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Austria Retiring 15 New Eurofighter Typhoon Should Paf buys them for airsuperiority

JF-17 is more than good enough atm and it can take down SU-30 very easily. We are fine for next 5 years until we get J-10s
Everyone is selling something. Pakistan has no money for weapons.

We need to make hospitals and infrastructure and build our economy. Weapon systems are secondary priority right now.

If we face threat just fire one or two mini nukes to kill them all invading forces.

We have more political and corruption issues then economic issues. We have water, We need to stop tanker mafia who have supported by corrupt politicians. Millions of gallons of water is dumped into the sea. We need to distribute this water in different parts of Pakistan and for that we need to build canal system.
5 billion Euros r about 7 billion $we can but Atleast 50 to, 60 brand new F16s blk 70 if we have money F16 is plane we want simple reliable
J31 or SU 35 are far better options then this decade old typhone with tht you got to buy its weapons for use , while both china and russian made jets are far more cheaper deal with a lot more coopreation insight
J31 or SU 35 are far better options then this decade old typhone with tht you got to buy its weapons for use , while both china and russian made jets are far more cheaper deal with a lot more coopreation insight
Russian junk is useless
Today i saw i news that Austrian government is decided to phase ourt EF 2000 due to cost factor and they don't have Enemy at their borders and eminent need of jets

Pakistan Airforce lacks in airsuperiority role and deep strike capability these 15 EF 2000 Can fullfil our needs until we get new fith generations jet and these jets will come at lesser price as second hand jets top of it they can fire any New air to air missile like IRIST MATADEOR etc which F 16 cannot yet

Top of it until we get new twin engine 5th generation jet our pilots can gain experience in twin engine jet of EF 2000 calliber and somewhat we can counter Rafale if India with this aqusation
It is good options and we need at least two to three sdrn. So it cover only 1 sdrn and then we have to go for another 2 to make good use of this planes. Otherwise maintenance will be a nightmare
I'll pass on the offer. Not the least bit interested in EF Typhoon.
Can we not invest in opening a new assembly line of jf17 block 3 instead?

Can any learned brother enlighten on practicalities?
Russian junk is useless
Evn JF 17 is flying on a Russian engine, u need to study a lot about Russian tech, it's absolutely cool, in. The end its a man behind the machine and it least Russian planes comes with out coded chips in it

Can we not invest in opening a new assembly line of jf17 block 3 instead?

Can any learned brother enlighten on practicalities?
JF thunder has its own capabilities and even block 3 can be manufactured with the same base asemmbly line pakistan needs a long range fighter air crafts which can hit deep inside enemy, and SU 35 are the best
I don't think they would make much difference in such low number and it would be cost prohibitive for PAF to get them in numbers that matter. For PAF quantity with "ok" quality is the way to go. JF17 blk3 is step in that direction.
JF-17 is not for deep strike missions.

Evn JF 17 is flying on a Russian engine, u need to study a lot about Russian tech, it's absolutely cool, in. The end its a man behind the machine and it least Russian planes comes with out coded chips in it
Man behind the machine story does not hold up to scrutiny for long.
JF-17 is not for deep strike missions.

Man behind the machine story does not hold up to scrutiny for long.
It does hold, and yes JF thunders are not long range fighters, when thunders shot IAF Su30 tht man behind machine theory proved itself in practical
It does hold, and yes JF thunders are not long range fighters, when thunders shot IAF Su30 tht man behind machine theory proved itself in practical
Both man and machine are important as sum of all parts.

Give Suzuki Mehran to an expert driver and give Ferrari to an average driver, and the latter will still smoke the former in a race. Ground realities are similar in the case of weapons.
Those EF Typhoons are early models with limited military capability and a chunk of their flying hours have been used up. If a rich country like Austria cannot operate them and are having to get rid of them then you do have to ask why !!!!

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