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AVT Khyber TV Host retweeting Sanction Pakistan

Her likes include something about Hamid Mir in pashto too, no clue what it means but possibly praising him

A ton of Afghanistan political stuff also...

I am all for expressing your opinion in our 'democratic' Pakistan, but a TV anchor asking for sanctions to be placed on Pakistan is something else.
Anti-national opinions should not be tolerated
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Anti-national opinions should not be tolerated

The majority of Pakistanis on defence.pk who say such things are rather young Pakistanis (15-25) with a high sense of nationalism and pride. When you get older you'll start to realize that being rational is often better than being emotional.
The majority of Pakistanis on defence.pk who say such things are rather young Pakistanis (15-25) with a high sense of nationalism and pride. When you get older you'll start to realize that being rational is often better than being emotional.
Pakistan is not like any other country, the effects of such statements are magnitudes apart for us, we are already an incredibly divided society.

I don't see it as emotional, I see it as the logical option to preserve the nation in its current state.

Statements like those can create a literal separatist terrorist organisation
Pakistan is not like any other country, the effects of such statements are magnitudes apart for us, we are already an incredibly divided society.

I don't see it as emotional, I see it as the logical option to preserve the nation in its current state.

Statements like those can create a literal separatist terrorist organisation

If statements like those can lead to the creation of a terrorist organisation within Pakistan, then I am afraid we have far bigger problems than a random TV anchor expressing her views.
We are a divided society because we are for the most part an emotional society, it's what has kept us backwards. I can only hope our intelligence agencies are keeping an eye out on (cyber) threats that sprout anti-state propaganda. But to point your gun at each and every individual that has a negative opinion of matters in Pakistan is a bit too much for me personally.
Deport her!
Any refugee which criticizes Pakistan should be automatically deported!

Only citizens of Pakistan have the right to criticize Pakistan. Refugees or immigrants should respect the country hosting them or gtfo!

Spam Pakistani media channels socials media with #boycott them until they fire her! Put pressure on these media companies to take action. Spam call their phone numbers and spam their emails. If needed hold protests in front of these media channels headquarters.

They must fire her or we fire the whole media outlet all together from this country with her!

If statements like those can lead to the creation of a terrorist organisation within Pakistan, then I am afraid we have far bigger problems than a random TV anchor expressing her views.
We are a divided society because we are for the most part an emotional society, it's what has kept us backwards. I can only hope our intelligence agencies are keeping an eye out on (cyber) threats that sprout anti-state propaganda. But to point your gun at each and every individual that has a negative opinion of matters in Pakistan is a bit too much for me personally.
Well I guess there are different ways of handling such things but there should definitely be preventive measures put in place

Personally I don't see why you would even recruit a foreign national for this position?

Why is a foreigner an anchor for a domestic Pakistani channel? We have so many Pashtuns from Pakistan who can take this role

And it's really not hard to predict something like this happening if the foreign national is Afghan, they aren't exactly known to be fond of Pakistan...

This is giving too much power to someone who is a security risk

Deport her!
Any refugee which criticizes Pakistan should be automatically deported!

Only citizens of Pakistan have the right to criticize Pakistan. Refugees or immigrants should respect the country hosting them or gtfo!

Spam Pakistani media channels socials media with #boycott them until they fire her! Put pressure on these media companies to take action. Spam call their phone numbers and spam their emails. If needed hold protests in front of these media channels headquarters.

They must fire her or we fire the whole media outlet all together from this country with her!
Deporting her is the worst idea
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