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Awami League minister agrees with Delhi on border shooting

If you don't know what is primary duty of any govt then you are NOT here to have constructive discussion. You are here to defend Awami League issuing indian BSF license to kill Bangladeshis.

Offense number 1- Illegal entry in a sovereign country
Offense number 2- Trading their religious entity without proper license
Offense number 3- Smuggling and robbing off the profit their country would have with proper trading
Offense number 4- Bribing the officers

I am not defending any killing but you should accept your crimes too. Instead of blaming them, we should work on stop of smuggling anyway possible. You think you can go to their land and mess with their religious beliefs(any sane Hindu will oppose that)? I have seen what you guys did when Innocence of Muslims was released. Stop being so hypocritical, kindly. Unlike you guys, i want the meat, us Muslims eat to come in a halal way.

You were too young then, at least our border guards had self respect then, They used to fire back. Now we are a backboneless nation, just because our leaders are sold out!

agreed. after Pilkhana massacre, i suppose
IF Bangladesh spent half as much energy educating its people on "sanctity" of an international border(and why it should not be crossed illegally) or even deploying its forces on its border to prevent its people from crossing into India and viceversa..border shooting would have been history by now.

Surprising part is nobody in Bangladesh questions, why these people are allowed to cross Bangladeshi borders in first place or why are they no measures taken to stop the illegal activities there.

The fact is, Bangladeshi could not care less..on what happens to its citizens after they cross into India ..as long as they get to make a political issue out of it or they would have taken measures to control these people.

Another fact they constantly forget is that they can but control their own actions and not other's. India will do what she deems necessary to secure her borders and Bangladesh should do the same for it's citizens.
Offense number 1- Illegal entry in a sovereign country
Offense number 2- Trading their religious entity without proper license
Offense number 3- Smuggling and robbing off the profit their country would have with proper trading
Offense number 4- Bribing the officers

Here come indian curry flavor garbage. Most stinky one is "Trading their(indian) religious entity" when indians are the one selling their cows for money. animelive gone from defending Awami League murderers to defending indian "religious entity". His deception skin coming apart.

And for illegal crossing, why shooting unaramed cow traders, farmers, children when india welcome and shelter known terrorist into india by looking the other way?


Clearly your stinky indian BS has not credibility, pure and simple.
Here come indian curry flavor garbage. Most stinky one is "Trading their(indian) religious entity" when indians are the one selling their cows for money. animelive gone from defending Awami League murderers to defending indian "religious entity". His deception skin coming apart.

And for illegal crossing, why shooting unaramed cow traders, farmers, children when india welcome and shelter known terrorist into india by looking the other way?


Clearly your stinky indian BS has not credibility, pure and simple.

Aside from the insults, i will answer all your questions.
As i said before, its inhumane, but not unreasonable. We must respect the border line. You are expert in blaming others like a 10 year old kid but won't see your own faults. The smugglers(traders lol) know very well the consequences and they chose it for themselves. Although kids and women should not be killed
If you want to act as idiot no one can stop you. But you defending Awami League giving license for BSF killing by saying we are misreading Awami League action and statement, is very clear. If you don't know what is primary duty of any govt then you are NOT here to have constructive discussion. You are here to defend Awami League issuing indian BSF license to kill Bangladeshis.

Look who's talking!! since the beginning..you have served but a single agenda "of demonizing awami league",

Personally I could not care less..if you are party worker for the opposition party or a just a random guy, blown over by begum Zia's charms..but your single point agenda is inconsistent with AL's action(whether they were good or bad for Bangladesh) is as hollow as your 'caring attitude' for the people who cross the border.

If you really cared about these people ..you would asking.."why the current govt allows such migrations to take place" and not why "the current govt can not control Indian actions" because later is a no brainier!!
Look who's talking!! since the beginning..you have served but a single agenda "of demonizing awami league",

Personally I could not care less..if you are party worker for the opposition party or a just a random guy blown over by begum Zia's charms..but your single point agenda inconsistent with AL's action(weather they had been good or bad for Bangladesh) is as hollow as your 'caring attitude' for the people who cross the border.

If you really cared about these people ..you would asking.."why the present govt allows such migrations to take place" and not why "the present govt can not control Indian actions" because later is a no brainier!!

He is here to express his hatred for Awami league, and try to get a few votes for BNP. Too bad, both are crap
We must respect the border line. You are expert in blaming others like a 10 year old kid but won't see your own faults. The smugglers(traders lol) know very well the consequences and they chose it for themselves. Although kids and women should not be killed

Shooting unaramed cow traders, farmers, children exposes typical indian BS when india welcome and shelter known terrorist into india by looking the other way. Where was your and indian arguments of "respect indian border" then? Read and learn before opening your yap.


How many times indians violated Bangladeshi border and looted harvest, cattle, fish etc?


You are passionate defense on indian border and indian right to kill but clearly exposes where you coming from and nothing but deceptive croc tears.
IF Bangladesh spent half as much energy educating its people on "sanctity" of an international border(and why it should not be crossed illegally) or even deploying its forces on its border to prevent its people from crossing into India and viceversa..border shooting would have been history by now.

Surprising part is nobody in Bangladesh questions, why these people are allowed to cross Bangladeshi borders in first place or why are they no measures taken to stop the illegal activities there.

The fact is, Bangladeshi could not care less..on what happens to its citizens after they cross into India ..as long as they get to make a political issue out of it or they would have taken measures to control these people.

Another fact they constantly forget is that they can but control their own actions and not other's. India will do what she deems necessary to secure her borders and Bangladesh should do the same for it's citizens.

Hate to agree but the above quote is true. People just need to blame India and Awami for anything and everything but they don't see the reality. They want the Government to do certain stuffs but have no idea how those are supposed to happen. Hence they start blaming them.

Shooting unaramed cow traders, farmers, children exposes typical indian BS when india welcome and shelter known terrorist into india by looking the other way. Read and learn before opening your yap.


Clearly your stinky indian BS has not credibility, pure and simple

Hello numbskull, You are illegally crossing border and doing crime in their country involving their religious entity and you expect to come here alive? That is basically equivalent to going to a Mosque and badmouthing our holy Prophets. Welcome to the reality, BNP fanboy
Hate to agree but the above quote is true. People just need to blame India and Awami for anything and everything but they don't see the reality. They want the Government to do certain stuffs but have no idea how those are supposed to happen. Hence they start blaming them.

Hello numbskull, You are illegally crossing border and doing crime in their country involving their religious entity and you expect to come here alive? That is basically equivalent to going to a Mosque and badmouthing our holy Prophets. Welcome to the reality, BNP fanboy
yeah, you don't support muslim religious bigotry, and then you are supporting hindu bigotry?? Funny! Why not ask Indians to stop bringing their sacred animals from Rajsthan to Bangladesh border... Cow is not a small thing, indian police can stop them from moving inside India... Bangladeshis take risk because Indians bring cows to sell them and its easy money! So for that they deserve to die? You have shown your true color here!!! @idune you should not take a 17 years old seriously who is living in lala land
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and then you don't support muslim religious bigotry, and then you are supporting hindu bigotry?? Funny! Why not ask Indians to stop bringing their sacred animals from Rajsthan to Bangladesh border... Cow is not a small thing, they can stop them from moving inside India... Bangladeshis take risk because Indians bring cows to sell them and its easy money! So for that they deserve to die? You have shown your true color here!!! @idune you should not take a 17 years old seriously who is living in lala land

Lobhe paap, paap e mrittu. You are supporting smuggling here, and illegal crossing of border. Therefore the meat you eat is coming from Haram means. Use your little "Islamic" Knowledge to comprehend the whole situation instead of pointing out one part. I don't support killing but i am not hypocrite enough to support another crime called smuggling either. I like to be more sane than you. I like to respect other's religion, i was taught to respect laws. I was brought up to have good manners against people despite their race, religion or country. But you guys are filled with hatred and like to blame others for your own fault. This 17 year old is more mature than @idune You claim to have so much knowledge aout politics, give me one suggestion, what can Bangladesh do about border killing? boycott their goods? they will do the same for ours. Out loss is much huger. Start border killing? BDR is crippled. Protest? they will claim it to be accident. Do we have the power to pressure them? no.
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Lobhe paap, paap e mrittu. You are supporting smuggling here, and illegal crossing of border. Therefore the meat you eat is coming from Haram means. Use your little "Islamic" Knowledge to comprehend the whole situation instead of pointing out one part. I don't support killing but i am not hypocrite enough to support another crime called smuggling either. I like to be more sane than you. I like to respect other's religion, i was taught to respect laws. I was brought up to have good manners against people despite their race, religion or country. But you guys are filled with hatred and like to blame others for your own fault. This 17 year old is more mature than @idune

CopyCAT indian shut up! lobhe paap , paape mrittu? So do you also support cutting hands for minor stealing like i do? That less severe punishment than death! Just few days ago you had problems with such bigotry and now you are licking indians?
Eorl ⚔;3761798 said:
As I told before, Razakar were at least loyal to its united country, but BAL and Dalals are real traitors. Kill and hang them all first!

Gotta respect your words now
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Hello numbskull, You are illegally crossing border and doing crime in their country involving their religious entity and you expect to come here alive? That is basically equivalent to going to a Mosque and badmouthing our holy Prophets. Welcome to the reality, BNP fanboy

You would cheerled india let Awami terrorist cross border and sheltered by india.
Advocate killing of unarmed Bangladeshis.

That tells the story that your beef is Bangladeshis eating your "religious entity" - the cow. That is rare bigoted expression.
CopyCAT indian shut up! lobhe paap , paape mrittu? So do you also support cutting hands for minor stealing like i do? That less severe punishment than death! Just few days ago you had problems with such bigotry and now you are licking indians?
Again, why don't you answer by full post? Deep inside, you also know that its our fault. Well well well, i will point the offenses out again.
1. Intrusion of border
2. Smuggling their religious entity
3. Bribing

Do you know how much loss They are suffering from this smuggling? Have any idea? What bigotry do you see here? I don't. You are blaming them for everything but we are the one starting this cycle. Bravo. Thats like blaming the teacher for suspending you in an exam when you were the one who cheating(Just an example)

PS: i don't support killing, i don't support smuggling. I want the meat i eat to come in a Halal way.

You would cheerled india let Awami terrorist cross border and sheltered by india.
Advocate killing of unarmed Bangladeshis.

That tells the story that your beef is Bangladeshis eating your "religious entity" - the cow. That is rare bigoted expression.

Stop assuming, i don't support Awami, ut i have different and much saner view than yours too.
I don't support killing, once again, but you are supporting smuggling.
See the other points too. Nothing bigoted about it, Bangladeshis would do the same. Hypocrisy is bad and you should feel bad
BDR is crippled. Protest? they will claim it to be accident. Do we have the power to pressure them? no.

Admission, its Awmi League which made the BDR crippled. For indian cheer leader like yourself its hard to think what Bangladesh can or can not do.
yeah, you don't support muslim religious bigotry, and then you are supporting hindu bigotry?? Funny! Why not ask Indians to stop bringing their sacred animals from Rajsthan to Bangladesh border... Cow is not a small thing, indian police can stop them from moving inside India... Bangladeshis take risk because Indians bring cows to sell them and its easy money! So for that they deserve to die? You have shown your true color here!!! @idune you should not take a 17 years old seriously who is living in lala land

Personally, I could not care less for some cows being taken from India and slaughtered in Bangladesh for meat..any export is a good export for India..because there is no export duty ..but there is a duty on imports...so only Bangladeshi govt looses money, when it is unable to stop such smuggling.

What bugs us is ,ease with which such illegal activities takes place on our border..and most Bangladeshis are not willing to stop it, but do not even want to condemn it, even if it is harming their economy.As if it is your birth right to march into India, when ever it pleases you.
You are a separate, sovereign state, you need to secure your borders and take responsibility for your citizens.
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