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Avalanche traps about 150 Pakistani soldiers

American military rescue team reach's ISB to take part in rescue oprns
how come front post were save ? the source or the starting point of avalanche should be study for future safety in building post.

It should be. In India, there is a Lab called SASE that has painstakingly built up a database of avalanches over more than two decades. There is even an 'avalanche atlas' and areas are constantly under study inclding by UAVs. That has helped to reduce avalanche damage over the years.

But finally; avalanches are a naturally occuring phenomena. Man will never ever gain control over such phenomena.
we should not offer any help..let them live in their own mess.
Their prob is not our prob

Your so-called help was rejected before by PA and is again, almost, rejected! By the way, where did your human rights went?
We should declare Siachen as a no-go zone. It's pointless to fight somewhere so up top.
I would like to thank the Indian's and our other friends including Turks, Chinese and Iranians for their condolences and kind words, it is at times like these, that our common humanity should make an appearance.
For once our leaders have a ready made situation to show each other the "humanity" side in all this. Our leaders are sitting side by side and this could be a massive bridging of gaps between the 2 nations to seek the build a relationship on having a joint operation - maybe im in dream land but is it too much to ask for that our 2 nations military between them must have access to some of the best utensils to use on this operation? As each minute and hour goes bye i sense we have seen the last breaths of the jawaans.
We can sit and put up permutations on here - those in charge that can make a difference may be missing out a major oppertunity in a life saving exercise and a "building of bridges" between the 2 nations....

I agree with you on this. This is a good opportunity for India to help and even the US has offered to assist in whatever way they can. Honestly we would be happy if our forces could lend a helping hand and launch a rescue operation. There is no harm in trying even if there is less hope. If somehow the miracle happens and Indian soldiers are deployed for rescuing your soldiers, then it would be a great step towards the closing of the gap/bridge between our two countries. We dont know the fate of these trapped soldiers but trying to rescue them could help prevent another war that could cost much more and develop a friendship that we have missed since independence.

However the process will start either with the Pakistani side asking for help or the Indian side offering it, neither of which has happened yet. The Pakistani media is already killing the morale of the rescue as time withers away. The key in such situations is not to give up because that's all we can do.
Mr Think Tank :
Its the first time such a big avalanche has happened in the that region and I was interested in the concentration of ice which became the source and studding the forces which might have caused the incidence (it could be change in temperature , ice buildup , pollution in the region, globe warming ). Have you ever heard of incident investigation for future safety ?

I was hoping a Indian member will come and tell me I am insane , Hey I am not saying its man made just before the day India and Pakistan were going to talk about that specific region? did I ? :coffee:

I shall assume good faith, in view of your response. My understanding, from remarks in another discussion to which I have been privy, is that there is no direct path for the avalanche to have descended from the region occupied by Indian troops, because there is no easy way to those positions from the Pakistan side. Simply speaking, if there is no direct way to climb up, there is no way for the snow to come down.

From what I could make out, Pakistani positions are on the lower slopes of the ridges leading to the Indian positions, but not directly. This arose in the context of a speculation about the possibility of Indian troops making their way down to help with the rescue operations.
ARY says an 8 member Amreekan team has arrived to assist in the rescue.
Army Chief Visited Siachen To Personally See The Rescue Operation At Gayari Sector (08/04/12)

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I am sure that everything that can be done to help, is being done.

Let us hope for the best, but also be prepared to deal with the worst. We need to be united and strong at this time.
I guess USA should help in sending thermal imaging devices to track any alive human down there.....cuz they got that technology....
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