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Australian harassed in Bengaluru over tattoo

Ahh,so now it's you who is acting like a Dyslexic person:lol:!!I have compared the literacy rate of Bangalore with Australia and personally i think that an average Bangalorian guy is far more educated than their Aussie counterpart!!

The real world is not Bollywood.. Bangalorean or what not.. Shame they scamper here to drive cabs with such high education.. Seriously

Btw.. I assume you know how to Google ? Look it up and learn to use that word dyslexic in context, Just because somebody used it, You cant just put it in sentences that makes no sense.. See bub that needs atleast 5th standard education.. :lol:
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perhaps the guy thought that a mere tattoo is not a big deal for everyone. i personally does not know that a tattoo can cause so much problems in India until i read this thread today. well, i guess you don't know what you do not know. perhaps the Indian govt should have make a welcoming board like "Welcome to India! Death Penalty for the Hindu Mockers!" or something like that.

Why don't you put up a big board around your neck declaring you as a RACIST ? :cheesy: ....... or something like that.
Whether the Aussie hurt their sentiments intentionally or not -- solved by police and befitting "punishment" given.
When you visit a country, you gotta respect the law of the land and not show your indifferent attitude towards it.

Majority of Indians , do give respect to the law of land when they go aborad but the games are violations of international law.

We Indians let everyone in our country but we are not respected.
He is one of the ugly dark outcasts called burgers. ............ an ugly class of Sri Lankans who think they are white and superior while secretly hating their own mix mongrel breed for being dark and asian and detesting others for seeing through their self deception.
LOL, now I get why he is so riled up...this guy is a joke just ignore him...out to waste our time. He must have confused Bangalore with his 'beautiful' hometown Chennai.

The leader of the group that heckled the Australian duo was later identified as a local BJP leader named Ramesh Yadav. However, he was denied harassing the Australians.

“Australian tourists had a Hindu goddess tattoo on their leg, not their fault, told them not to wear shorts. We tried explaining don't wear 'chaddi' and wear Goddess tattoo but they used abusive language, so we called the police,” Yadav said.

“We didn't want any FIR or apology. We just said say sorry and matter closed,” he added.
no, but you could get shot for a variety of other reasons in the states.

these ones were easily offended religious idiots.

I've never heard of this yellahella goddes either.
Yellama is the Avatar of Durga, and a Grama Devata in South India, if You didn't hear about her,then it shows how less you know about Sanatana Dharma.

The leader of the group that heckled the Australian duo was later identified as a local BJP leader named Ramesh Yadav. However, he was denied harassing the Australians.

“Australian tourists had a Hindu goddess tattoo on their leg, not their fault, told them not to wear shorts. We tried explaining don't wear 'chaddi' and wear Goddess tattoo but they used abusive language, so we called the police,” Yadav said.

“We didn't want any FIR or apology. We just said say sorry and matter closed,” he added.
The media in this country is f(_)cked up, can't understand why they post biased stuff all the time.
You are too noisy, Anti - Indian filth
British Man Banned from Sri Lanka Over 'Disrespectful' Tattoo | www.wsoctv.com
Dont jump on every Indian bashing thread.

Tiny penis syndrome, thats what you suffer from.. Where was Lanka mentioned here again ?

Yes for argument sake thats wrong too.. And the Aussie bloke that wore the tattoo was insensitive as well..

And the issue here is not if the guy was right or wrong to wear a tattoo culturally insensitive but because another semi literate moron like you throwing a hissy fit here, About the country that bloke came from.. People from glass houses should'nt throw stones, In your case probably a tin shack
How is he any different from the people who objected to the Australians tattoo ? :disagree:
he's not, he's an absolute idiot of the highest order, you should check some of his stuff when people phone in and ask for his holy advice. :lol:
The media in this country is f(_)cked up, can't understand why they post biased stuff all the time.
Stuff like this,makes me think as a Hindu,why the fcuk should i care about others sensibilities and people question why are Hindus becoming intolerant.Let more people Insult Hindus, the boiling point has almost reached.
The real world is not Bollywood.. Bangalorean or what not.. Shame they scamper here to drive cabs with such high education.. Seriously

Btw.. I assume you know how to Google ? Look it up and learn to use that word dyslexic in context, Just because somebody used it, You cant just put it in sentences that makes no sense.. See bub that needs atleast 5th standard education.. :lol:
Enjoying that your boat made it through. :D
He should have known that he's getting a religious figure tattooed, and he should have considered the fact that his tattoo can hurt somebody's religious sentiments, albeit harassing the couple was uncalled for.
I'm sure that getting Jesus or Mohammed tattooed on inappropriate places on your body would evoke similar reactions.

The problem is linked to the immigration policies which have been adopted. Immigrants entered under International conventions but the problem is being turned into color politics.

I can say more foreigners are living in India and many have even acquired Indian citizenship. We Indians let everyone to live in our country but the same case we cant see in mainland Europe or New lands.

So what we Indians have to do ? Majority of food items, textiles, meat, rice, sugar comes from India only.

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