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August 15: Sikh community in US to observe ‘black day on Indian Independence Day

Check this hashtag flooded with Free Khalistan from India for Sikhs an independence struggle, a separate Sikh country and a Black Day on 15th August Indian independence day:


two groups of people fighting.. is this khalistan struggle? lol...
Check this hashtag flooded with Free Khalistan from India for Sikhs an independence struggle, a separate Sikh country and a Black Day on 15th August Indian independence day:


Dude, that was not a Khalistani. "freedom fight " .

This was a fight outside a Dhaba because they didn't put enough butter in the kali dal.

Sikhs take their dal and butter chicken very seriously....just so you know.
Since the Kashmir independence movement is gaining momentum again, expect the Khalistan one to follow in suite, as well as several other ones.
Since the Kashmir independence movement is gaining momentum again, expect the Khalistan one to follow in suite, as well as several other ones.

Kashmir movement died with terrorist

Most Kashmir today is came to normal except few pockets which radicals in valley
Kashmir movement died with terrorist

Most Kashmir today is came to normal except few pockets which radicals in valley

What terrorist? Burhan Wani? He wasn't a terrorist and killing him just made things worse for you guys.

The fact is, Kashmir celebrates Pakistani Independence Day, celebrates Eid on the same day as Pakistan (not India), has an insurgency against India, and has mass protests at an alarming rate. The Kashmir movement is alive and well.
Sikh community in United States has decided to take part in Pakistan’s Independence Day celebrations on August 14 and observe black day instead of celebrating Indian independence on August 15, reported Saturday.

Charan Singh, a leader of the Sikh community in the US said that India is pursuing planned operations against Kashmiris and Sikhs.

International powers are ignoring Indian government’s dark character by considering it a meditated plan, he said.

Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India had throats of Muslims slit at the time when he was the chief minister of Gujrat and now as the premier, he was playing Holy with blood of the minorities in India, Singh said.

Singh complained that not one country was making efforts to stop this ‘misled elephant’.

A renowned lawyer in New York, Tajinder Singh said that every country was aware of Research and Analysis Wing’s coordination with Afghanistan intelligence agencies to spread unrest in Pakistan.

International powers were playing mere spectators and watching innocent people die, he said adding that the same countries would side with Indian and blame Pakistan if a bomb goes off in India.

Tajinder said that Sikh community would set Indian flag on fire and observe black day on Indian Independence Day.

Sikhs were struggling to get freedom from Indian slavery and White House and United Nations have been dispatched letter to in this regard, he told.

He said that the community completely supports Kashmiris cause and demands that the valley be given right to self determination.

Tajinder Singh urged Pakistan government to help Sikhs realize their dream of a separate homeland, Khalistan :yahoo:and said that they would help free Kashmir from oppression.

link: http://www.pakistantoday.com.pk/201...observe-black-day-on-indian-independence-day/

@AKD @SrNair @dadeechi

The endless amusement continues!! glorification of a anther proxy, and Pakistan's wet dream's continue!
What terrorist? Burhan Wani? He wasn't a terrorist and killing him just made things worse for you guys.

The fact is, Kashmir celebrates Pakistani Independence Day, celebrates Eid on the same day as Pakistan (not India), has an insurgency against India, and has mass protests at an alarming rate. The Kashmir movement is alive and well.
These things are conducted by separatist blogs since 90s

You guys think that whatever projected in media is true they are hardly protest left now except few radical pockets protest
News feed and of death is stalled last 4-6 days have noticed

There was freedom march happening in Srinagar yesterday did it happened???

Today on 15aug
mehboba mufti Cheif minister flying the flag in Srinagar statdium

I just spent my January in anantnag skiing and hiking
Multiple times visited in valley

Planning to go when winter falls again in October
I will post pictures

You see people had to eat they are no rich like huriyat
It's matter of time situation carmed
Today on 15aug
mehboba mufti Cheif minister flying the flag in Srinagar statdium

Of course the government is going to support the state it's a part of, that's blatantly obvious and proves very little.
Of course the government is going to support the state it's a part of, that's blatantly obvious and proves very little.
Why she elected leader by 70% voting share in valley of the population of Valley itself

Just before wani killed she won anantnag seat by 15 thousand votes margin

Ask your huriyat to participate in Elections oops they hide in their houses while

People of Kashmir voting in 2015 Elections

Koi nahi agle Elections dekh lenge

Like I said don't judge situation in Kashmir sitting over Internet
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