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Attack on PAF Base Minhas

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Your post had me humiliated in front of 'authorities'.

Chaklala usually has 2 Saab-2000. One is a passenger/transport version. And there is no inside connection stop being paranoid. With inside help, the damage and attack would have been severe. The interception by ISI six days prior to attack was moderately detailed and had no mention of any inside involvement.

They MUST have been spying the movements of PAF Base Minhas and Saab-2000s for 2-3 weeks.

IL-78 is a huge aircraft that the cameras can pick from far away. Hence they kept showing it. And only a poor officer would tell his fellow friend slight hint of what happened, not to mention the 'friend' is posting whatever he says on the forum. The PAF personnel should not even have talked to media, media is liable to military establishment, not the reverse.

About SAAB destroyed completely....Some other people from Kamra colony are claiming the same...many say they have heard the reports from somebody they know who works at the airbase....
I haven't posted any of these "Confirmed reports" as none of their stories make sens....At lest not to me.

I will wait for official confirmation ....
People on the other side of the border need to realize that all this hate they are spewing up, would and most definitely will come back to bite them in their behind. When Mumbai happened, moderators took some steps so that none of our Indian members would get offended. But this is just nonsense... Dont expect to see sympathy from Pak members when something like this happens in your country in the future!
Mehran and Kamrah incidents does not took place in hostile atmosphere among India and Pakistan, but in rather friendly developing environment, here you seems to be submitting. In the next line you try to decline it as GOP and PA does not think so. Please be consistant in your statements.

It looks like, that you will only plead guilty when the blame will be put-up by GOP.

Guilty! Wow, India cannot be guilty atleast not for terrorism when compared.. nuff said!
though i don agree with all the things but few things are worth listening..

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we are facing terror since many years and these comentory guys talking same big threat since years were the hell is that big threat ? is something big then this everyday 40-50 pakistani killed ? not in even iraq afghanistan
What would be or should be our response in case of any foreign hand(which probably is)involvement in this attack.....
About SAAB destroyed completely....Some other people from Kamra colony are claiming the same...many say they have heard the reports from somebody they know who works at the airbase....
I haven't posted any of these "Confirmed reports" as none of their stories make sens....At lest not to me.

I will wait for official confirmation ....

Notice the hangers... I wonder why SAABs were not place there....



Your post had me humiliated in front of 'authorities'.

Chaklala usually has 2 Saab-2000. One is a passenger/transport version. And there is no inside connection stop being paranoid. With inside help, the damage and attack would have been severe. The interception by ISI six days prior to attack was moderately detailed and had no mention of any inside involvement.

I also thought the same, that some good recce was done by them. But I don't think it is quite possible to spot the specific number of aircraft at an airport by seeing it landing.

Another possibility though is the hilly area to the south, near the village being mentioned. Those hills provide a very good vantage point for spotting. That's where the media came as well!!

IMO< Kamra is a huge place to guard for a single regiment. DSG cannot guard Kamra as a whole, alot more men are needed iof it is near a civilian population.

As for the intel report, Geo aired a document yesterday, it showed some letter number and some address, and mentioned that a terrorist attack expected on 27th and 28th Ramzan, with the target being Lahore and other installations.

The target selection of the terrorists really baffles me. Why Saab?
Notice the hangers... I wonder why SAABs were not place there....




o mery bhai
its chaklala you know this hanger is not for storage its for upgrade C-130 ? this hanger is in front of taxiway of airport ? everyday civilian planes move in front of this hanger . this hanger is not safe at all its big because of C-130s

look i take images of this hanger

c-130 in front of that hanger



About SAAB destroyed completely....Some other people from Kamra colony are claiming the same...many say they have heard the reports from somebody they know who works at the airbase....
I haven't posted any of these "Confirmed reports" as none of their stories make sens....At lest not to me.

I will wait for official confirmation ....

It's an open secret. 50k people know about this. Whole of Kamra base facility knows this.
2 Saabs have been destroyed.

There were three stationed at Kamra, Saabs have never before been stationed at Kamra for a time long enough and that too three together. They are usually in 2 in Chaklala, and 2 somewhere else. This was the first time three were there, and bam. So, the terrorists knew about the movement.

Got off the phone from 3-4 folks, and it is confirmed, the official statement will not come for sometime, until the people forget this.

Now, you may call me a hoax, a stupid man, or whatever.

Here is a report quoting an official source -I would respectfully ask that people stick to official sources rather than rumour.

Surveillance plane damaged in airbase attack: QamarAug 17, 2012

Islamabad: A Saab-2000 airborne early warning aircraft of the Pakistan Air Force was damaged during the terrorist attack on Kamra airbase, Defence Minister Naveed Qamar has said.

The nose of the aircraft was damaged when a group of heavily armed terrorists stormed the airbase in Punjab province early yesterday morning, Qamar told reporters last night.

Pakistan army soldiers stand guard at the Minhas base at Kamra. Reuters

After initial repairs in Pakistan, the aircraft will be sent to Sweden&#8212;where it was manufactured&#8212;for an inspection, he said.

Speaking after he was briefed by senior PAF officials, Qamar said the aircraft was hit either by bullets or fragments of a rocket-propelled grenade fired by the terrorists.

It was not clear whether the plane was airworthy.

&#8220;A test flight of the aircraft will be conducted after repairing it,&#8221; the minister said.

Though the aircraft can be repaired in Pakistan, it will still be sent to the manufacturer for an inspection, Qamar said.

&#8220;The engineers and technicians of the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex have examined the partially damaged aircraft, and according to the initial report, this most advanced aircraft of the Saab-2000 category can be repaired,&#8221; he said.

Nine terrorists and two security personnel were killed during the attack.

The terrorists, who were wearing military uniforms and suicide vests, tried to target a hangar with RPGs.

Eight terrorists were killed within the airbase while another blew himself up outside the perimeter.

The banned Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan claimed responsibility for the attack, saying its suicide attackers targeted the airbase to avenge the killing of Taliban commander Baitullah Mehsud and al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden.

According to media reports, over three dozen aircraft were in the airbase at the time of the attack, including two Il-78 refuelling aircraft, 25 fighter jets and several Saab-2000 surveillance aircraft.

A PAF spokesman had said on Thursday that only one aircraft was damaged in the attack.

The PAF had acquired four Saab-2000 surveillance aircraft from Sweden in 2010.

After initial repairs in Pakistan, the aircraft will be sent to Sweden&#8212;where it was manufactured&#8212;for an inspection, he said.
&#8220;A test flight of the aircraft will be conducted after repairing it,&#8221; the minister said.

Though the aircraft can be repaired in Pakistan, it will still be sent to the manufacturer for an inspection, Qamar said.

&#8220;The engineers and technicians of the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex have examined the partially damaged aircraft, and according to the initial report, this most advanced aircraft of the Saab-2000 category can be repaired,&#8221; he said.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakistans-war/202635-attack-paf-base-minhas-151.html#ixzz23qScA0RV

its mean not destroy but damage and can be repaired :D
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