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Attack on PAF Base Minhas

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LAHORE: It was the 27th night of the Islamic month of Ramadan in Pakistan, one of the holiest nights for Muslims worldwide. At around 0200 hours PST, one of Pakistan Air Force's most crucial airbase 'Minhas' which is situated in Kamra city, trembled when its control room received radio calls from a boundary checkpost that it has come under attack. The call was from Sepoy Muhammad Asif, a young security officer who was the first one to challenge the intruders.

Although just 20 years old by age, Sepoy Muhammad Asif engaged 6-7 terrorists alone with his G-3 rifle at the checkpost when they failed to identify themselves since they were wearing military uniforms. The terrorists were armed with AK-47 rifles, RPG-7s and an assortment of hand grenades. Despite being outnumbered, Sepoy Muhammad Asif gave a stiff resistance and 3 terrorists were killed in the crossfire. After 15 minutes of continuous gunfire exchange, the terrorists managed to overrun the checkpost but not before Sepoy Muhammad Asif was martyred. His body showed signs of physical resistance which indicate that he had even fought the terrorists by hand before eventually sacrificing his life for his motherland.

The resistance that Sepoy Muhammad Asif gave to the terrorists resulted in two significant developments for the forces: First, that the control room was put on alert quite well in advance which allocated reasonable time to send the urgency call to the Special Service Wing (SSW) commandos to prepare for the assault against the terrorists. Second, the terrorists were split into two teams but the unexpected death of 3 of their comrades at the very start of the attack forced them to change their plan. This resulted in panic which quickly spread among their ranks.

The next thing that the terrorists did was to fire RPGs at the hanger side of the base. Fortunately, the targets were not accurate as they were firing it from quite a long distance, technically still standing outside the base premises. Here, the point to be noted is that these militants were so well informed that they had proper HUMINT of exactly which hanger had the Saab-2000 Erieye AEW&C parked inside. One rocket did manage to strike the said hanger's gate though, which resulted in minimal damage to an Erieye; yet another landed near an IL-86MP Tanker of the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) which was parked near the runway in open. It also resulted in minimum damage to the aircraft. The PAF spokesman later confirmed that one aircraft was damaged but the identity of the plane was not revealed, even to this point.

The checkpost which the terrorists managed to cross was the first tier of security at the base; they were on their way to the second tier, which is also manned by personnel of the Pakistan Army like the outer checkposts, though here in greater numbers. The militants were engaged by the SSW commandos in between these two tiers. Two companies of the PAF's dedicated Elite SSW are deployed at the Minhas airbase. The terrorists had no way left to go then: They tried to run and hide in different directions while firing indiscriminately. This is the point in time when Base Commander Air Commodore Mahhammad Azam got injured. He was present on ground with the troops to boost their morale and received an injury in his arm; whether a bullet hit him or not is still not clear. Some sources said he was hit by a shrapnel.

The firefight continued for another half an hour. Meanwhile, the Special Service Group (SSG) commandos of the Pakistan Army had joined their SSW counterparts as reinforcements. The operation was still lead by SSW though, and at around 0400 hours (roughly two hours after the attack had took place), 4-5 terrorists were killed in a 30-40 minute battle with the commandos. None of them were able to detonate their suicide vests which were laden with enough amount of C-4 explosives to bring down a medium-sized building.

A PAF C-130 aircraft equipped with FLIR system Star Safire III EO/IR sensor ball was used to track the movement of the terrorists.

One Saab-2000 Erieye which was coincidentally on surveillance mission at the time of the attack, was ordered to stay airborne till the situation at ground was restored back to normal.

1-2 terrorists were left, who managed to show resistance for a few minutes but subsequently, they too were gunned down. When all hostiles were eliminated, the SSW/SSG started a joint search operation around the base and the premises adjacent to it.

One terrorist, the leader of the militant group, was hiding outside the base; he detonated his suicide vest and blew himself up when he sensed security forces were near him.

The search operation continued for 2-3 hours and a number of IEDs were defused from the combat area.

This attack by the terrorists belonging to the TTP was a very well-planned tactical operation, even more sophisticated than the infamous PNS Mehran attack, which was quite an embarrassment for the Pakistani military. But this time, due to the quick response of security forces and alertness on the basis of reflexive intelligence, a major attack was foiled. On an overall basis, the threat was eliminated before any strategic blow was received.

In the entire operation, the Pakistani Special Forces (SSG/SSW) received no casualties. Although two soldiers did embraced martyrdom: The first was Sepoy Muhammad Asif and the second was Sepoy Muhammad Iqbal, both of whom got wounded during the operation and breathed their last two days later in the hospital.

A total of 9 terrorists were eliminated during the successful operation by the Pakistani Special Forces.

Pakistani Solider is a hero deserves Nishan-e Haidar ...

The more I read into---the more my worst fears are coming true---. From the article with the pictures of the lone warrior---it is very evident that there was hardly any base security at all---. The lone gunman fought them for 10 plus minutes all by himself---. Ten minutes is an eternity in an attack like this---.

Napoleon lost one of his major battles because his flanks delayed the move by one minute---. 10 minutes is a life time during an initial strikes---10 minutes is like forever when an assault starts---.

I don't see any pro-active preparations of confronting the terrorists at this base---. Now I see why the base commander got injured---. He was literally saving his ar-se. He knew he had fkcued up---so he decided to put his life on the line---.

I mean to say---look at the pictures of an earlier post---look at the security---two soldiers in dungarees---only one in combat fatigues---is this how pathetic and miserable my air force has become---the soldier in dungarees has a G3---no protective gear---no spare magazines---amazing stuff ain't it---and that also---after the strike----.
Let's not be too modest. If we have money to buy billion dollar assets, we have money to protect them. The cost should be factored in.

No amount of tech will stop a suicide bomber. Simple as that. Electric wires, whatever, that is never going to be feasible, as long as there is a village right next to the base.

Problem is, it hasn't looked as if we can protect them on three occasions. let's hope a fourth one never comes.

The more I read into---the more my worst fears are coming true---. From the article with the pictures of the lone warrior---it is very evident that there was hardly any base security at all---. The lone gunman fought them for 10 plus minutes all by himself---. Ten minutes is an eternity in an attack like this---.

Thats the thing that doesnt make any sense to me. So many people saying it was a well planned attack and all credit to the bravery of Sepoy Muhammad Asif, it was 10 men against one. A well trained squad armed with RPGs grenades and explosives doesnt take 15 minutes to overrun one man with a rifle extra clip or not, especially when they know that reinforcments are close by and time is critical. Heck if you have

their suicide vests which were laden with enough amount of C-4 explosives to bring down a medium-sized building

one post 10 men each with five blocks of c4 strapped to his chest and no one made the obvious connection?
What about an automated turret system? It use to be something used in strategy games but its been developed. Something like that should be installed. Anyone who crosses a certain threshold, and bang, the gun takes him out. Normal people once become aware would not want to risk and the only ones who want to risk will be terrorists.

Another amazing thing is---there are no machine guns nests pointing outside---there should have been a three man crew machine gun nests at multiple points---. PAF base security picture has as many hole as a tea leaf strainer----or a pakora strainer to make BAOONDI----.

Another amazing thing is---there are no machine guns nests pointing outside---there should have been a three man crew machine gun nests at multiple points---. OAF base security picture has as many hole as a tea leaf strainer----or a pakora strainer to make BOONDI----.

Mastan yaaraa tell me something ? If we sitting here on our buttts can think up these things when most of us haven't the remotest connection to the military barring an interest in it and someone we may know who serves therein, why do we implicitly assume that the military itself is infested by dimwits who couldn't think up these things in the first place ? I'm sure they, being seasoned soldiers who live and breath this stuff, know what the bases needed, what were the available options and what the heck we could acquire ? If they didn't its probably that they arrived at that assessment after going through all of that first !
Mastan yaaraa tell me something ? If we sitting here on our buttts can think up these things when most of us haven't the remotest connection to the military barring an interest in it and someone we may know who serves therein, why do we implicitly assume that the military itself is infested by dimwits who couldn't think up these things in the first place ? I'm sure they, being seasoned soldiers who live and breath this stuff, know what the bases needed, what were the available options and what the heck we could acquire ? If they didn't its probably that they arrived at that assessment after going through all of that first !


My good man---proof is in the pudding as they say---. And most of the time---in pakistan---what you see is what you get---.

In pakistan---there is no magic ball or a magic lamp or a genie in the bottle---. It is all very obvious---when you need to tie a rope around the barrel of a machine gun to attach it to a brace.

Principals of security have not changed---this not the security of a vault---or a computer system---. There is a secured area---people on foot want to invade and make a strike on assets placed in that arena---the area management need to create a security barrier so that the perforators cannot enter the premises---.

Now----what I want you and others to listen with open ears with your brains attentive---the reports are saying that the warrior gave them 10 minute time to pull security together----does this time have any significance at all on you people---.

I would also like to clear one thing---when it comes to my judgement call---please let me hang by the rope---you people may show yourself to be less capable and have praises for the professionals---but please leave me out of it---. My neck is stretched out too long----so please don't insult me---thank you.

You need machine gun nest---you need bike patrols---you need dog patrols---plus you need snipers---you need around 100---150 troops working in 4 to 6 hour shifts
You need machine gun nest---you need bike patrols---you need dog patrols---plus you need snipers---you need around 100---150 troops working in 4 to 6 hour shifts

Kamra needs a whole brigade to defend it like that, the size and terrain is enormous for Kamra and PAC.

Another amazing thing is---there are no machine guns nests pointing outside---there should have been a three man crew machine gun nests at multiple points---. PAF base security picture has as many hole as a tea leaf strainer----or a pakora strainer to make BAOONDI----.

That right there and the rest you suggested. Te thing is its not even that brainstorming ideas, that's pretty standard stuf, just with two or three snipers they could have chewed the terrorists to pieces. You don't even require any additional funds for that.
What about an automated turret system? It use to be something used in strategy games but its been developed. Something like that should be installed. Anyone who crosses a certain threshold, and bang, the gun takes him out. Normal people once become aware would not want to risk and the only ones who want to risk will be terrorists.

You can't have that near inhabited areas. The govt. should buy out all land in a one mile radius around each base and make it a no-go zone.

The more I read into---the more my worst fears are coming true---. From the article with the pictures of the lone warrior---it is very evident that there was hardly any base security at all---. The lone gunman fought them for 10 plus minutes all by himself---. Ten minutes is an eternity in an attack like this---.

Napoleon lost one of his major battles because his flanks delayed the move by one minute---. 10 minutes is a life time during an initial strikes---10 minutes is like forever when an assault starts---.

I don't see any pro-active preparations of confronting the terrorists at this base---. Now I see why the base commander got injured---. He was literally saving his ar-se. He knew he had fkcued up---so he decided to put his life on the line---.

I mean to say---look at the pictures of an earlier post---look at the security---two soldiers in dungarees---only one in combat fatigues---is this how pathetic and miserable my air force has become---the soldier in dungarees has a G3---no protective gear---no spare magazines---amazing stuff ain't it---and that also---after the strike----.

MK, Boss, that LONE man was wearing a suicide vest! you know what it means.. he was there to die.. he have been brain washed and it was a win win situation for him.. He can fight with his gun for 10 minutes or blew himself up to cause damage, all the same for him!!
For such attackers, fighting in desperation for 10 minutes in no big deal!!
Haven't you heard bout the valiant soldier on battle front, fighting a group of enemies all by them self.. just because life and death was not of any matter to them at that time!!

i hope you understand what i am trying to say!

You can't have that near inhabited areas. The govt. should buy out all land in a one mile radius around each base and make it a no-go zone.

he seems to be suggesting that firestorm sentry system. A fully autonomous system is still far from reality that can distinguish between a real threat and the environment. friend from foe. And like you mentioned, with the local population near by its even more dangerous.

the system should be only early warning and surveillance . the decision to use lethal force should be by the human
Pakistani Solider is a hero deserves Nishan-e Haidar ...

1) A Nishan-e-Haider can only be issued when the country is in a declared state of war with another country. In the event of an insurgency, the Nishan-e-Haider and the Jurat series of medals cannot be issued to anyone.

2) Although what these soldiers did was commendable, we must not forget that the Nishan-e-Haider is the HIGHEST gallantry award in Pakistan, many other people also performed deeds which would make even God proud but they were not awarded the Nishan-e-Haider.
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