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Awami League committing worst genocide in Bangladesh history


Dec 14, 2008
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Awami League committing worst genocide in Bangladesh history - BNP

BNP, main opposition party in Bangladesh termed Awami league wide spread killing of protesting people as worst genocide committed. According to various media report there are 42 people died in Awami league terror police shooting on protesting people. More will follow...

My feeble attempt at translation of this 'headline' making news article!

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Country on fire, 56 people killed, Police goes on an infernal murder spree. Record number of people killed in a single day, resistance from Jamaat-Shibir in various places, four Police among the dead, State Minister's house and car set on fire, police station blockaded in Satkania, Lohagara

The whole country has been infuriated at the verdict of death penalty against Allama Delawar Hussein Sayidi. Fans of Sayidi around the country have been at the receiving end of the most barbaric, brutal massacre in history at the hands of the Police and the government's party-cadres. At least 55 people and 5 members of the police have been killed, according to the latest news. The number of dead may go up higher still. At 9 PM, clashes were still going on in Mirpur, Dhaka and other locations within the city. More than 10,000 people have been injured around the country. Hundreds of people have been shot. Police stations and outposts have been blockaded, rail lines uprooted, vehicles damaged around the country, turning it into a warzone. Police, RAB, Border Guard Bangladesh - BGB, APABN and "Reserve Police" have been deployed to bring the situation under control.

According to reports from correspondents, the Police have shot and killed 1 person in Mirpur and 1 person in Uttara area of Dhaka, 10 people in Satkhira, 7 people in Takoorgoon, 7 people in Rongpur, 3 members of the police and two members of Jamaat in Gaibendha, 4 people in Noakhali, 2 people in Chapainawabganj, 2 people in Cox's Bazar, 2 in Dinajpur, 2 people in Lohagara in Chittagong including one constable, 2 people in Satkania, 1 person in Natore, 2 people in Sirajganj, 2 people in Maulvibazar and 1 person in Bagura. Besides these murders, an unprecedented rain of shots fired across the country by the Police have created an atmosphere of terror in the public psyche. Three members of the police have been beaten to death by infuriated members of the public at Gaibendha. At Lohagara in Chittagong, one police constable died from a stray brick thrown by picketers.

Cadres of the "Chhatro League" (Student League) and "Jubo League" (Youth League) have attacked members of Jamat together with the police. They have attacked, vandalized and looted banks, hospitals, insurance companies, and different business ventures of Jamat suppoters. Jamat supporters as well as fans of Mawlana Sayidi, in turn, have retaliated against Police outposts, police stations and Awami League offices at different locations. In Chapainawabganj, State Minister for Electricity, Enamul Haque's house was attacked and vandalized. In the same district, the executive Engineer of Sonamasjid office of the Parjatan Corporation died after jumping off in fear of the infuriated public.

Meanwhile, Jamat has claimed that (the Police) have killed at least 66 of their leaders and members after they had opened fire on innocent members of the general public last night. According to their calculations, Police have shot dead 10 people in Satkhira, 7 people in Rongpur, 7 people in Panchgarh, 3 people in Chittagong, 4 people in Cox's Bazar, 3 in Sirajgonj, 3 in Narayangonj, 3 people in Dinajpur, 7 people in Thakurgaon, 4 in Chapainawabganj, 3 in Noakhali, 3 in Maulavi Bazar, 3 in Gaibendha, 1 each in Mirpur and Uttara areas of Dhaka, and 1 each in Comilla, Jessore, Natore and Lakkhipoor, bringing the total to 65 killed.

Jamayate Islami also said, around 5,000 members of the general public have been injured around the country from Police's indiscriminate firing. Among them, 500 of the injured are in life-threatening states. The government is playing games with the lives of the public, they added.

According to latest news, the entire Mirpur area of Dhaka City, including Mirpur-1 and Mirpur-10 areas, have become warzones due to the clashes between Police and Jamat rank and file. Unsupported sources have relayed the news of 5 deaths in Mirpur so far. But the Police have acceded to the death of one unidentified person (only) in Mirpur. The Police have also clashed with the Jamat members at the Uttara area of Dhaka city as well. 2 people have been confirmed dead in these clashes, although their names could not be figured out yet, and according to the latest news, clashes continue there.

7 dead at Takoorgoon: 7 people died as a furious public procession was fired indiscriminately upon by the Police immediately after the announcement of the verdict. Including female members of the public, a total of 20 people have been injured by the gunshots. Another 50 members have also been injured at the very least. A few thousand fans of Sayidi had started to gather around that area from the previous morning. Immediately after the announcement of the verdict, the agitated members of the public protested en masse, blockading roads in the process.

Police fired rubber bullets and tearshells in the guise of controlling the protests. The public became even more agitated at such moves. BGB and additional police units were deployed at the area. At that time, police and BGB started brushfiring on the agitated public, leading to the deaths of Niranjan (20), Rubel (18), Daimul (21), Shumon (20), Firoz (19) on the spot. Another person named Munir (18) breathed his last at the Takoorgoon Central Hospital after he had been taken there for medical treatment for his bullet wounds. The clashes resulted in a further 25 members shot including female members of the public shot, and an additional 50 members injured. Many injured members of the public have been dispatched to Takoorgoon, Rongpur and Dinajpur Medical (Centres) for treatment. The condition of a certain Dulal Islam (20) is life-threatening, according to surgeon Sopayndrawneth Roi at Takoorgoon Central Hospital. At one stage of the 2-hour long clash, the police and BGB were forced to retreat. After the situation had calmed somewhat, the vilagers rescued the corpse of the deceased as well as the wounded. It has been learnt that many female members of the public and other members of the general public have also been shot by the police. The sudden loss of so many blooming lives cast a gloomy shadow of bereavement on the area. Sobbing could be heard in family homes of the deceased.

4 dead in Noakhali: There have been clashes between the Police and Awami League cadres on one side, and the members of Jamat-Shibir on the other side in Maizdee Doterhat area of Noakhali district and Begumganj upazilla (sub-district?). Police fired indiscriminately during these clashes. More than 300 rounds have been fired during this time, it has been reported. Pedetrian Khokon (24) died from such indiscriminate firing. He was a pickup driver by profession. More than 100 people have been injured, including 30 to 35 people shot, it has been learnt. A stretch of 3 kilometres from District-city Maizdee to Sonapur had become a warzone during this time. General Secretary of the "Chhatra Dal" (Student Party) of the District, Saber Ahmed, claimed that some homes of BNP-Jamat supporters have been attacked, vandalized and indiscriminately fired at by Police and Awami League cadres during these clashes near Doterhat and neighbouring areas. Panic has spread in the Noakhali Municipal area due to these incidents. The agitated members of the public damaged some vehicles during this time.

Meanwhile, the general public and members of Jamat-Shibir together led a procession rally in protest in Rajgonjbajar area of Begumganj at this time. Police fired more than 200 rounds on these processioners. It has been reported that BNP supporter and businessman Liton (26) and two Shibir members have been killed because of indiscriminate firing. At this time, the agitated public set two houses near Rajgonjbazar on fire. 30 to 40 people have been shot and more than 100 people have been injured, and journalist Muhtasim Billah was seriously hurt while gathering information.

On the other hand, 10 members were injured when Awami League members attacked a procession of Jamat-Shibir from behind in the presence of the Police at Aatkopaliabazar of Shoobawrnochor upa-zilla (subdistrict?).

Clashes erupted after noon on Thursday amongst Awami League cadres and members of the Police on one side, and Jamat-Shibir on the other side in different areas of the district. This has created an atmosphere of panic and terror around the area. Amidst the "Hartal" during the day, presence of people in businesses, offices, markets and elsewhere was markedly lower. Not many people ventured out of their homes except in cases of dire needs. The expression of fear and panic could be clearly seen on the faces of many people.

BNP joint secretary and president of Noakhali district, Muhammad Shahjahan, and General Secretary for the district as well as Noakhali Municipal area Mayor Harun Ur Rashid Azad, asserted in a statement that "Police and Awami League cadres have fired indiscriminately at a Jamat-Shibir procession. A pedestrian "Khokon" was killed because of this firing, and 30 to 40 pedestrians have sustained bullet wounds. In the presence of the Police, Awami League cadres then went on to attack, vandalize and loot businesses and homes of BNP and Jamat supporters. As a result of such provocations, tensions escalated and the whole area turned into a warzone. Whereas the members of the law enforcement agencies are supposed to calm tensions, the situation was exacerbated and made more fragile due to the provocations of these Awami-terrorists. The Awami cadres conducted this rampage under the nose of the Police. This will lead the general public to think that there does not exist any administration in the country. " They urged the members of the police to desist from repeating such behaviour in the future and they also condemned and protested against the vile attacks on members of the general public.

10 killed in Satkhira: At least 10 Jamat-Shibir members have been killed after clashes erupted between members of the "Sayidi Liberation Committee" and Jamat Shibir members on one side, and Police and BGB on the other side. The deceased are: Rabiul Islam of Gazipur village in Satkhira district, Shaheen Miah of Boheradanga village in the "Sadar Upazilla", Saif Ullah of Khanpur village, Abul Hasan of Beledanga village, Ali Mustafa of Daybheta village, Tuhin Miah of Ghorishpur village and Anwar from Ghona village. Additionally, the deceased includes three people identified as Mushrraf, Imdad and Iqbal, but no further information on them could be unearthed.

At 4PM, the Police and BGB obstructed a procession by 'Sayidi Liberation Committee' and Jamat-Shibir at Circuit House Junction when the procession tried to go towards the city from the Kadamtali Bazar of the city. When the processioners tried to ignore these obstructions, the Police and BGB fired rubber bullets and tearshells in order to disperse the crowd. At least 50 people have suffered bullet wounds due to the firing by "Chhatro League" (Student League - student wing of BAL) in concert with the Police and BGB. At the time of writing at 9 PM, 10 people have been confirmed dead, and the number of deceased might increase further with time.

"Jamat convened a gathering outside the city", according to Satkhira district Jamat, but when the agitated public wanted to reach the city, the Police and BGB obstructed the procession. The agitated public cast some brickbats at this time in protest. Police and BGB opened fire indiscriminately against the unarmed public, leading to the injury to lots of people including bullet wounds.

At the time of writing of this report at night, Satkhira city was a "City of Death". Anger, panic and anxiety permeated the region. People rarely ventured out of their homes. Police, RAB and BGB patrolled throughout the city, while Cadres of "Chhatro League" (Student League - Student wing of BAL) chanted slogans of "ধর ধর শিবির ধর—ধইরা ধইরা জবাই কর" (Catch (members of) Shibir, and Slaughter them). A gloomy situation pervaded the whole area.


(Article continues. Check original link.)
Country is heading towards civil war, in either case the Hindutva radicals stand to gain. If BAL gains power through rigged elections, they can complete the process they started in 2006 through "logi-boitha" (oar) terrorism in broad day light in the middle of public square, only a day or two after the happiest day of Eid Al Fitr in the lunar calendar year.

If the 85-90% people do not cave in to machinations of BAL and the Hindutva radicals from abroad, then we are left with a civil war in Bangladesh.

In either case, they have a weak country on their Eastern flank.
My attempted translation of this important statement from BNP:

???????? ????? ??????? : ?????? : ??????????? ?????? ?????

"Most brutal genocide in history, it has surpassed that of 1971": BNP

BNP has strongly condemned the indiscriminate killing by the government-cadres around the country. The acting Secretary General of the BNP, Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, said in a statement that the indiscriminate killing of the general public around the country by Police, RAB and Awami-terrorists has spread panic amongst the general public. Claiming it to be the most brutal genocide in history, he called for a Judical Enquiry into these killings.

The indiscriminate shooting and killing of innocent civilians by Police, RAB and armed-Awami-cadres at Awami League's orders around the country in Takoorgoon, Dinajpur, Sirajganj, Noakhali, Rongpur, Bagura, Chittagong and elsewhere has surpassed all known levels including that of the invaders of 1971.

In a press release signed by Joint secretary general of BNP, Ruhul Kabir Rizvi, it was stated that "The verdict of "hanging" to death of Maulana Allama Delawar Hussein Sayidi was immediately followed by an infernal rampage caused by Police-RAB and Awami-terrorists by killing a huge number of opposition activists and members of the general public." Characterising it as the fascist and murderous trait of Awami government, the acting Secretary General of the BNP expressed his strong protest, condemnation and anger at these acts.

Terming the power-hungry Awami government as a murderous government, he added "The government has let loose the Police, RAB and its pet Awami-cadres (Student League, Youth League) on members of the general public as well as the opposition activists on a murderous spree. This murderous spree has reached such an extreme extent that this ghastly incident would cause (all) the ruthless, fascist rulers of history to hide their faces in shame".

The BNP General Secretary then said "In a multiparty democracy, difference of political opinions is (widely) accepted. Tolerating different opinions is a (common) characteristic of democratic governments. But the heritage of the current Awami government has always been to create a political system without any political opponents. They have always killed off multiparty and "multipath" democracy. They reveal their poisonous fangs every time after deceiving the public and luring them in with false promises, and the victim of their venomous sting has always been the general public".

Terming the extent of murder (by Police, RAB and Awami-cadres) around the country as beyond those in 1971, Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir thought that "The Awami-terrorists and Police forces have launched a vicious assault on the public to silence the democratic struggle of the people, for ever, like a bloodthirsty animal. Murderers reign in this country today. The people of the country are leading their lives anxiously.

He further added, "This Awami ruling party has considered vengeance, corruption, and misrule as the (main) guiding principles of their governance ever since assuming power during this tenure. Looking at the actions of the ruling clique, it seems they consider murder as a game of 'firecrakers'. " He also said, "Autocratic rulers killed people in the past in order to strengthen their rule, but the end result has always been deadly for them.".

The acting General Secretary of BNP affirmed that "Amidst their cruel game of murder of general people, democracy, independence and sovereignty of the country is at stake today". Urging them to abandon the path of murder and bloodletting, he reminded the government of the ultimately disastrous fates that befell every fascist government in the past.

Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir has strongly demanded that a Judicial Enquiry be carried out on the indiscriminate killing of people around the country by the government forces, at once. He has prayed for the Magfirat (forgiveness?) for the Ruh (soul?) of every deceased person killed by the Police, RAB and Awami-terrorists on Thursday, and also expressed his deepest condolences for the families of the bereaved.
Awami League committing worst genocide in Bangladesh history - BNP

BNP, main opposition party in Bangladesh termed Awami league wide spread killing of protesting people as worst genocide committed. According to various media report there are 42 people died in Awami league terror police shooting on protesting people. More will follow...

???????? ??????? ??????? ????: ?????

A clearly politically motivated statement. The violence was initiated by jamat activists. Then it accelerated when police tried to save themselves from getting killed.

@Hammer-fist, please have a look at this thread and put some remarks on the recent development of the situation.
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A clearly politically motivated statement. The violence was initiated by jamat activists. Then it accelerated when police tried to save themselves from getting killed.

@Hammer-fist, please have a look at this thread and put some remarks on the recent development of the situation.

Backing jamat bnp becoming more and more detached from ppl. Al and bnp should come together to solve these disputes. Jamat always was bone of good relation between these two mainstream parties. Getting jamat out of bnp we can find a purified progressive party.Jamat's main view is to keep the distance between yhese parties. So that they can be gainer.

And police firing only to save their life. Most of the cases ppl dying by jamat's attack. How violent these jamatis no one can imagine typing on computers.

@ShadowFaux hammerfist was tyred by some ppl's attack here. So he taken a leave.
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I never seen a government so eager to create divide among its countrymen. I hope this situation resolves because life under constant fear of threat is no life at all. Your heart goes numb as you get so used to people dying all around you. A nation with no peace is not a nation at all but a living hell.
@idune , can you explain the basis for claiming by the title that a government sponsered 'genocide' is at play and if you have primary sources in anglais that would be appreciated because this is a very serious claim as it contradicts the charges that are at play in the international tribunal court.
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@idune , can you explain the basis for claiming by the title that a government sponsered 'genocide' is at play and if you have primary sources in anglais that would be appreciated because this is a very serious claim as it contradicts the charges that are at play in the international tribunal court.

First question: how much you know about Bangladesh?
Second question: whare are you from? That will give me chance to understand on level of your understanding about Bangladesh.
Third question: have you read or know how to read threads posted in Bangladeshi section? Because, most of your questions are answered in other threads already.
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Thanks for doing that. It really helpful for non Bangla speaker to get clear picture of situation in Bangladesh.

You are most welcome. I hope other genuine Bangladeshis who work for Bangladesh come up and contribute as well. Now the country is broadly divided into two parts - one part comprising the majority 85-90% of the population that lives and dies for Bangladesh, and another tiny minority that works for and gets paid by a foreign country and serves their agenda, often unknowingly as diehard members of BAL, or as a traditional votebank of BAL.
@idune , can you explain the basis for claiming by the title that a government sponsered 'genocide' is at play and if you have primary sources in anglais that would be appreciated because this is a very serious claim as it contradicts the charges that are at play in the international tribunal court.
mate, its just a catchy thread title. Dont be too hung up on words in bd section. :)
consider it as a advetisement on tv, exaggeration is the norm here.
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@idune , can you explain the basis for claiming by the title that a government sponsered 'genocide' is at play and if you have primary sources in anglais that would be appreciated because this is a very serious claim as it contradicts the charges that are at play in the international tribunal court.

If two armed parties fight against each other in the same country, one might call it a civil war.

If one party is armed and the other party, comprising the vast majority, is unarmed, and then the armed party starts killing the unarmed party, it might be termed genocide. That is what BAL government claims as the justification for its claims of genocide by Pakistan in 1971 (whether true or false is another issue).

There may not be any English language source on this news yet, because there are very few Bangladeshi newspapers not owned by BAL government MPs and members, and most Bangladeshi media outlets publish news in Bangla language, not any foreign language.
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