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Australian harassed in Bengaluru over tattoo

Pat Robertson: People with Jesus tattoos are still heathens

School targets Jesus Tattoo

Lawyers for the Alliance Defending Freedom have gone to federal court in Texas asking for an order that the Lubbock school district let its client, a ministry called Jesus Tattoo, be allowed to participate in the advertising program on district properties.

School officials had issued a statement that the ministry would not be allowed to participate because the district “is prohibited from authorizing this public religious speech on government property using the jumbotron which is governmental property at a school-related event based on the Establishment Clause.”

Pathetic a$$ licking by some fellow Indians all in the name of "secularism":angry:
Its not about secularism at all. Its an illiterate culture we got here in India, which can even brainwash an english speaking literate.
I've got a tattoo rather a big one. While choosing a design, I was showed so many designs based on Indian gods like Hanuman. For them its nothing but a form of art.
Am a sikh and would love to get a tattoo of hanuman in future. So am I disrespecting someone here ?
Grow up.
Btw, the guy seems to be some kind of a fan of Hinduism and it seems he studied in Kodaikanal and seems he has a tattoo of Ganesha on his back too. seems hhe ran out of space on his body to put this tattoo up.....:lol:
Yeah, that is the irony..anyway poor guy should have been a little bit aware of the local sentiments.He should not have roamed around Bangalore displaying that tattoo on his shin..thank God it is south India.
Its not about secularism at all. Its an illiterate culture we got here in India, which can even brainwash an english speaking literate.
I've got a tattoo rather a big one. While choosing a design, I was showed so many designs based on Indian gods like Hanuman. For them its nothing but a form of art.
Am a sikh and would love to get a tattoo of hanuman in future, so what am disrespecting someone here.
Grow up.

Putting a much admired figure/god tatoo on a place the is generally considered disrespectful in Indian culture is indeed showing disrespect.

What part of that is confusing ?
Shame on you we respect all prophets remove your post it hurts me.
I'm not the artist who made it, read up on it on the wiki link.

the point was that western people aren't savages like us lot here in south asia.
you'd call a tattooed guy with Indian deity as racist? *sigh*

what's a tattoo going with racism is beyond me, mate.

Just some wanker who has no idea how the real world works outside his shyt hole

Having said that i blame the Aussie bloke for insensitivity and ignorance.. Should be more aware of local cultural sensitivities.. Especially in illiterate third world places, Where fantasies and religious superstitions hold sway over common sense
And an Indian accusing Australians and Americans of racism.. Height of comedy.. The country that practices the worse form of human discrimination.. Caste system.. When north Indians call South Indian black Madrasi's, Ask those West African's experience in India.. Quite a example of racial tolerance.. Lol
Bro,lets keep Lanka out of this debate for we all know what you and your Lankan compatriots did to the innocent Tamil minorities back in 2008-09 in the name of fighting a war against LTTE:rolleyes:.It's quite clear from your post that you have never been out of your hole(whether its Austalia or Sri Lanka it doesn't matter),hence making all these bizarre claims against India:lol:.Plus the whole world knows about the racist nature of the Aussies,all those attacks on Indian students a few years back didn't occur out of the blue.Another thing both the Aussies and the Yankees are accused of committing the worst ever genocides of the aboriginals of North America and Australia.We all know how aboriginal people were being treated by the Aussie until a few decades back.I suggest you to watch the movie "Australia" for further information in this matter:coffee:!!
Just some wanker who has no idea how the real world works outside his shyt hole

Having said that i blame the Aussie bloke for insensitivity and ignorance.. Should be more aware of local cultural sensitivities.. Especially in illiterate third world places, Where fantasies and religious superstitions hold sway over common sense

perhaps the guy thought that a mere tattoo is not a big deal for everyone. i personally does not know that a tattoo can cause so much problems in India until i read this thread today. well, i guess you don't know what you do not know. perhaps the Indian govt should have make a welcoming board like "Welcome to India! Death Penalty for the Hindu Mockers!" or something like that.
Just some wanker who has no idea how the real world works outside his shyt hole

Having said that i blame the Aussie bloke for insensitivity and ignorance.. Should be more aware of local cultural sensitivities.. Especially in illiterate third world places, Where fantasies and religious superstitions hold sway over common sense
"Illiterate":rofl:!!Lol,the average Bangalorian guy is far more educated when compared to his Australian counterpart:lol:!!So before calling us illiterates just think of all those South Indians who are currently sitting at the top of numerous global MNCs.But then again who am i to argue with you in this regard for we all know that you have got a sense of hatred for anything that is Indian based on your previous posts!!
I'm not the artist who made it, read up on it on the wiki link.

the point was that western people aren't savages like us lot here in south asia.
I have many pics on net all of them made by artist should i post Goddess pics for you.
Bro,lets keep Lanka out of this debate for we all know what you and your Lankan compatriots did to the innocent Tamil minorities back in 2008-09 in the name of fighting a war against LTTE:rolleyes:.It's quite clear from your post that you have never been out of your hole(whether its Austalia or Sri Lanka it doesn't matter),hence making all these bizarre claims against India:lol:.Plus the whole world knows about the racist nature of the Aussies,all those attacks on Indian students a few years back didn't occur out of the blue.Another thing both the Aussies and the Yankees are accused of committing the worst ever genocides of the aboriginals of North America and Australia.We all know how aboriginal people were being treated by the Aussie until a few decades back.I suggest you to watch the movie "Australia" for further information in this matter:coffee:!!

Where was Lanka mentioned ?? Are you dyslexic ? Who's the whole world ? some random Indian calling Australians racist ? Indians practice the worse form of discrimination known to mankind, And have done so for thousands of years in the name of your culture, While the rest of the world had moved on and repented for their past wrongs.. Indians are the only society that keeps this truely reprehensible system where human beings are treated worse than animals.. Killed raped for been born in to the wrong caste.. Millions of people with no option but to be forced in to manual scavenging..

The only country that allows this in the 21st century

And you have the audacity to call others racist ? Get real
perhaps the guy thought that a mere tattoo is not a big deal for everyone. i personally does not know that a tattoo can cause so much problems in India until i read this thread today. well, i guess you don't know what you do not know. perhaps the Indian govt should have make a welcoming board like "Welcome to India! Death Penalty for the Hindu Mockers!" or something like that.
Yup,from now on we'll specifically advise all the foreigners who would like to visit our country to show respect to the local cultures and beliefs when they are in this country.We are a little bit sensitive when it comes to our belief and religion and we are proud of that!!
Cultural sensitivities based on culture, religion, region, race etc is a reality of life.

Its pathetic when someone tires to play this to demonstrate Indians are inferior or others are superior. It only demonstrates the Racism in those posters.

Tattooed Jesus Christ makes a LOT of people mad | ¿Qué Más?


Tattooed Jesus Christ makes a LOT of people mad
Giselle Castro
by Giselle Castro
October 14, 2013 at 3:15 PM
Imagine you're driving down a highway when you see a billboard of Jesus Christ all tatted up. Would you be offended? Some residents in Lubbock, Texas are furious after Christian outreach group, JesusTattoo.org posted a HUGE billboard depicting just that.

The group claims that their advertisement is in good taste and promotes Jesus' love.

The billboard itself shows a man posing as Jesus with his arms spread out and the words "Outcast," Addicted," "Hated," "Faithless," and "Jealous" tattooed on his body. You can see why such an imagery would cause outrage in the bible belt of our country, but JesusTattoo.org thinks people are misinterpreting their message.

In fact there are Christian leaders who think the site is being creative with their billboard. "I thought that it was cleverly done because, basically, it's a visual of Jesus taking the sins of people and covering them and taking them from an outcast or something and giving them a new start, which is what the gospel is about," David Wilson, a pastor at Southcrest Baptist Church told ABC News.

Other residents call it "blasphemous" and "derogatory"--which JesusTattoo.org can understand. They admit that they put out this ad because they knew the shock value would cause people to talk about their campaign. In addition to the billboard, the site also launched a video which gives a deeper meaning behind the billboard.

I can understand why some people might take the message to be controversial, but if they did their research they would know that it's not as bad as it seems. It's better to try and understand certain things before judging. In fact, I do think it's genius that they took this approach as opposed to a traditional message.
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