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Attempts being made to free Indian soldier from Pakistani cutsody: Rajnath Singh

I dont believe your uncle,my uncle told me otherwise.
its upto you to believe him or not.but i do and whenever pakistan or kashmir is in picture you guys are no saints never was never will be.so dont act like one.
ps i would have sent the pic of his scarred mouth had he been alive.


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Funny thing is, Indian media has completely blackout his arrest.

Apparently looks like it was actually Pakistan who raided into Indian side and managed to capture 1 solider alive and probably kill some of them as well which ofcourse they are not disclosing.
who will it be? sunny deol or salman khan? who will save him
So how would India get his soldier free? Conduct another "surgical strike" or "beg and lick Pakistan's feet" ? I think first option sounds more rational from Indian point of view.

But when India could not conduct a surgical strike the first time and still lost a soldier, how many soldiers is India prepared to lose when it would attempt to recover captive soldier? Now how about "Beg and lick Pakistan's feet" option? :coffee:
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I want Amita Bachan to lead the SirGiKul strikes to rescue this so called soldier, no one else will be acceptable to us.
Haha would like to know the opinion of arnab goswami on it
Let's wait for the spokesmen from the other side, once again, to inform us about their captured soldier, same as in the case of sir g kal strikes, cause if they wouldn't tell us, we just wouldn't know about it. :undecided:
Yadav was 'spy', at least that is what Pakistan claims. Geneva conventions don't apply there.

He claimed it himself and also said they treated him in a professional manner.

my uncle was one of those 90000 guys.his words are your army beat them half to death whenever they please deprived them of sleep and added shards of glass in their food.medical attention was seldom provided. so don't give me this bullshit.
Out of the 90,000 around 20,000 were from the army rest were civilians.
He claimed it himself and also said they treated him in a professional manner.

Would you expect yadav to say anything else? He was reading from a script. He knows that if he say anything else he will be just killed.
Would you expect yadav to say anything else? He was reading from a script. He knows that if he say anything else he will be just killed.
Was it a lollywood script? :lol: Geneva conventions certainly didn't apply there.
Would you expect yadav to say anything else? He was reading from a script. He knows that if he say anything else he will be just killed.

Yadav will not be killed any time soon rest assured he is useful to us and he is cooperating.
How mighty have fallen within 24 hours.

Tell Modi to personally request Raheel Shareef and while doing so, bend over as well and we might consider.

My sincere advise to Indians, do not take panga with Pakistan at a time Pakistan Army is under the helm of the "Bulldozer". Just wait and hope there will be a softy like Kiyani few months down the line.
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