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Awww! No Fried Chicken For US Soldiers In Afghanistan?

So with that figures, in your opinion it should not matter if Pakistan lifts the ban or not right, so lets keep the ban and discuss this topic say four weeks from now? Meanwhile kindly ask the NATO buggers to stop bugging us again and again to lift the ban.

self delete
awww, is that right - no fried chicken:cry: - we got plenty - want some!?;)

please dont make fun of our killer allies. they are suffering so much. they are fighting people in pyjamas with obsolete guns and they are suffering so much now they got no chicken. maybe putin will send them some
Awww! No Fried Chicken For US Soldiers In Afghanistan?

US government is using the media to downplay the affect of Pakistani blockade. But the G.I.s want their fried chicken, Mr. Panetta.........

We know why now.

All mine!
Awww! No Fried Chicken For US Soldiers In Afghanistan?

US government is using the media to downplay the affect of Pakistani blockade. But the G.I.s want their fried chicken, Mr. Panetta.

SPECIAL REPORT | Friday | 16 December 2011

KABUL, Afghanistan—The US military is doing its best to downplay the effect of Pakistani blockade on US and NATO supplies bound for Afghanistan. You can see Pentagon spokespersons almost every day using a variation of the same theme: ‘Oh it doesn’t affect us’, or ‘we’ve made arrangements’ or ‘important supplies don’t go through that route.’

The truth is that more than half of US supplies, everything from Special-Ops gear to ammunition to French fries, pass through the critical Pakistani supply line.

While US military and CIA won’t reveal how much they are hurting because of the Pakistani blockade, which came into effect after a deliberate US attack killed 24 Pakistani soldiers, there are signs that US soldiers are beginning to feel the pinch.

US soldiers can stay quiet over shortages in fuel and ammunition [it’s good since they don’t have to go out fight as often], they can’t stand that fried chicken and French fries are fast disappearing from the menus on American bases in Afghanistan.

Some US soldiers who completed their tour of duty and left Afghanistan but remain in touch with colleagues are reporting some minor hardships. Some of them are servicemen who are opposed to the US war in Afghanistan. Almost all of them are using social media to get the message out.

Twitter is abuzz with messages from soldiers who served in Afghanistan recounting how tough it was for them when Islamabad blocked supplies in October 2010 after an earlier deliberate US attack killed Pakistani soldiers at a border post.

And now comes this picture.

Awww! No Fried Chicken For US Soldiers In Afghanistan? | PakNationalists.com | Home Of Pakistani Nationalists Online

It’s not clear where or when it was taken but it shows a Popeye’s fried chicken outlet at a US base in Afghanistan giving a shutdown notice due to the blockade.

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Ha ha ha source says it all..Paknationlists.com doing good job..goes with the name..now even chickens are getting you pride..:hitwall:
What? No local chicken available in the whole of Afghanistan? That means no eggs too? Damn! :pop:

By the way, the Afghan Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock and USAID had renovated a facility in Lashkar Gah with the capacity to produce over 30,000 broiler and layer chicks per month since 2008. A second, privately owned facility has been established in Lashkar Gah with a capacity to produce 40,000 broilers per year.

Paknationlists.com is tabloid that needs to be fed to the chickens!! Jeeez!
Ha ha ha source says it all..Paknationlists.com doing good job..goes with the name..now even chickens are getting you pride..:hitwall:

Why is suddenly the source become interesting to you? Why are you so obsessed with the source when it doesnt meet the needs to your satisfaction? Western sources are better because they never lie? Get off your cloud and wake up.
Bottom line is the blockage is most certainly having an effect - and Nato and the US are feeling the pinch. Its amazing how 1 or 2 Indians are yet again trying to be more American than the Americans - the obsession goes on and on..:azn:
Ha ha ha source says it all..Paknationlists.com doing good job..goes with the name..now even chickens are getting you pride..:hitwall:

What I forgot some of you indians dont believe anyone but when its your white mastrs. Anyone that put pakistans point of view you have to say its untrue? or biast. Oh sorry only americans tell truth eg the stealthy WMD that they found not in america?

is it cos our forefathers deprived india a border with afghanistan and strategic location that burns you? i think thats what hurts you sooooooo much
I just enjoyed the some fruits of this blockade...
a pop tart 10 pack for less than a dollar..
Apple jacks.. tools.. Blackhawk jackets.. Shoes, socks.. Underwear.. all excellent stuff at throwaway rates.

An original Hasbro Monopoly for $2
a Xbox 360 Halo 3 edition for $15 :cheesy:

Get em while you can boys.. Peshawar is flooded with the good stuff.
I love you Americans.
I just enjoyed the some fruits of this blockade...
a pop tart 10 pack for less than a dollar..
Apple jacks.. tools.. Blackhawk jackets.. Shoes, socks.. Underwear.. all excellent stuff at throwaway rates.

An original Hasbro Monopoly for $2
a Xbox 360 Halo 3 edition for $15 :cheesy:

Get em while you can boys.. Peshawar is flooded with the good stuff.
I love you Americans.

Santro - your the man - if you get hold of any ipads let me know. Could do with one version 2 and am prepared to pay up to 10 yuan.......!!
Kind of sad that this is all you guys can dredge up, even after all this talk about how US troops would starve:rolleyes:
I just enjoyed the some fruits of this blockade...
a pop tart 10 pack for less than a dollar..
Apple jacks.. tools.. Blackhawk jackets.. Shoes, socks.. Underwear.. all excellent stuff at throwaway rates.

An original Hasbro Monopoly for $2
a Xbox 360 Halo 3 edition for $15 :cheesy:

Get em while you can boys.. Peshawar is flooded with the good stuff.
I love you Americans.

Are those explosion proof version :P
Kind of sad that this is all you guys can dredge up, even after all this talk about how US troops would starve:rolleyes:

Nobodys going to starve. What the blockage means is obviously the luxury goods and fuel is certainly being hindered for the Americans. I find it "kind of sad" that you voice more concerns about a few chickens not ending up in American bellys and less concern on why the innocent soldiers were butchered. Perhaps next 3 or 4 days will enlighten the like of you (not us ).
If it "kind of sad" then tough - we love it and im glad Santro has benefited from the blockage. :azn:
Are those explosion proof version :P
Yes.. but I would not wear those..
Since my family jewels are not under extreme threat yet. I would not bear them the discomfort.

The movie War Inc fits perfectly here. Everything is so damn commercial for the US troops.
But it is good stuff.
I bought me loads of meds meant for em.
I just enjoyed the some fruits of this blockade...
a pop tart 10 pack for less than a dollar..
Apple jacks.. tools.. Blackhawk jackets.. Shoes, socks.. Underwear.. all excellent stuff at throwaway rates.

An original Hasbro Monopoly for $2
a Xbox 360 Halo 3 edition for $15 :cheesy:

Get em while you can boys.. Peshawar is flooded with the good stuff.
I love you Americans.

a Xbox 360 Halo 3 edition for $15

Wah bhai Santro tumharai to mazai ho gaye. Karachi main yeh cheezain kahin milti hain?
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