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Australian files reveal alleged knowledge of Israel nuclear arsenal


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
Australian files reveal alleged knowledge of Israel nuclear arms - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz

Declassified Australian government files allegedly reveal that Australian officials have believed for over 30 years that Israel possesses nuclear weapons, the Sydney Morning Herald reported.

Briefing papers from 1987 prepared for then Foreign Minister Bill Hayden state that "intelligence assessments are that Israel has a small arsenal of nuclear weapons (possibly about 20). Israel's technological capabilities would enable it confidently to deploy such weapons without recourse to a nuclear test," the report said.

Also in 1987, the same foreign minister told the International Atomic Energy Agency chief Hans Blix in a confidential message that "there appeared no doubt that Israel had nuclear weapons."

The conversation between the two was made against the background of Israeli nuclear technician Mordechai Vanunu's treason trial and subsequent conviction for revealing Israel's alleged nuclear program.

Despite his statements in his communications with Blix, the foreign minister told the Australian parliament in 1987 that Australia has "no information to corroborate these allegations.''

But according to the Sydney Morning Herald, the foreign ministry files, declassified per the request of Fairfax Media, show Australia had an eye on the alleged Israeli nuclear program since the 1950s.

"Australia scooped US and British intelligence when in 1966 its Atomic Energy Commission obtained ''highly sensitive'' information from the French builders of Israel's Dimona nuclear facility," the article says, "revealing the existence of a chemical processing plant to extract plutonium from spent reactor fuel...


Of course they would lie and will continue to lie on Middle Eastern current events and affairs.
This is not really up for debate anymore. Everyone knows Israel has nukes but the ironic thing is that Israel's possession of nukes have enabled a self-defeating mechanism of overreach
:lol: Western silence as usual.

We already known this decades ago, it's just funny that they insist to be 'fair' brokers who are independent and just want stability in the Middle East yet at the same time arm them with nuclear weapons and cover it up. :lol:

This is not really up for debate anymore. Everyone knows Israel has nukes but the ironic thing is that Israel's possession of nukes have enabled a self-defeating mechanism of overreach

What do you mean? :)
We already known this decades ago, it's just funny that they insist to be 'fair' brokers who are independent and just want stability in the Middle East yet at the same time arm them with nuclear weapons and cover it up. :lol:

What do you mean? :)

They have overreached themselves in Lebanon, Gaza, West Bank. They have felt invincible because of nukes and this has caused to overstep their bounds, to their own detriment.
Their precense in West Bank is making them more illegitimate and in time will become an isolated pariah in the world.

Hey there :wave: It's been a while since we talked. I hope you are doing good.

Over its nuclear program? I think KSA made it loud and clear.

As for the alleged talks, it is nothing more than a ploy made for specific political purposes within the circle of the Israeli Gov't.

India supports a nuclear armed Israel. :tup:

Nobody has brought what India thinks so far.
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I doubt it has just 20.........Its way way more then that. My estimates is close to 200.

Of course, that's the second lie from Australia, they modified the number and decreased it. :lol:

It's also said about their nuclear capable ballistic missiles that they reach all of Europe and even some parts of North America, which makes me wonder why they need nuclear missiles that reach all of Europe and North America ?
Of course, that's the second lie from Australia, they modified the number and decreased it. :lol:

It's also said about their nuclear capable ballistic missiles that they reach all of Europe and even some parts of North America, which makes me wonder why they need nuclear missiles that reach all of Europe and North America ?
yup thats Jericho 3 with 10,000 or 1200 km range.

Jericho (missile) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It's not surprising that Australia strongly supports Israel just like the rest of the West. That's because many 'Israelis' happen to be Australian Jews. The Israeli military chief himself is Australian, their spokesman Mike Regev is also Australian. The West and Russia need to take their citizens back where they belong.

Just a quick question, if I may.

How long do you think will it take from Iran to produce a real ICBM? Does it depend on how progressive the DPRK program is going to be in near future?
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