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Attack on PAF Base Minhas

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Ok guys, here's another take on the situation: None of the Eriye have been damaged. All of them are fine.

Source: Spoke to an old course-mate, didn't know that he had transferred to Army Aviation. He wasn't very forthcoming about anything else, maybe due to 15 years of time-gap between my telephone call :D

BTW, it's very confusing as I am hearing something else from Pakistan and reading the complete opposite here on the board, and then don't forget about the media angle! It's very disorienting :fie:
This war with the extremists is brutal and only exasperated by failure of the Pakistani establishment to see it as such and divert any and all resources to the Western front. The Indian threat is nonexistent. On the other hand terrorists are practically begging for a fight by attacking military establishments in the heart of Pakistan. Pakistanis are so shocked because many still seem convinced that we are merely and reluctantly supporting an American war that would otherwise magically end at the Pak-Afghan border. That is not only far from the truth, it tries to cover up the death and destruction that is taking place in Pakistan as the random acts of a crazy few; all the while the enemy is far better organized and understands who it is waging a war against.

At the same time it is of upmost importance for non-Pakistanis to realize the enormous task that is to fight a war on one's own soil and against one's own people. How is a soldier supposed to differentiate between a civilian and a terrorist when both look alike, speak alike, and act alike. It is not uncommon in Pakistan to have a gun and a guy merely walking by the base checkpoint could turn around, pull out a hidden gun and open fire and the guards would never see it coming. These people don't look like stereotypical extremists seen in Hollywood, they are simply 'us', roaming the streets as normal civilians till the time comes to make their move. The Americans can shoot two Iraqis out of suspicion and one or both could be innocent civilians, but the risk is justified and backlash nonexistent; the same is true for Israel with Palestinians and for that matter, for India with illegal border crossing. Pakistanis cannot use the same approach, every innocent person maimed or killed becomes another addition to the cause of extremist; providing them with another vivid example of death to sway future extremists with; to seek revenge for and to show how the real enemy is the Pakistani establishment. That is to say nothing of the loss for a Pakistani family who would loose an innocent son at the hands of the Pakistani army; try justifying to them that the deceased seemed dangerous or was caught in the crossfire and see how that comes across to the family.

The double edged sword that we are dealing with, leaves little room for error and it requires us to bite the bullet and go all out in this fight. Ripping the scab off the wound in one go maybe painful, but to pick at its peripheries and hope the problem will take care of itself requires the time the Pakistani state doesn't have.

Pakistan and India should get into a bilateral agreement that leads to significant force reduction on the Indo Pak border.. Atleast on the IB if not LOC.. That should free up a lot of resources for Pakistan to deploy in the western theater. If this is done, this would be bigger than any other CBM that our foolish politicians keep dreaming up...
So heres the story.

There was a broken wall on the village side of AFB Minhas. The DSG there, Shaheed Asif, was standing on the post.Total of 9 terrorists were present, and 7 tried to infiltrate, while 2 others were behind the wall on the hilltop, providing cover fire. Shaheed Asif spotted them, and fired at the intruding terrorists. 3 terrorists were killed instantly by Sepoy Asif. He also alerted the HQ. The other 2 terrorists who were behind, seeing this, also came inside. And fired on Sepoy Asif killing him. Salute to sepoy Asif for he averted a big big danger. There was a artillery regiment on base duty, and the 2IC by luck was present there at Sehri. He quickly assembled his men at proceeded. Another sentry present did not fire upon them, and hid. The terrorists proceeded to the Saab aircraft, destroyed one, damaged the other. They were meanwhile caught by the SSW and the QRF of the regiment before mentioned and killed. Zarrar company came in afterwards.

The original plan as being said was that they split into two teams, one goes to the AWACS, other to the JF-17 line/Mirage factory. Sepoy Asif Shaheed killed 3 and totally ruined there plan, and hence rather than splitting into two teams, they all proceeded as one.

So, the op was a success for the terrorists, and damage has been suffered. That is the preliminary and initial report.

Salute to Sepoy Asif. The reaction this time was fast, and better than before.

All this is not ISPR or anything, just what is going on within ad the initial report.

Dude, please stop making speculations and cannon fodder to all the so called well wishers.....you are claiming that all the terrorists entered the base, i read to the effect that one remained outside for four hours, he was hiding in a ditch opposite the sentry post, his job was to take out those manning the post, he failed and got wounded by the return fire, some four hours later, realising he was surrounded, he blew himself up. As i said earlier, the scum bags came with guns and rockets and not with base ball bats to smash up the equipment. If any plane had been hit, the rising smoke and in darkness flames would have been visible from miles .
Ok guys, here's another take on the situation: None of the Eriye have been damaged. All of them are fine.

Source: Spoke to an old course-mate, didn't know that he had transferred to Army Aviation. He wasn't very forthcoming about anything else, maybe due to 15 years of time-gap between my telephone call :D

BTW, it's very confusing as I am hearing something else from Pakistan and reading the complete opposite here on the board, and then don't forget about the media angle! It's very disorienting :fie:

Silence is most confusing!! PAF is awkwardly silent.

Chalo, me going now. If somebody gets to know concretely that no Saab was destroyed or heavily damaged, be sure to post it here.
Pakistan and India should get into a bilateral agreement that leads to significant force reduction on the Indo Pak border.. Atleast on the IB if not LOC.. That should free up a lot of resources for Pakistan to deploy in the western theater. If this is done, this would be bigger than any other CBM that our foolish politicians keep dreaming up...

It is the Indians who are unwilling to reduce the force. We feel that it can increase infiltration.
Seriously NuclearPak you are losing your reputation and creditability.

Whatever the PAF and seniors over here say, you go against it. Probably your source has a poor sense of humour. And I am not supposed to tell you but you have been considered a promotion to men in blue, and this attitude would be a set back. If anything is disrupted and not confirmed, better keep it to yourself.

Friendly advice.
Dude, please stop making speculations and cannon fodder to all the so called well wishers.....you are claiming that all the terrorists entered the base, i read to the effect that one remained outside for four hours, he was hiding in a ditch opposite the sentry post, his job was to take out those manning the post, he failed and got wounded by the return fire, some four hours later, realising he was surrounded, he blew himself up. As i said earlier, the scum bags came with guns and rockets and not with base ball bats to smash up the equipment. If any plane had been hit, the rising smoke and in darkness flames would have been visible from miles .

Yes, the bolded part is true. Neither did I deny it. 7 came in, three were killed. The two providing cover fire also came in briefly, one then went ahead with the other party (4 who were left), while the other stayed near the boundary wall,and as you say, killed himself. Maybe I didn't mention it therein the first post. Sorry.

Completely in line with PAF version that 8 were killed by PAF.

I may be wrong on the Saab part, but what i have seen and heard points otherwise.

Maybe you can contact your source in PAF Minhas to put an end to this once and for all.

Dude, please stop making speculations and cannon fodder to all the so called well wishers.....you are claiming that all the terrorists entered the base, i read to the effect that one remained outside for four hours, he was hiding in a ditch opposite the sentry post, his job was to take out those manning the post, he failed and got wounded by the return fire, some four hours later, realising he was surrounded, he blew himself up. As i said earlier, the scum bags came with guns and rockets and not with base ball bats to smash up the equipment. If any plane had been hit, the rising smoke and in darkness flames would have been visible from miles .

Yes, the bolded part is true. Neither did I deny it. 7 came in, three were killed. The two providing cover fire also came in briefly, one then went ahead with the other party (4 who were left), while the other stayed near the boundary wall,and as you say, killed himself. Maybe I didn't mention it therein the first post. Sorry.

Completely in line with PAF version that 8 were killed by PAF.

I may be wrong on the Saab part, but what i have seen and heard points otherwise.

Maybe you can contact your source in PAF Minhas to put an end to this once and for all.
Do you have any proof that the aircraft was not destroyed? No you dont.

Do you have any proof that they are destroyed as unfortunately I asked someone as well who though doesnt work there but is at a operational spot in air headquarters and he says a saab aircraft is damaged substantially but the damage is recoverable.But yes indeed some confusion is there and i feel airforce should come forward and clear the situation.
Do you have any proof that the aircraft was not destroyed? No you dont.

yes i have statment of official of pakistan air force say one aircraft is slightly damage and that air craft is IL-78

According to Air Force officials the militants were aiming to destroy American fighter planes used to bomb Taliban bases in Pakistan’s restive tribal areas along the border with Afghanistan. They included a squadron of F-16 fighter-bombers and the AWACS reconnaissance aircraft used to coordinate their operations.

The PAF aircraft damaged in attack was an Ilyushin Il-78MP Midas Multi-Role Tanker Transport (MRTT), according to news report on following link:

Militants attack Pakistan nuclear air base - Telegraph
My source is the guy who works at the dang factory.

So stop doing this kid thing ok. You seem like kid more than anything with your dear dear.

your guy is taking a huge risk for himself by disclosing this information to you when the official narrative is completely opposite.
all people in sensitive facilities civilians & military included, sign a confidentiality agreement and would be deemed in breach of secrecy act if they chose to disclose the ordinary or extra ordinary activities and events in the place of their work which are strictly "need to know".

I am in no position to prove or disprove your claim and his claim but I MUST remind you, that such talk can get him in trouble. ask him though, who else has he disclosed this information? is it just him or does he know more people who know the exact devastation after the attack?

also ask him, if he or his colleagues are planning to approach the media and tell their version? this guy has already shared it to this public forum via yourself so I guess he is ready to blow the whistle.
Dude, please stop making speculations and cannon fodder to all the so called well wishers.....you are claiming that all the terrorists entered the base, i read to the effect that one remained outside for four hours, he was hiding in a ditch opposite the sentry post, his job was to take out those manning the post, he failed and got wounded by the return fire, some four hours later, realising he was surrounded, he blew himself up. As i said earlier, the scum bags came with guns and rockets and not with base ball bats to smash up the equipment. If any plane had been hit, the rising smoke and in darkness flames would have been visible from miles .

Just to add another angle to Nuclear Park prespective, We all know officially that aircraft was in HANGER and yet it sustained damage. So flames and smoke contained in Hangar?
Seriously NuclearPak you are losing your reputation and creditability.

Whatever the PAF and seniors over here say, you go against it. Probably your source has a poor sense of humour. And I am not supposed to tell you but you have been considered a promotion to men in blue, and this attitude would be a set back. If anything is disrupted and not confirmed, better keep it to yourself.

Friendly advice.

I have been respectful to every member here. i am entitled to my opinion on the basis of what I have seen and heard. And I am forced to believe it. Same as other people here have their own opinions. Nobody has anything concrete to say here, everybody relies on his sources.

As for the second part, I am sorry if this has hurt anybody or anything, but we can have a friendly and factual discussion rather than start name calling by a certain man.

I am merely presenting my opinion as is, not fighting anybody that they comply with me!:D
yes i have statment of official of pakistan air force say one aircraft is slightly damage and that air craft is IL-78

According to Air Force officials the militants were aiming to destroy American fighter planes used to bomb Taliban bases in Pakistan’s restive tribal areas along the border with Afghanistan. They included a squadron of F-16 fighter-bombers and the AWACS reconnaissance aircraft used to coordinate their operations.

The PAF aircraft damaged in attack was an Ilyushin Il-78MP Midas Multi-Role Tanker Transport (MRTT), according to news report on following link:

Militants attack Pakistan nuclear air base - Telegraph

Imraan Sahab, same PAF is saying it was SAAB whose to believe now?????????

“They were armed with automatic weapons and rocket-propelled grenades,” PAF spokesman Group Captain Tariq Mahmood said. He said at least one of the rockets hit a hangar that was holding some aircraft. The rocket pierced the hangar wall and shrapnel from the explosion damaged one of the aircraft inside. The spokesman did not mention the type of aircraft that was damaged in the attack, but another security official, seeking anonymity, said it was a SAAB-2000 Early Warning and Control System (AWACS) aircraft that was being used for the reconnaissance missions.
Silence is most confusing!! PAF is awkwardly silent.

Chalo, me going now. If somebody gets to know concretely that no Saab was destroyed or heavily damaged, be sure to post it here.

silence over what ? they give statement and over what they do more for us ? do you really thing its a matter for them what defense forums debate ? if Parliament or PAC ask them then may be the open details otherwise there is no such need of more statements .

Imraan Sahab, same PAF is saying it was SAAB whose to believe now?????????

The spokesman did not mention the type of aircraft that was damaged in the attack

finished :D
your guy is taking a huge risk for himself by disclosing this information to you when the official narrative is completely opposite.
all people in sensitive facilities civilians & military included, sign a confidentiality agreement and would be deemed in breach of secrecy act if they chose to disclose the ordinary or extra ordinary activities and events in the place of their work which are strictly "need to know".

I am in no position to prove or disprove your claim and his claim but I MUST remind you, that such talk can get him in trouble. ask him though, who else has he disclosed this information? is it just him or does he know more people who know the exact devastation after the attack?

also ask him, if he or his colleagues are planning to approach the media and tell their version? this guy has already shared it to this public forum via yourself so I guess he is ready to blow the whistle.

This is not the guy only. This version is presented by retired personnel, and senior serving personnel and others. BTW, this version was also presented by some person on TV. So, I am not the only one saying this. Ithas been reported in one media as well.

Note: the RPG did not hit the plane as per the source, rather the area in front of the nose. So, if not destroyed, heavy damage is a possibility.
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