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Awami League minister agrees with Delhi on border shooting

Stop assuming, i don't support Awami, ut i have different and much saner view than yours too.
I don't support killing, once again, but you are supporting smuggling.
See the other points too. Nothing bigoted about it, Bangladeshis would do the same. Hypocrisy is bad and you should feel bad

By your own statements you paddle Awami League propaganda, you defend Awami League license for BSF killing of Bangladeshis. You not perfect example of Awami League thugs. More than that you are defender of indian brutal acts and indian state sponsor terrorism.
If the anti-awami league patriot people would not live in BD, I highly doubt that these BAL people would keep BD's so-called independence tight a bit/ I hate this country for breeding these people, seriously.

@idune bhai, I guess animelive is not a serious poster, he replies too short to a sincere and serious post, and talk about the effects ignoring the reason and intention behind. Seems like comes straight from some Facebook fan page/

@animelive, you and BAL people think that BD is a super land, then why your poor countrymen go to India for a few money? Lie!!!

And if the poor unarmed people illegally enter to India, then how the killing is justified?? They can arrest them, beat them and deport them to BD.

Do you have idea of US-Maxio border smugglers, but no killing? Did we kill the Rohingas?

Listen, killing means, the end of a life, and this is unjustified when the poor people go there for running their life.

And lastly, it is not that BSF kills only smugglers, but also the innocent people inside BD land while working.

You know, India hates you unless you are not slave of it!!?
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@animelive i already answered that part. Those cows come from Rajasthan. All the way to west bengal or north east. If India wants to stop the killing, respect their sacred God, they can stop those cows on the way! They are not doing it! You are trying to protect your indian masters by blaming poor Bangladeshi people. Yes they violated law but they don't deserve death for that. If you had minimum self respect you wouldnt support killing... And Yeah i want to what makes beef Halal and whats not? You said its Haram beef? How? Show me Islamic rules or you invented it from your head? You may take help from your friend Hammaer who studied Islamic Rules. If you can prove those meats are haram, i will not eat meat again!
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What bugs us is ,ease with which such illegal activities takes place on our border..and most Bangladeshis are not willing to stop it, but do not even want to condemn it, even if it is harming their economy.As if it is your birth right to march into India, when ever it pleases you.
You are a separate, sovereign state, you need to secure your borders and take responsibility for your citizens.

1) India does not respect border when it sets up drug industry along the border and push those drug those drug throug border illegally.
2) India let terrorist in and shelter them inside india without regarding border or responsibility.
3) Indian BSF intrude and loot paddy, cow, fish at will without regading Bangladsh border.
4) India does not respect border and let illegal trade flourish on rawhide, hilsha fish and other items.

So what you arguing on the basis of respect of border is nothing but croc tears.
1) India does not respect border when it sets up drug industry along the border and push those drug those drug throug border illegally.
2) India let terrorist in and shelter them inside india without regarding border or responsibility.
3) Indian BSF intrude and loot paddy, cow, fish at will without regading Bangladsh border.
4) India does not respect border and let illegal trade flourish on rawhide, hilsha fish and other items.

So what you arguing on the basis of respect of border is nothing but croc tears.

IS IT ??!!

India has spent hundreds of millions and erected a 8 foot tall fence on it border to stop these activities.

India has erected border posts every few miles to stop these activities.

India has deployed tens of thousands soldiers on its border with Bangladesh.

India stops ,arrests, shoots not only people crossing from Bangladesh to India but also people crossing over India to Bangladesh..irrespective of their nationality.

What have you done??
Eorl ⚔;3765501 said:
And if the poor unarmed people illegally enter to India, then how the killing is justified?? They can arrest them, beat them and deport them to BD.

For some crazy reason, the "poor, unarmed people" seem to be willing to take a risk of entering India even when it means that they might die as a result of that attempt. Why that is, is difficult to understand. The fence exists, built at great cost (especially for a poor nation like India), it will have to be respected. Thinking that India built the fence solely to give Bangladeshis pole vault practice is not going to solve the problem. If BD authorities work with their Indian counterparts to prevent people from approaching the fence, maybe we will not have to deal with the casualties that will inevitably take place otherwise
IS IT ??!!

India has spent hundreds of millions and erected a 8 foot tall fence on it border to stop these activities.

India has erected border posts every few miles to stop these activities.

India has deployed tens of thousands soldiers on its border with Bangladesh.

India stops ,arrests, shoots not only people crossing from Bangladesh to India but also people crossing over India to Bangladesh..irrespective of their nationality.

What have you done??

India eracted fence only for show, in reality india illegally push drugs, arms and a state that shelter and sponsor terrorist.
Top Terror Bikash Freed: A 50cr taka question? | Priyo News
Offense number 1- Illegal entry in a sovereign country
Offense number 2- Trading their religious entity without proper license
Offense number 3- Smuggling and robbing off the profit their country would have with proper trading
Offense number 4- Bribing the officers

I am not defending any killing but you should accept your crimes too. Instead of blaming them, we should work on stop of smuggling anyway possible. You think you can go to their land and mess with their religious beliefs(any sane Hindu will oppose that)? I have seen what you guys did when Innocence of Muslims was released. Stop being so hypocritical, kindly. Unlike you guys, i want the meat, us Muslims eat to come in a halal way.

agreed. after Pilkhana massacre, i suppose

good to see that not all Bangladeshis are delusional
Eorl ⚔;3765501 said:
@animelive, you and BAL people think that BD is a super land, then why your poor countrymen go to India for a few money? Lie!!!

And if the poor unarmed people illegally enter to India, then how the killing is justified?? They can arrest them, beat them and deport them to BD.

Do you have idea of US-Maxio border smugglers, but no killing? Did we kill the Rohingas?

Listen, killing means, the end of a life, and this is unjustified when the poor people go there for running their life.

And lastly, it is not that BSF kills only smugglers, but also the innocent people inside BD land while working.

You know, India hates you unless you are not slave of it!!?

No killing can be justified in any way. Its the most inhumane act ever but we can't do anything about it except stopping our smugglers. Do you want to eat haram meat? i don't. BSF kills innocent people to, i agree but they can easily frame them as smuggler, no? so the main problem lies within us. We are giving them the opportunity. Our ideology is not the same as theirs. They are following theirs and you can't do nothing about it. We are at fault from every side period. Your only argument i killing cannot be justified, well well that won't help you in the world we are living in. Where did you get India and us as slave? Inferiority complex? Get some self esteem and dignity, India will start to respect us eventually.

By your own statements you paddle Awami League propaganda, you defend Awami League license for BSF killing of Bangladeshis. You not perfect example of Awami League thugs. More than that you are defender of indian brutal acts and indian state sponsor terrorism.
I don't defend killing, i don't defend smuggling either but i bet you agree with the smuggling of drugs and alcohols too eh? bribing too right? where is Al-zakir now? :lol:

@animelive i already answered that part. Those cows come from Rajasthan. All the way to west bengal or north east. If India wants to stop the killing, respect their sacred God, they can stop those cows on the way! They are not doing it! You are trying to protect your indian masters by blaming poor Bangladeshi people. Yes they violated law but they don't deserve death for that. If you had minimum self respect you wouldnt support killing... And Yeah i want to what makes beef Halal and whats not? You said its Haram beef? How? Show me Islamic rules or you invented it from your head? You may take help from your friend Hammaer who studied Islamic Rules. If you can prove those meats are haram, i will not eat meat again!
So smugglers are poor people to you? Do you support the smuggling o drug and alcohol by those poor people? If you say no then you are a dumb hypocrite.
Bribe? Haram "Bribery is a major sin, because of the report narrated by Ahmad (6791) and Abu Dawood (3580) from ‘Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Amr (may Allaah be pleased with him) who said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) cursed the one who gives a bribe and the one who takes it. Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Irwa’ al-Ghaleel (2621)."

"In the Islamic society, entrepreneurs are free to initiate, organize and run any business they choose and in any form they like, but only those goods and services will be produced whose production is allowed by Islam. Following types of production of wealth and the business thereof is not allowed by Islam and it cannot operate in an Islamic society.

1. Production of drugs, alcoholic drinks, gambling, prostitution, lottery, music and dance etc.

2. Lending and borrowing on interest.

3. Black marketing, hoarding, smuggling etc."

Violation of border?
Siyasah: violation of the right of the state.

Not respection one's religious views and calling them bigots
Ta'zir: violation of the right of an individual.

Every Muslim, must show respct for every other religion. This is what prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) had said and done. Jews & Christians lived in peace with the prophet in Makkah & Medina.

Prophet also sent the new Muslims to Abyssinia, to seek asylum under a just Christian king. Sura Al Kafiroon of the Quran says " ...You will not believe in what I believe, I will not believe in what you believe, hence, your faith is with you and my faith is with me." Ergo, no force, no competion, no comparisons......you do what you think is good, I will do what I think is good.

You dare challenge these laws? @Luffy 500 @Al-zakir @T-Rex @kobiraaz @idune @

good to see that not all Bangladeshis are delusional

Don't be mistaken, i don't support killing. But i do accept that we have a fair share of fault.
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It seems the minister got entrapped into a diplomatic pitfall. Rather his Indian counterpart should have agreed that BSF would kill no unarmed BD civilians, no children or women.
It seems the minister got entrapped into a diplomatic pitfall. Rather his Indian counterpart should have agreed that BSF would kill no unarmed BD civilians, no children or women.

nobody kills for pleasure dude. there are reasons why BSF kill them and very well pointed out by animealive

I do not support killing of innocent but things must be out of hand for BSF to shoot
nobody kills for pleasure dude. there are reasons why BSF kill them and very well pointed out by animealive

I do not support killing of innocent but things must be out of hand for BSF to shoot

With the shootings, the crime is so much so think how much the crime would rise if there was no consequence. But even then, they should be jailed in India for 20-30 years instead of being killed.
And these people just like to blame India and AL for anything and everything and when asked for the reason, they suggest that they are being Islamic and i am maloon munafiq boot licker of india. Funny thing is that they directly go against their own religions
Anyone agrees on killing Bangladeshis does not represent Bangladesh. He represents Awami League and its ideology. As for BSF killing Bangladeshi children playing inside Bangladesh territory, you need to pose that question to indian govt.

And whom does Awami league represent in democratic BD?? cattles??

Cut the rhetoric and argue sensibly.
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