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Attack on Pak will be attack on China: report

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Yes, never argued that!

China has a role to play only is solving Indo-China issues. Nowhere else.

Also you are wrong about "you have all the trouble and all the neighbors". In fact China has issues with most of its neighbors.

India has issues with only Pakistan and to a smaller extent with China about the border issues that we inherited (didn't create).

We have solved all of the land border issue, in addition to India and Bhutan, Bhutan's problems also because of India. some so-called neighbor simple is the US'dog, which related to international politics, you simply go to confusion.

India has called for all the trouble and your neighbors, you are the most trouble-maker in your neighborhood, unique in the world.

Most? you tell me, how many neighbors of China, carefully calculated, it is a majority?
I'm sorry, that is not true, China's policy is non-interference in internal affairs. Our position is clear, we oppose terrorism. If you put innocent civilians, but also want you to remember those innocent bloodshed in Tibet.

I hope that is true. We didn't see it that way when you blocked UN resolutions against terror organizations multiple times. That makes the Chinese government complicit in terror against India.

About the Tibet (and Urumi) riots, it is an internal issue of China as far as I am concerned. Though I did see some Chinese members trying to rake up decades old Indian riots (presumably with little knowledge).
I hope that is true. We didn't see it that way when you blocked UN resolutions against terror organizations multiple times. That makes the Chinese government complicit in terror against India.

About the Tibet (and Urumi) riots, it is an internal issue of China as far as I am concerned. Though I did see some Chinese members trying to rake up decades old Indian riots (presumably with little knowledge).

2008 is a few decades ago?

China's policy you are not qualified to comment, compared to China, and India is very no clean and in a number of issues.
why not? if your economics is as bad as your history, i'm sure there's not going to be any debate of substance.

Bingo. My next advice would have been about history (and then current affairs).

Most of all about the history of your own tribal people rather than obsessing about "Ancient Pakistan"!
It is not about entertainment and whatever suffering is there is a blowbackof the policies of sponsoring Jihadi terror for decades that their establishment pursued.

Sorry, I just find it distasteful to see how much "glee" a lot of Indians have, regarding the situation in Pakistan at the moment.

Their leaders might have been the ones making the choices, but the suffering has been borne by the innocent civilians.

And let's not forget that every civilian blown apart by a terrorist, leads to more terrorism.

As for the charge of hypocrisy, you're forgetting that I am looking at these events, though a Chinese perspective. I never claimed to be objective regarding issues between China-India-Pakistan, and if anyone is confused about that, then it should be clear now.
Bingo. My next advice would have been about history (and then current affairs).

Most of all about the history of your own tribal people rather than obsessing about "Ancient Pakistan"!

You've really not got a clue on geography either. The tribals are part of Ancient Pakistan by the very definition of the boundaries of Pakistan.

Keep trying ;) One day you'll get something correct that's not in the Bharat book of pan Indic knowledge.
I am a deep understanding of how India is like to play games, you wonder India has so many problems? not surprising, because you did not really do not want to have the attitude that you simply be a zero-sum thinking. China needs to more clearly at this point.
About the Tibet (and Urumi) riots, it is an internal issue of China as far as I am concerned. Though I did see some Chinese members trying to rake up decades old Indian riots (presumably with little knowledge).

Well, be concerned no longer. The Dalai Lama himself has admitted to the New York Times, that he has received funding from the CIA, to train anti-Chinese militants and guerrilla fighters, while being hosted on Indian soil.

Dalai Lama Group Says It Got Money From C.I.A. - NYTimes.com

The Dalai Lama's administration acknowledged today that it received $1.7 million a year in the 1960's from the Central Intelligence Agency, but denied reports that the Tibetan leader benefited personally from an annual subsidy of $180,000.

The money allocated for the resistance movement was spent on training volunteers and paying for guerrilla operations against the Chinese, the Tibetan government-in-exile said in a statement. It added that the subsidy earmarked for the Dalai Lama was spent on setting up offices in Geneva and New York and on international lobbying.

As for the opinion of the Chinese government... it is much more severe.

China accuses Dalai Lama of being a terrorist - Times Online

According to the Chinese government, the Dalai Lama was behind the deadly ethnic riots in Tibet, and therefore responsible for the deaths of many Chinese citizens.
We have solved all of the land border issue, in addition to India and Bhutan, Bhutan's problems also because of India.

India has border issue only with China and a dispute with Pakistan. This is what we inherited.

Bhutan has excellent relations with India. Not sure what you know about it.

some so-called neighbor simple is the US'dog, which related to international politics, you simply go to confusion.

Some pretty strong words there!

Some of Indian neighbors also became allies of USA (the most allied ally) and then of an extra regional power China.

It remains their choice, won't you say?

India has called for all the trouble and your neighbors, you are the most trouble-maker in your neighborhood, unique in the world.

You are misinformed.

Most? you tell me, how many neighbors of China, carefully calculated, it is a majority?

Let me see.

Japan? South Korea? North Korea? Vietnam? Philippines?

How many countries do you have issues with? Regarding Spratly islands?

Frankly, stop trying to advise us.
It's not just Pakistan that India has issues with.

India has issues with Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, China, basically every country surrounding it. If the Himalayas were political, India would have politicial issues with it also.
Pakistan and Afghanistan is the most advantageous place for China to destroy USA. China has already deployed H-6K that can hit Afghanistan bases with cruise missiles. When US helicopters and aircraft are destroyed, Taliban can launch a frontal attack on the bases themselves. The only way the US can retaliate is by trying to control the sea and air around China's coastline. Then China can launch its ASBM to destroy the aircraft carriers.

If the US tries to choke China's oil routes through Malacca Strait, then China will simply get oil from other SCO countries.

USA needs to be humbled. China is the one to do the honors.

I dont know how to explain him the urdu proverb " Mulla ki daud masjid tak":hitwall::hitwall:
Sorry, I just find it distasteful to see how much "glee" a lot of Indians have, regarding the situation in Pakistan at the moment.

I have not seen that glee. But then you don't expect them to be objective as you are not. Isn't it?

Not when we have had thousands of civilians killed from the terrorists sponsored by the same country.

Their leaders might have been the ones making the choices, but the suffering has been borne by the innocent civilians.

And let's not forget that every civilian blown apart by a terrorist, leads to more terrorism.

Agree. We just have to apportion the blame at the right place. That is the first step towards remediation.

As for the charge of hypocrisy, you're forgetting that I am looking at these events, though a Chinese perspective. I never claimed to be objective regarding issues between China-India-Pakistan, and if anyone is confused about that, then it should be clear now.

Fair enough! Just don't show moral indignation when someone suggests that you could be the next target of of Al-Qaida as well. ;)
But then you don't expect them to be objective as you are not. Isn't it?

Fair enough. :D

Just don't show moral indignation when someone suggests that you could be the next target of of Al-Qaida as well. ;)

LOL, why can't I show moral indignation, from my own perspective?

I have never once suggested that any part of India (or the world) should be attacked by terrorists, you can check my post history.
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