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"Azad Kashmir will belong to India as soon as we get orders," says Indian Army Chief Manoj Mukund Naravane

Well, make fun all you want, but that’s Indian COAS saying it.

He clearly showed his (IA and Govt) intent before execution. So how about instead of laughing, Pakistan better prepare.
They have the same chance as me sleeping with every cute Bollywood actress on the same night.

I fancy my chances though looool
sleeping with Indians :blink:

That's bestiality!

Are they prepare for full scale (prolonged) war. I don’t think so. Indians are itching to launch an offensive.

I'm no expert but Pakistan is actually making our own munitions, fighter jets, etc etc. Plus we are integrated into China's armament supply chain.

India on the other hand, famously has a weeks? worth of munition.

What all this means is that Pakistan is in a much better position for a prolonged war then India is.
I am not saying India will be easy or Pakistan will win no matter what. Just saying Pakistan is in a better position in this regards.
sleeping with Indians :blink:

That's bestiality!

I'm no expert but Pakistan is actually making our own munitions, fighter jets, etc etc. Plus we are integrated into China's armament supply chain.

India on the other hand, famously has a weeks? worth of munition.

What all this means is that Pakistan is in a much better position for a prolonged war then India is.
I am not saying India will be easy or Pakistan will win no matter what. Just saying Pakistan is in a better position in this regards.
Man I have low standards loooool
Its very hard for Iranians to believe that Mullahs have taken them for a ride. Iranians took all the abuse from Mullah regime on the hopes that they will bring the lost Persian Glory back to Iran....so Glory they must believe even if they have to pull it out of non glorious events.

oops: some $hit happened and this got posted in the wrong thread

Why are you so keen to make more enemies?. Having 2 hot borders is not enough for you ?? Iran is our neighbour and its not going anywhere and we have got a shared history and culture with them, and for your information those mullahs are elected what ever their electoral process is and who ever Iranian nation chooses its their right. Our electoral system and government worked perfectly to produce leaders and visionary governments like Zardaris and of Nawaz? How they run their country and believe in is their business as long as they don't interfere in ours and create troubles for us. Its the same country helped us in the 1971 and in Baluchistan against the terrorists in the past.

Why Iran became friendly with India is due to our foreign policy failures and economics like UAE is on the other side while they have got palaces in our country. Our foreign office and leadership have been incompetent and inept to put it mildly to let our old friends slipped out of our corridors and we must be blind to see how many countries stood with us on the recent Kashmir issue. Our soil was used by jandullah organization to attack and killed Iranian soldiers and would you have been happier if they have done the same to us. Of course they were not pleased and reacted but their reaction have been much milder then what damage they have sustained.

I respect your god given right to free speech but don't point fingers at others and pretend we have been innocent in all this game. Let them deal with their own issues in their own ways and believes and we are not party to their problems so we can be left in peace to develop and do our own things. Arabs and Iranians have got history of issues and we don't want to get involve in their circles of influence games and let them sort out amongst themselves.

At least what ever they believe in they have shown some balls to challenge the super power rightly or wrongly. Our nation sat on their back side and took money from the same super power while our nationals were droned on daily basis and 1000's died and on the other hand they retaliated with force when one of their was killed. I am not interested in derailing this thread but please have a thought twice before putting pen to paper and focus on our own enemies and don't create more as its not required and not needed.
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