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Attack on PAF Base Minhas

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A base commander running around to ensure assets are secured again brings forth the points raised by MK.. Which is lack of readiness.. Though I understand MK's point, but still there is something admirable about a general getting injured in a firefight along with his men that you cant deny.. Strategy be damned...
Lack of readiness, you make it sound as if the base was anticipating a terrorist attack and the front gates were left wide open.
Theres a ticker going on Dawn news that a Saab 2000 has suffered irreparable damage and another one will be going to Sweden.

Just saying:whistle:
I have one question that has not been answered in this thread. Regardless of whether the terrorists intended to target the AWACS or not, since the time of attack, why were these important assets not "taken away". I mean at the first sign of trouble, should the have not flown off the base and be safe from a ground attack? Agreed it is fraught with danger in itself with any shoulder fired missiles, but in the case of an big assault by an enemy, would these not be sitting ducks?
Whats the use of force multipliers if they can be taken out at bases by teams of 9-10 terrorists. If there was a bigger team say 20 terrorists? would the outcome have been different. What if they carried any shoulder fired missiles?

There are 8 structures resembling a watch tower surrounding the area where hangers are situated.....May be thats why the terrorists were stopped at the wall..as the Airforce claims...
Looking at this picture their claim does sound credible.

Theres a ticker going on Dawn news that a Saab 2000 has suffered irreparable damage and another one will be going to Sweden.

Just saying:whistle:

So we are back to our usual gossip theories...... perhaps you should read Oscar's post. !!
Lack of readiness, you make it sound as if the base was anticipating a terrorist attack and the front gates were left wide open.

That would have been a crime.. What I said was just lack of readiness.. Dont go ballistic on me mate.. I was almost agreeing to your POV
Theres a ticker going on Dawn news that a Saab 2000 has suffered irreparable damage and another one will be going to Sweden.

Just saying:whistle:

I have heard (from a very good friend who works at Kamra) absolutely the same that incident damage done is larger then what is being reported initially. Most certainly some things on the damage done are being deliberately hidden for reasons best know to the PAF
Theres a ticker going on Dawn news that a Saab 2000 has suffered irreparable damage and another one will be going to Sweden.

Just saying:whistle:

Once again - this report cannot be found anywhere else. There are 2 douzen reports confirming the Defence Ministers detailed comments. So are we to believe this one report and believe that the defence minister is lying, the PAF spokesman was lying and the ACM was lying when he praises the timely and effective defence of the base and its assets which condemned the 'evil designs of the enemy into dust'???
I have heard (from a very good friend who works at Kamra) absolutely the same that incident damage done is larger then what is being reported initially. Most certainly some things on the damage done are being deliberately hidden for reasons best know to the PAF

Downplaying the losses and damage is expected in such a scenario.. And there have been historical instances of the same by Pakistani military.. However I am not able to see this ticker.. Where exactly is this ?? TV news or the site of Dawn?

Thanks for posting this. Shahid Lateef specificaly says that there was only 1 Awacs in the hanger that they tried to get close to and yet people are still in insisting that 2 were destroyed and a third damaged. He also goes into some detail about the response and again says it was quick and effective / adequate. I repeat - Shahid Lateef is a retired Minhas base comander and ExVCAM. He is straight talking and has no hesitation lambasting PAF if it is deserved -- eg watch his interviews after the Osama raid. Unlike rumour mongers - he knows what he is talking about.
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While that seems to be a nice enough Plan; the SAAB 2000 line is already closed down. Even the PAF SAABs are re-furbished, pre-owned airframes.

Well I also know that. I said if we had tried in 2004 that might have opened again at that time. I also suggested the similar plan for PAC with Chinese to build a similar aircraft with 30% more wing area as Saab-2000 has along with a better version of Saab-340 with Chinese in a JV that will help us our PAA, PAF, PN as well as PIA too.
Downplaying the losses and damage is expected in such a scenario.. And there have been historical instances of the same by Pakistani military.. However I am not able to see this ticker.. Where exactly is this ?? TV news or the site of Dawn?

In the same way - I can understand enemies of PAF hoping for maximum damage regardless of the facts.
In the same way - I can understand enemies of PAF hoping for maximum damage regardless of the facts.

That's true.. It will be an insult to the intelligence of Pakistani members here if any Indian member says that he is not hoping for the news of AWACS being destroyed to be true..
Downplaying the losses and damage is expected in such a scenario.. And there have been historical instances of the same by Pakistani military.. However I am not able to see this ticker.. Where exactly is this ?? TV news or the site of Dawn?

Mate, now a days even fake encounters in wilderness get exposed, what to say of downplaying with merely three aircraft. In case some haven't noticed, after making tall claims of destroying three JF-17s, the culprits have gone all quite....sort of in a shock as to what hit them and how quickly they were taken out.
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