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Attack on PAF Base Minhas

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I think it was pretty stupid on part of the Minhas Base Commander to come out with his sub-ordinates with guns blazing in this incident. Can you imagine the international and national impact and reaction had things would have gone wrong and TTP would have claimed to not only destroyed the Erieye but also shot & killed the Minhas Base Commander in its action? I do not subscribe to the Base Commanders action and do not think it was bravery rather sheer stupidity!! Besides, if the Base Commander himself has to come out with guns blazing, that is NOT preparedness but is sheer lack of it!

It was the month of Ramazan that saved a lot of people and the assets at Minhas. Unfortunately the TTP thugs did not do their homework properly and forgot that most of the people are awake for longer hours for the purpose of sehri.

Injured or not, bravery or stupidity whatever the reason, the Base Commander along with his cohorts should be COURT MARTIALED under the military law for negligence and destruction of Government property!
3. No act of terror anywhere has been done by Pakistanis.
4. Every act of terror in Pakistan has been done by India.

well this apply to Indians more than Pakistani as they blame ISI for all terrorism in india but think that their Raw is getting pay for doing nothing and cannot involve in funding terrorism in Pakistan
I think it was pretty stupid on part of the Minhas Base Commander to come out with his sub-ordinates with guns blazing in this incident. Can you imagine the international and national impact and reaction had things would have gone wrong and TTP would have claimed to not only destroyed the Erieye but also shot & killed the Minhas Base Commander in its action? I do not subscribe to the Base Commanders action and do not think it was bravery rather sheer stupidity!! Besides, if the Base Commander himself has to come out with guns blazing, that is NOT preparedness but is sheer lack of it!

It was the month of Ramazan that saved a lot of people and the assets at Minhas. Unfortunately the TTP thugs did not do their homework properly and forgot that most of the people are awake for longer hours for the purpose of sehri.

Injured or not, bravery or stupidity whatever the reason, the Base Commander along with his cohorts should be COURT MARTIALED under the military law for negligence and destruction of Government property!


Good man---good post---. Good analysis---I think and I firmly believe that pak millitary really lacks in leadership management during crisis---. I know for a fact that they are extremely thick headed and not open to fresher ideas.

But that aside---what happened to the dog patrols---does pak millitarty not have dog patrols around sensitive installations any more---.

I remember in the late 60's when I use to travel with my dad from quetta to chaman on the train----their was a massive ammunition depot on the right side of the track in the mountains---I would see soldiers with dog patrol.

What is happening in pakistan makes me believe in what I have been thinking that during this crisis that has the pakistan millitary officers mental capabilities really taken a turn for the worst---at every chance and at every oppurtunity during this wot---they have taken position one worst than the other----you can only brag about your honor loyalty and steadfastness for so long----.

Bottomline is that you have to learn to use your brains---pak millitary needs to change its mindset---it needs to have better trained NCO----NCO's that can take charge of the situation and lead from the front---just like in the u s millitary----.

Your mistakes of the past come to haunt you---pak millitary needs to have a better situational awareness and better tactics to face problems----it also needs a better spokes person---actually a better tactical spokesperson in the world media forum.

Plus the general don't need to make any statements about starting a strike after eid----.

Now let me ask in all seriousness----what the fcuk is wrong with pak millitary----why can't they start a millitary action without telling it to the public and the terrorists---why does pak millitary need to make a fool of itself in front of the world all the time----if they want to start a war against the miscreants---then why wait for after the eid---a war is war---you strike hard---you strike hard at a point and time of your chosing----over here neither there is a time of their chosing nor a point----the trrorists know that they are coming the world knows that they are coming---the terrorists have struck first---the terrorists have struck first blood.

This is not a world class millitary----it is not even when it comes to fight against india---other than that it has proven to be horrible---absolutely pathetic in performance---. Its security openly challenged---its generals openly assasinated for not following security directives---case in point----the doctor general----its millitary headquarters taken under siege---its special services group base lunch room under terrorist attack---its media---the pakistani media working against the pakistani millitary in pakistan---pak millitary can't even control that in pakistan---pak media acting as a spokesperson and display screen for the terrorists---and this fools army has its head stuck between its legs----it is utterly dismaying.

This millitary is so bad and so pathetic that it can't even justify to the public the good that it has done---here is how bad pak millitary is as compared to the u s millitary----. In the u s millitary where a 3 stripes seargent or a 2nd Lt can make a public statement in front of the media and TV---in pakistan---we need a one star---a two star general to do that.

Pak millitary needs some serious help---right now---its biggest enemy its own self.

The biggest and the stupidest things that the pak millitary does---it is not in times of war---it is times of peace---it is during the 23rd march parade---and you know what it is---when the general observing the march stands in the jeep----which is moving---but there are no bars in front to hold your position in case you have a mishap----.

Pak millitary has the mentality that it shows machismo by doing that---only if they knew they just a step away from disaster and a world class embarrassment on the world tv media for pakistan---what a bunch of-----.
Hi, according to this article the front end of a Saab 2000 AWACs was damaged. Can someone kindly please verify the reliability of this article? I hope this is not true, as the PAF cannot afford to loose a AWACs. Thanks!

Analysis: The bigger questions surrounding Kamra – The Express Tribune

"Whatever secondary objectives the attackers might have planned to achieve with the attack on Kamra, their primary target was the Saab 2000 aircraft fitted with the Erieye AEW&C (Airborne Early Warning and Control) system.

This time, it was an attack on the Pakistan Air Force’s eyes.

The Saab’s nose cone has been damaged and the aircraft will go to Sweden for repairs. The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) had pined for an early warning system for long. The platform is crucial for a number of reasons and can be used to counter many potential and emerging threats."

Good man---good post---. Good analysis---I think and I firmly believe that pak millitary really lacks in leadership management during crisis---. I know for a fact that they are extremely thick headed and not open to fresher ideas.

But that aside---what happened to the dog patrols---does pak millitarty not have dog patrols around sensitive installations any more---.

I remember in the late 60's when I use to travel with my dad from quetta to chaman on the train----their was a massive ammunition depot on the right side of the track in the mountains---I would see soldiers with dog patrol.---.

It is not the fault of the military alone. There is simply no leadership right now in the country and whole of Pakistan is in chaos. When you don't have a leadership, you simply cannot expect state institutions to function properly even the military.
Military has its legs stretched too thin and there is no clear policy or road map defined by these morons we have as our leaders as a way out from this menace. Every time something happens in Pakistan, military is called. All other institutions have failed. We need to address these issues foremost before we start guns blazing towards military for incompetence.
I just read the thread from the first post and I have to say, media is one hell of an unreliable source, especially during a crisis; Har koi apni der eent ki masjid bna kr betha hota hai :hitwall:
What is your logic of putting a "Thumbs Up" icon before this post?

It was reported that SAB2000 remained safe and if it would "Fly to Sweden" that means it is in 95% healthy condition. Thanks Allah it saved one of the vital asserts of Pakistan.
PäkPõwér;3324466 said:
I just read the thread from the first post and I have to say, media is one hell of a unreliable source, especially during a crisis; Har koi apni der eent ki masjid bna kr betha hota hai :hitwall:

Our media is a fcking loose cannon that should be contained under special law. Fcuk the freedom of speech nonsense. This is only for nations who are educated enough to understand the difference between corruption and treachery. There is a very fine line between the two which sadly we don't see it anymore.
What is your logic of putting a "Thumbs Up" icon before this post?

It was reported that SAB2000 remained safe and if it would "Fly to Sweden" that means it is in 95% healthy condition. Thanks Allah it saved one of the vital asserts of Pakistan.

Hi, I did not mean to put the thumbs up, as I do not know how it even showed up. How can I remove it? I tried to, but could not. I simply opened up a post, that is all. Now, I feel really bad.
Hi, I did not mean to put the thumbs up, as I do not know how it even showed up. How can I remove it? I tried to, but could not. I simply opened up a post, that is all. Now, I feel really bad.

Click on the ''Edit'' button at the end of the 1st post n look just below the box where u write the text there u can change it...:enjoy:
Well there is no doubt that some country don't want these awacs to be in Pakistan's hand. Allah knows better what's going on behind the scenes.
‘Air base attackers trained in Waziristan’

ISLAMABAD: Interior Minister Rehman Malik claimed on Friday that because of an advance warning about a possible attack on PAF installations terrorists’ attempt to harm Kamra assets on Thursday was foiled and all the attackers were killed.

Addressing a press conference, Mr Malik said four of the assailants had been identified. They had received training in Waziristan and the raid, he said, could be traced back to North and South Waziristan.

He said the Taliban were harbouring criminals from all over the country and stressed the need for finding out the mastermind who had sent terrorists to Kamra.

Mr Malik praised the Commander of Karma airbase who led the operation to safeguard the facility and was injured while fighting the attackers.

Answering a question, he said no decision had yet been taken about launching an operation in North Waziristan, adding that such a decision would not be taken under foreign pressure.

Rejecting western media reports, he said the defence of the country and its nuclear assets were in safe hands. “When we can develop nuclear assets we also know how to protect them.”

About the Babusar Top attack, he said the terrorists had killed innocent people. He appealed to the people of Gilgit-Baltistan to demonstrate patience and foil attempts to destabilise the country.

He said the government would soon announce a compensation package for families whose loved ones were killed in the sectarian attack.

Mr Malik said an amount of Rs100 million had been allocated to ensure safety on Sharah-i-Karakoram.

He said there was no US national on the premises of Police Lines Headquarters in Islamabad, but conceded that some foreign trainers, including from Australia, were there fro training police personnel.

The interior minister said law-enforcement agencies and police department had been directed to maintain security on Eid.
Yaqoob Malik adds from Attock: Ten suspects were picked up during a search in various areas around the Kamra cantonment on Friday and they are being interrogated.

A large number of Afghan refugees have been living in different parts of Kamra district for years and there is no record about them with the authorities concerned.

Meanwhile, a team has been set up to investigate the incident and identify the militants.

The post-mortem on the militants’ bodies was conducted late on Thursday night at the mortuary of DHQ hospital under the supervision of Dr Khalid Mehmood Khan amid tight security. During the autopsy, law-enforcement personnel collected fingerprints which would be sent to the National Database and Registration Authority to establish the identities of the attackers.

Meanwhile, a security man who was injured during the fighting with the attackers died on Friday. PAF spokesman Group Captain Tariq Mahmood said that Mohammad Iqbal’s funeral prayers were held at the PAF base in Minhas.

Chief of the Air Staff Air Chief Marshal Tahir Rafique Butt visited the base on Friday.

‘Air base attackers trained in Waziristan’ | DAWN.COM
I think it was pretty stupid on part of the Minhas Base Commander to come out with his sub-ordinates with guns blazing in this incident. Can you imagine the international and national impact and reaction had things would have gone wrong and TTP would have claimed to not only destroyed the Erieye but also shot & killed the Minhas Base Commander in its action? I do not subscribe to the Base Commanders action and do not think it was bravery rather sheer stupidity!! Besides, if the Base Commander himself has to come out with guns blazing, that is NOT preparedness but is sheer lack of it!

It was the month of Ramazan that saved a lot of people and the assets at Minhas. Unfortunately the TTP thugs did not do their homework properly and forgot that most of the people are awake for longer hours for the purpose of sehri.

Injured or not, bravery or stupidity whatever the reason, the Base Commander along with his cohorts should be COURT MARTIALED under the military law for negligence and destruction of Government property!

You are saying 'Unfortunately the TTP thugs did not do their homework properly'!!?? Were you hoping they would cause more death and destruction!!?? As for the base commander - he can't win - if he had stayed in the control room pakistanis would call him a coward - if he leads from the front - pakistanis will call him stupid. Don't understand what your logic is for court marshall. Negligence?? They stopped the terrorists with minimum damage.
An idiot is enough to bring shame and blame in a family, like wise ....few hundred people enough to spoil a country name.... Pakistan do have large number of terrorists and Idiots, who makes pakistan as boogy man infront of world.... well every one talking about Indians treating and hating pakistani's.... not every Indian treat pakistan as enemy state...

how you people coming to conclude that Indians hate pakistan... just because of few people giving statements in media against pakistan right... same applies for us... when we see our brothers and sisters got killed by some terrorists who came from pakistan... it creates bad image of pakistan in our minds.... that means few terrorists enough to spoil pakistan name..... you do know the mindset of humans...
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