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Australian growing relations with India, where does Pakistan stand?

Another case of diplomatic failures of Pakistan. You need to reset your foreign policy, For decades it has solely been concentrated on India and perhaps Afghanistan vis a vis the US and now it seems all the apples are being put in to the Chinese basket.. While India have been carefully developing it's influence globally through G20, Indian ocean rim nations and BRICS and bilaterally, It uses it's large diaspora quite efficiently, No one can deny that
Its not diplomatic failure as term used is quite big .Its more of not aligning your self with current geo political frame .US is on China concentric role and India is enjoying at the moment with openly supporting US moves into the region but India failed to understand that US will use India and India in return will get benefits once China issue is settles who US will come after ? i.e India .Pakistan priority is always confused back in the days of Cento Seato even joined US club still wanted to have relationship with USSR and China now even after roll backing CPEC still in doubt about China
Most of our policy efforts have been about what India wants, and to expand our trade and influence. You can understand it by looking at the state visits we receive and the countries our PM visits, agreements we sign. So, no your relationships are not too important for us when we engage with a country. That's how we have cultivated relationships with ME, and as far as Turkey.

You have also been shamelessly pleading to your allies to isolate Pakistan. From FATF blacklisting to labelling Pakistan a pariah state. Don't act innocent. Indian diplomacy revolves around China and Pakistan on every international platform. There is not a single avenue where India misses the opportunity to bring Pakistan and China into discussion. Even your alliance with Australia, US, Japan and a few others is primarily focused on containing China. So much for neutral relationships LOL

The ME is a mess. Don't even get me started on the Arabs. Arabs are not united on anything. The Israelis walk over this corpse. India profiting here and there which is hardly an achievement. Let the Arabs play this appeasment game. Like always, treachery comes at a high cost. When you fail to honour your own brothers and sisters you have failed in every respect. Arabs have lost dignity and respect. Ask the Palestinians.
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Cultivate what fool? You stupid fools think that just because Morrison is deep into Modi's *** it is all over for Pakistan LOL That is faulty Indian logic. The world doesn't revolve around India. Nations only look at interests. If their interests dictate to milk a cash cow they will do exactly that. India is a country that has to buy foreign weapons left and right to counter China and Pakistan. Now you people think that countries are doing you a favor when they are only in it for the money. They are simply profiting. There is no love relationship. Those only exist in Bollywood movies and even their you have to put that white cream on your face to be relevant.

If Australia or any other country really stands with India they would listem to Indian demands against Pakistan. First, they would break diplomatic relations with Pakistan to isolate it. Let's see how far Australia or any other supposed ally is willing to go that far for India.


Pakistan have been loosing against India in every conceivable Int fora for decades now due to it's diplomatic failures.. I wonder if the foreign service in Pakistan are as stupid as those wankers chest beating online from Netherlands and the US

Its not diplomatic failure as term used is quite big .Its more of not aligning your self with current geo political frame .US is on China concentric role and India is enjoying at the moment with openly supporting US moves into the region but India failed to understand that US will use India and India in return will get benefits once China issue is settles who US will come after ? i.e India .Pakistan priority is always confused back in the days of Cento Seato even joined US club still wanted to have relationship with USSR and China now even after roll backing CPEC still in doubt about China

Beside the point that US is certainly using India as a counterweight to China, Dont you agree that Pakistan need to change it's foreign policy as it needs all the support it needs against it's adversaries ? Especially since the Modi regime is on a major campaign to project it self within the int community inc the Arab and other Muslim nations.. Thats what real politik is
Its not diplomatic failure as term used is quite big .Its more of not aligning your self with current geo political frame .US is on China concentric role and India is enjoying at the moment with openly supporting US moves into the region but India failed to understand that US will use India and India in return will get benefits once China issue is settles who US will come after ? i.e India .Pakistan priority is always confused back in the days of Cento Seato even joined US club still wanted to have relationship with USSR and China now even after roll backing CPEC still in doubt about China
Again, you're thinking totally from a security perspective. The US will use India against China. Not just India, but a lot of countries are going to try and take benefit of the US-China rift. What is important is and what India and other countries in the region are doing is using the US and other western powers who see China as a threat and get more business from them.

You have also been shamelessly pleading to your allies to isolate Pakistan. From FATF blacklisting to labelling Pakistan a pariah state. Don't act innocent. Indian diplomacy revolves around China and Pakistan on every international platform. There is not a single avenue where India misses the opportunity to bring Pakistan and China into discussion.

The ME is a mess. Don't even get me started on the Arabs. Arabs are not united on anything. The Israelis walk over this corpse. India profiting here and there is hardly an achievement.
What you're talking about is our efforts to undermine you strategically. If you can't differentiate a strategic relationship with a normal diplomatic relationship then it's nothing surprising. That's what your policy has been and mostly will be. You're seeing things from a security perspective we are seeing from a business perspective. That's how we can do business with China despite having disputes or with Turkey and Malaysia or Saudia.

The Middle East is not a mess as far as we are concerned, a lot of Indians work there, and they are one of our largest trade partner with billions of dollars in trade and revenue.

Pakistan have been loosing against India in every conceivable Int fora for decades now due to it's diplomatic failures.. I wonder if the foreign service in Pakistan are as stupid as those wankers chest beating online from Netherlands and the US

LOL says the little cheerleader sitting in Australia.

What loss? Your dear India has been begging the world to put Pakistan on FATF black list. Has that happened? You got a majority including certain Arab nations who sided with you. Yet here we are. Your India begs to the world to declare Pakistan a terrorist state. Instead your dearest ally US is negotiating with the Taliban.

The world has scolded Indian moves in occupied Kashmir and against minorities inside India. From lynching Muslims and snatching their citizenship to mass rape and human rights abuses. Your own allies are pointing fingers to your beloved Modi. Not all is as good as you pretend Australian jack ***.

Now you have to beg on a Pakistani defence forum to convince us how mighty and great you are. The irony.
India and Australia are not friends or allies. This is just a mutually beneficial relationship at the present time. If Pakistan declares severing its ties with China, it will improve its relationship with the US and Australia. However, Pakistan will not do so, because it is too risky
LOL says the little cheerleader in Australia.

What loss? Your dear India has been begging the world to put Pakistan on FATF black list. Has that happened? Yoy got a majority including certain Arab nations who sided with you. Yet here we are.

The world has scolded Indian moves in occupied Kashmir and against minorities inside India. From lynching Muslims snatching their cirizenship to mass rape and hunan rights abuses. Your own allies are pointing va finger to your beloved Modi.

I'm not Indian :lol:.. Then again such mind numbing stupidity is expected from chest thumping keyboard warriors hiding away in western capitals while imagining they are relevant some how.. PDF unfortunately has no shortage of them it seems

Pakistan have been loosing against India in every conceivable Int fora for decades now due to it's diplomatic failures.. I wonder if the foreign service in Pakistan are as stupid as those wankers chest beating online from Netherlands and the US

Beside the point that US is certainly using India as a counterweight to China, Dont you agree that Pakistan need to change it's foreign policy as it needs all the support it needs against it's adversaries ? Thats what real politik is
Bit rich coming from you. India has spent its existence looking worrying wondering dreaming of what Pakistan does for the last 70 years hence the reason half of its population is starving and no where to sh1r.

Whilst Indias obsession with its neighbour has been going on - China conveniently takes a huge chunk of land - well done India. You are superpowaa now.

Australia has indeed always been in the USA camp and its policies and future is very much in their camp - Hence the reason why whipping boys ( or transvestites ) like India will be able to worship the white skin of Aus land.
India and Australia are not friends or allies.

Thats usually the case everywhere

Bit rich coming from you. India has spent its existence looking worrying wondering dreaming of what Pakistan does for the last 70 years hence the reason half of its population is starving and no where to sh1r.

Whilst Indias obsession with its neighbour has been going on - China conveniently takes a huge chunk of land - well done India. You are superpowaa now.

Australia has indeed always been in the USA camp and its policies and future is very much in their camp - Hence the reason why whipping boys ( or transvestites ) like India will be able to worship the white skin of Aus land.

Why is it that even minute constructive criticism of Pakistan from a non Pakistani are taken with such over the top offense, And automatically construed as by an Indian ? Usually people get this defensive when they have nothing to or little facts to retort
Again, you're thinking totally from a security perspective. The US will use India against China. Not just India, but a lot of countries are going to try and take benefit of the US-China rift. What is important is and what India and other countries in the region are doing is using the US and other western powers who see China as a threat and get more business from them.

What you're talking about is our efforts to undermine you strategically. If you can't differentiate a strategic relationship with a normal diplomatic relationship then it's nothing surprising. That's what your policy has been and mostly will be. You're seeing things from a security perspective we are seeing from a business perspective. That's how we can do business with China despite having disputes or with Turkey and Malaysia or Saudia.

The Middle East is not a mess as far as we are concerned, a lot of Indians work there, and they are one of our largest trade partner with billions of dollars in trade and revenue.

India will have to deliver against China. India shouldn't be under any illusion that US expectations can be overlooked. India is a front state ally in the US project to contain China. Don't downplay your role and expectations.

Pakistan is perfectly fine as far diplomacy goes. It is doing the best under the circumstances. Modi is not a particularly a success story for India. A ruthless Hindu fascist who likes to promote a Hindu majority state. That is your image around the world. Sound minded Indians are worried about their secular credentials. You are clearly a Modi cheerleader.

I'm not Indian :lol:.. Then again such mind numbing stupidity is expected from chest thumping keyboard warriors hiding away in western capitals while imagining they are relevant some how.. PDF unfortunately has no shortage of them it seems

Is that why you are hiding in Australia as a Tamil tiger, Sri Lankan? LOL stop kidding us fool. We know who you are. A little RSS cheerleader who has always been trolling on this forum against Pakistan.

The irony is that you have to come here on our forum and beg all day long. Trying to convince us how mighty your RSS India is. It isn't? Take a hike irrelevant fool.
Thats usually the case everywhere

Why is it that even minute constructive criticism of Pakistan from a non Pakistani are taken with such over the top offense, And automatically construed as by an Indian ? Usually people get this defensive when they have nothing to or little facts to retort
You throw a stone and are then somewhat surprised to get a rock thrown in your direction- you post low quality crap calling a friend of mine a wanker then plead innocence? I frankly don’t care where your from or where you are pretending to be from - show respect and you will get double back. We are Pakistanis and proud of it.
Beside the point that US is certainly using India as a counterweight to China, Dont you agree that Pakistan need to change it's foreign policy as it needs all the support it needs against it's adversaries ? Especially since the Modi regime is on a major campaign to project it self within the int community inc the Arab and other Muslim nations.. Thats what real politik is
Its a tick tock between India and Pakistan ,you will not see them in the same camp for good or bad reasons ,In this case we dont have blue water navy ambitions we dont have 100 of billion of US$ trade thru sea route ,we are doing fine for now as this is related to China for now .Next move has to be China as they are looking this with great interest and frankly who has more to loose for now ? in terms of trade China is both exporter and user of goods from these countries and Australians and Indian will be catered thru other measures .For Pakistan we surely know how to keep check on Indians in Indian ocean
Thats usually the case everywhere

Why is it that even minute constructive criticism of Pakistan from a non Pakistani are taken with such over the top offense, And automatically construed as by an Indian ? Usually people get this defensive when they have nothing to or little facts to retort

Why don't you take a hike? LOL at criticism. You are an Indian cheerleader. You are not criticising, but cheerleading. Every person on this forum knows who you are. Your hate and rants against Pakistan are well known.
India will have to deliver against China. India shouldn't be under any illusion that US expectations can be overlooked. India is a front state ally in the US project to contain China. Don't downplay your role and expectations.

Pakistan is perfectly fine as far diplomacy goes. It is doing the best under the circumstances. Modi is not a particularly a success story for India. A ruthless Hindu fascist who likes to promote a Hindu majority state. That is your image around the world. Sound minded Indians are worried about their secular credentials. You are clearly a Modi cheerleader.
Typical of you to fail in grasping a single point. I can extrapolate you to Pakistani diplomats. :enjoy:
Typical of you to fail in grasping a single point. I can extrapolate you to Pakistani diplomats. :enjoy:

Says the RSS member who is having a hard time convincing the world that Modi just loves Muslims LOL

You are just a paper tiger when it comes to diplomacy. Having a facist Hindu leader like Modi is already a big diplomatic loss for India. Your secular credentials and largest democracy claims are just that.
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