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Attempts being made to free Indian soldier from Pakistani cutsody: Rajnath Singh

Poor darpoke and kamzor India. She seems so humiliated and helpless as of recently. Getting a deserving lesson long overdue.

Hindu extremists on this forum also appear to have toned down their crazy rhetoric.


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Govt of India has already accepted and informed Pakistan that one of our soldiers have crossed over by mistake,we never disown our men even in death bro for our egos like some countries do.
Get down from your high horse.
So far your Moral Mantris have put up several excuses, like he inadvertently crossed to he is a deserter.
Get your facts right before talking all big on a Pakistani forum.
So first the Indians supposedly conduct a surgical strike, go on a verbal diatribe for the whole day, kill 2 of our men, and then expect us to return their man the same day?

Aaj andaza hua Indians kay mental level ka...good going folks.
my uncle was one of those 90000 guys.his words are your army beat them half to death whenever they please deprived them of sleep and added shards of glass in their food.medical attention was seldom provided. so don't give me this bullshit.
I dont believe your uncle,my uncle told me otherwise.
So he crossed the LOC by mistake right on the day when you did your hypothetical surgical strikes??

Who are you fooling buddy??

Anyways even this poor guys was initially called as deserter by Indian army Northern Command. Talk about owning our guys. :lol:
So you think he was part of the group who crossed over and killed your men,i dont think so.
Get down from your high horse.
So far your Moral Mantris have put up several excuses, like he inadvertently crossed to he is a deserter.
Get your facts right before talking all big on a Pakistani forum.
please refer to my reply to @Areesh
So you think he was part of the group who crossed over and killed your men,i dont think so.

Did i say anything like that??

I said don't you think it is too big of a coincidence that he crossed LOC on the same day that you supposedly did your surgical strikes. Looks like a big too big of a coincidence to me.
He was just doing his duties and is a low ranked jawan. Whatever, he was not responsible for the decision. Geneva conventions say torture of POW is illegal and should be returned. Pakistan is a signatory of Geneva conventions.

Then go through a list of our soldiers. Release them first. Justice is not one-sided. You people torture even the innocent fishermen who mistakenly enter your waters and you are showing ur your concern over your soldier who deliberately entered our land to create terror.
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