethnic minorities.
If we are 'great', then so are you. I have no idea what you're talking about or trying to infer. The border between Iran and Azerbaijan Rp is fake. Yes, you have your own local and contemporary culture and customs, and you have your own statehood now. But we have a shared history, and a larger common historic culture and civilization.

Petty and fake nationalism that promotes fake hostilities between each other is not real, it exists just in some peoples imagination, mainly over the internet. But the real, ordinary people of Iran and Azerbaijan Rp, we have much in common, we are neighbours, and in the real World, we have no issues with each other.

Our issues are only political, and it is a shame that they are antagonistic but both countries suffer from similar mismanagement and corruption by the elite.
@ASQ-1918 @ای ایران @Surenas @F117

Closing this thread was easiest thing to do, but I didn't do it.
Stop all kinds of provocative/separatist/racist posts and saying X belongs to Y and etc.

Any further rule violation will come with a thread ban.

You can discuss political relations of 2 countries like a human being, it's possible without insulting.
Indeed, it is only over the internet where the Persians use "Azari", in real life, inside Iran, as you can see above, barely anyone uses that fake term (apart from its official usage) made-up by Pahlavi dynasty, instead when you say "Tork", people think of Iranian Azerbaijan first and foremost in Iran, rather than Turkey. That should tell something.
You need to visit and spend time in Iran to dispel the myths you have about the country. Thas why i said before in an earlier post, Iran should loosen up the border for ordinary people from Azerbaijan Rp as much as possible so that they can find it easy to visit and travel around Iran.

I dont care if the Azerbaijan Rp government does reciprocate the same for Iranian citizens. Iran should give easy access to the country for Azerbaijan Rp citizens. We should not bar them because of some fake border imposed by the Russians.
2 members are thread banned. I already said don't bring these historical stuff here. It has been discussed millions of times here and always leads to insulting/hate spreading.
I dont care if the Azerbaijan Rp government does reciprocate the same for Iranians. Iran should give easy access to the country for Azerbaijan Rp citizens. We should not bar them because of some fake border imposed by the Russians.

actually azerbaijan allows azeris to enter azerbaijan without any problem. yeah but personally when i was in iran i have seen more ppl come from azerbaijan to iran than the other way around, but that was a long time ago. i dont know about the current situation.
actually azerbaijan allows azeris to enter azerbaijan without any problem. yeah but personally when i was in iran i have seen more ppl come from azerbaijan to iran than the other way around, but that was a long time ago. i dont know about the current situation.
Yeah. I dont know how easy it is for them to visit Iran, but it should be made as easy for them as possible. This was from a couple of years ago: Azerbaijanis Flow Into Iran To Buy Food
I don’t know where to post this.

Is there any chance they will take of the sanctions allowing Iran to buy military gear from abroad, allowing them to buy SU 30/35 for example ?
I don’t know where to post this.

Is there any chance they will take of the sanctions allowing Iran to buy military gear from abroad, allowing them to buy SU 30/35 for example ?
Dude, It is totally off-topic, but, it won't happen in near future ;)

Foods are cheaper in Iran, and some of them who live in border cities, can commute and buy their foods in Iran. The same thing exist among european countries as well, and the ones who live close to border, buy their stuff in the cheaper side. BTW, Azerbaijanis can travel to Iran freely, but Iranians need to get visa. Anyway, the border is very loose there and people travel almost fully freely in that border :)

You need to visit and spend time in Iran to dispel the myths you have about the country. Thas why i said before in an earlier post, Iran should loosen up the border for ordinary people from Azerbaijan Rp as much as possible so that they can find it easy to visit and travel around Iran.

I dont care if the Azerbaijan Rp government does reciprocate the same for Iranian citizens. Iran should give easy access to the country for Azerbaijan Rp citizens. We should not bar them because of some fake border imposed by the Russians.
@ASQ-1918 is right. no one calls Azerbaijanis in Iran as Azeri. Everyone, including ourselves, call us as Turks. Anyway, just in the internet where turk members from Turkey are also present, we use it to differentiate between us, South and North Azerbaijanis, and the citizens of Turkey.
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@ASQ-1918 is right. no one calls Azerbaijanis in Iran as Azeri. Everyone, including ourselves, call us as Turks. Anyway, just in the internet where turk members from Turkey are also present, we use it to differentiate between us, South and North Azerbaijanis, and the citizens of Turkey.
Really!! people in Iran use both Azeri and Turks to describe Azerbaijanis.
Yeah. I dont know how easy it is for them to visit Iran, but it should be made as easy for them as possible. This was from a couple of years ago: Azerbaijanis Flow Into Iran To Buy Food

yes Azeris that live close to the border tend to visit Iran for cheaper products
doesnt really mean anything , its like Canadians visiting US for cheaper products
yes Azeris that live close to the border tend to visit Iran for cheaper products
doesnt really mean anything , its like Canadians visiting US for cheaper products
The point i was making from that video was that Iran should grant Azerbaijan Rp citizens as easy access to Iran as possible, even if Azerbaijan Rp doesnt do the same for Iranians. Those long and chaotic scenes on that video are beneath the dignity of Azerbaijanis and so, there should be better management of the border crossing and easy and better facilitation for Azerbaijanis to visit Iran.

That is my view, because like i said, that border between our countries is fake. Others may think differently, but that is just my opinion. Im not saying that Azerbaijan Rp should be part of Iran, that is an independent country, but the border is fake and was imposed on the people of both sides by the Russians a very long time ago. Ordinary people today should not have to still live in the shadow of Gulistan.
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