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Attack on Pak will be attack on China: report

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you're getting some experience of their mentality. ;)

it could happen after all, Indians terrorize their own country in the name of false flags.

LOL buddy, I have had more than enough experience in that area. :P
Well, just read the comments on this article.

China backs Pakistan govt after Osama bin Laden's death - The Times of India

Over and over, repeated time and time again... Indians hoping that China will be hit by a terrorist attack.

Although to the credit of ToI, they seem to have deleted all the posts with the word "chink" in it. Pleasant surprise.

I didn't see any comments on the link you provided.

If someone wrote that, it is shameful. Same as it is shameful of China to support terrorist organizations in the UN, just because it was given veto power.

You seem to have a big chip against Indian media and especially TOI. My best guess is it is based on some limited number of headlines and second hand information. They publish all kinds of opinions and many of them are quite positive about China.
Err.. How much of China's forex reserves are in the form of US debt. What If US simply defaults on that... Where does that leave China..?? ofc, i mean in case of a war with China as you pointed out

First, other countries will also dump the USD.

Second, we can confiscate all US assets in China and arrest all americans living in China. All foreign citizens in China register with the police within 24 hours of arrival and can be tracked at all times so finding them is no problem. The assets will be permanently gone. The american prisoners will be freed upon repayment of the debts.
I didn't see any comments on the link you provided.

Wait for it to load, look back after a few seconds.

I'll quote the very FIRST comment, just in case you can't load it.

sushant paul (Kolkata)
10 May, 2011 03:19 AM
One day Would definitely like to see these filthyyy Chinese die from the bombs of terrorists.. Do I sound irrational ??? This will happen one day or the other ... Just would like to see it in my lifetime...

And that is just the very first comment, there are 500 more to go.
Well, just read the comments on this article.

China backs Pakistan govt after Osama bin Laden's death - The Times of India

Over and over, repeated time and time again... Indians hoping that China will be hit by a terrorist attack.

Although to the credit of ToI, they seem to have deleted all the posts with the word "chink" in it. Someone is paying more attention nowadays.

I think you're the one one this forum who uses the word "chink" very loosely. After that troller, it seems like you blame all Indians for some internet warrior calling you that. Besides, as bad as Times of India is with their reporting I highly doubt they used "chink" in any of their articles. Maybe "chini" but that's way different.
Many people might or might not perceive this (Indians have a habit of thinking they know what the world's people think).

The FACT though is that the Indian Army is a terrorist in Kashmir along with some other groups.

The IA is doing an excellent job protecting our Indian Kashmiris from the Talibunnis. These people have muredered and raped them for centuries and even killed many Shia few decades back in the Pakistani part of Kashmir along with Bin Laden.
Sure. Go ahead. Show me our "border issues with all the neighbors".

Won't you allow them to choose their own foreign policy? Are you going to put limits on it?

Has the USA attacked China from those bases?

Does it make them their lap dog?

Our friendly neighbor chose to be the most allied ally of USA for decades, becoming a part of military alliances, the Afghan war and now in the GWOT. It also supposedly brought the Chinese troops in the country and is your ally now?

How would you categorize them?

Outside South Asia. Outside the Indian subcontinent!

Go ahead by all means.

Sorry, couldn't follow it. It is you who is making all the accusations. I have nothing to say about your relationship with your neighbors on this thread.

1, as I said, I am happy to service for you, wait.

2, do you think it is free, the presence of U.S. military bases? Therefore, Japan to kidnap the captain of China, China has the right to do the right response, I repeat, this is international politics, not simply neighbors.

Afghanistan is our neighbor, he is not pleased that the existence of the United States, China has to understand anti-terrorism operations. We can have a better relationship. India think Afghanistan very happy to the U.S. presence and actions?

3, I have said many times, we are neighbors, can not leave, we are not a complete countries outside the region. You do not answer my previous post, is saying something.

4, if you are fast forgetting their own words, I can remind you of memories. Of course, Frankly, stop trying to advise us, I agree.

Let me see.

Japan? South Korea? North Korea? Vietnam? Philippines?

How many countries do you have issues with? Regarding Spratly islands?

Frankly, stop trying to advise us.
And that is just the very first comment, there are 500 more to go.

The comments by a few internet warriors are not representative of a nation. We have seen many many Chinese posters express glee over Japan's misfortunes (as just retribution for Nanjing). So, it works both ways. Loonies in every country will want to spread hate.
Wait for it to load, look back after a few seconds.

I'll quote the very FIRST comment, just in case you can't load it.

And that is just the very first comment, there are 500 more to go.

Idiotic comment by this guy.

Just the other day, some high IQ brigade member was boasting about some Chinese internet warriors wanting to "enslave Indians" and "genocide Vietnamese".

You have some issues with that too?
The comments by a few internet warriors are not representative of a nation. We have seen many many Chinese posters express glee over Japan's misfortunes (as just retribution for Nanjing). So, it works both ways. Loonies in every country will want to spread hate.

Japan has misfortunes of only its own doing. Had it not been stockpiling weapons grade plutonium at Fukushima it would not have suffered a nuclear disaster.
The comments by a few internet warriors are not representative of a nation. We have seen many many Chinese posters express glee over Japan's misfortunes (as just retribution for Nanjing). So, it works both ways. Loonies in every country will want to spread hate.

True Deaths in The Great Chinese Famine were double that of WW2 deaths for China.Japan also suffered very badly during WW2.USA(No offence) suffered the least among the major countries involved.
Japan has misfortunes of only its own doing. Had it not been stockpiling weapons grade plutonium at Fukushima it would not have suffered a nuclear disaster.

weapons grade plutonium in IAEA certified reactor!! Most probably U are joking or U are suffering from fever for a few days.Get Well soon if that's the Case.
quite a lots of indian members here in the forum.

don't make yourself clowns in all threads. you cannot even keep your end of the bargain.

you said you want to join SCO, you want to Team with US-NATO-Israel.

you said you are independent, you act like the US's slaves. Just because you are using english doesn't mean you take whatever they said as slaves do.

don't you think the west has colonized this land for two many years? hell, that's more than 300 years. You are still being enslaved mentally.

and you don't realized it's the west that create the suffering of this land, certainly together with your good leader Nehru, whose italian family still rule your country.

now a bunch of you are high in a fabricated report from your own media, which you guys bring here.
So you've now gone from trade deficit to trade surplus? ;)

Why does China's internal market need to make up for anything? It just means any loss from trade with the US wouldn't really affect its growth rate very much.

Are you for real mate?? Loss of 270 Billion dollar of trade surplus will not effect China's growth?? Even assuming the trade surplus being 300 billion today (which i dont think is the case), it will drop by 90% to USD 30 billion..Which in turn means that China generates less cash every year to fund its growth in terms of sovereign contracts and infrastructure growth.
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