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Attack On Islamabad, Reports of explosion and Gunfire!

And what exactly has your government done to expose INDIA's heinous crimes?

If you believe INDIA is involved in the attack, ask your government to declare so to the world community. Bring this to notice of UN or USA or INDIA. Oh, maybe your government is incompetent according to some of you. Or wait a minute, you did provide proof in the form on number of Indian consulate's in Afghanistan. Did not ruffle many feather's eh!

How many people has GoP arrested for the terror activities in your country? How many have been brought to justice? What corrective action has your government taken to prevent further attacks? Go and question your government for each of this. Once you are satisfied, come and Speculate about RAW.

And yes, before you troll on Taliban and RAW, maybe a refresher course on Taliban will help you .... Taliban - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Just check the Allies section for Taliban.

Don't worry about it hotheaded Indian. We will strike in your heart when the time is ripe. We don't need to cry in front of the world just like you always do. It won't achieve anything. We will take the necessary steps in order to curb Indian sponsored terror against Pakistan. Just in time... First, we will take out the Indian sponsored terrorists.
Blindly taking on the policy of aiding The United States in the said war against terrorists and Islamic groups has brought into the front Pakistan state machinery. Indiscriminate killings of innocent women, children and men has geared up the situation to the extent that more keen confronting guerillas have been raised. These guerillas who used to place bombs in government activity areas have now become able to make ultimate raids into government protected spots. Traditional terrorist activities is changing into a bold guerilla activity against American and Pakistani defence machinery now.
Seems that there are some on the way but often being declared as suicide attempts are fake and declared so for being exempted of the inquiry of how the attacker reached the target which is considered a matter of humiliation.
Aiding United States is costing Pakistan much more than the dollars received by the government machinery.
Don't worry about it hotheaded Indian. We will strike in your heart when the time is ripe. We don't need to cry in front of the world just like you always do. It won't achieve anything. We will take the necessary steps in order to curb Indian sponsored terror against Pakistan. Just in time... First, we will take out the Indian sponsored terrorists.

Well, look he is crying in this thread all along. Please do take out Indian sponsored terrorists, will be good for you.
Blindly taking on the policy of aiding The United States in the said war against terrorists and Islamic groups has brought into the front Pakistan state machinery.

Aiding United States is costing Pakistan much more than the dollars received by the government machinery.

Cheeta , You had this cancer a long time before US came in.

Pakistan Deploys Troops in Swat to Curb Militants (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

IRIN Asia | Asia | Pakistan | PAKISTAN: Timeline on Swat Valley turbulence | Early Warning Conflict Refugees/IDPs | Feature
Forget logic, apply Quran.

Attention mods: Troll must be banned.

To the Troll: If you knew what Quran says you would have not suggested it!!!! Consider it a word of advise!!!!!
Well, look he is crying in this thread all along. Please do take out Indian sponsored terrorists, will be good for you.

Why not take out the india it self, this will save us the hassel of looking for terrorists inside Pakistan.
1) Send 300,000 men all around western front.
2) Ban all kind of fire arms wihin the territory of Pakistan. The only person could carry gun is the security forces.
3) Ask the citizen of the Pakistan, whether they are with Pakistan or against Pakistan. If anybody found against Pakistan they need to be sent to the USA in Afganistan.
4) Send all the Afganis back to Afganistan.
5) Seal the border with barbed wire with high voltage electricity on it.
6) Insulate all the key installation with Metal detectors and put red alert security on them.
7) Anybody even found remote connection to any terror or extremist activities or even found anybody who ever talked about extremism needs to be hanged.

Exceptional plan. Some issues I see with each step:
1) Needs to trust India not to create problems on the east. How much ever I trust India to be neutral, a lot of Pakistani's don't see things that way.
2) Guns - the best idea so far. But there are so many guns in Pakistan that it may be next to impossible. Only known success stories of this sort are in British India/Pakistan (after 1857) and Northern Ireland. Pakistan will have an uphill task.
4) There are a lot of them!
5) Border with Afghanistan is disputed in parts.
7) You didn't mean this did you ? You can't punish thought crimes.
Why not take out the india it self, this will save us the hassel of looking for terrorists inside Pakistan.

Do you have it in you to do so?. 60 years is a long time. Please give it a try if possible. You are unable to control the monster that you have created, the Taliban, when you do, please do take us down.
How the hell on earth, Pakistan is not getting tough on those Talibans. They need full scale attack on those infrastructure and all the tribes areas.
Action needed.
1) Send 300,000 men all around western front.
2) Ban all kind of fire arms wihin the territory of Pakistan. The only person could carry gun is the security forces.
3) Ask the citizen of the Pakistan, whether they are with Pakistan or against Pakistan. If anybody found against Pakistan they need to be sent to the USA in Afganistan.
4) Send all the Afganis back to Afganistan.
5) Seal the border with barbed wire with high voltage electricity on it.
6) Insulate all the key installation with Metal detectors and put red alert security on them.
7) Anybody even found remote connection to any terror or extremist activities or even found anybody who ever talked about extremism needs to be hanged.

1) Pakistan govt. has stopped the funds and arms supply to police and have cut the defence budget.
2) It is not allowed to carry wepons without special permission.
3) I think it should be vice versa. It should be the people of Pakistan asking govt. of Pakistan same question.
4) This is immpossible and would not help.
5) It is not allowed by Americans.
6) Almost in every terror attack terrorists had inside information.
7) It is also not possible sue to some indian sponsored human right org. and media.
Well, look he is crying in this thread all along. Please do take out Indian sponsored terrorists, will be good for you.

Look who is talking here. The person who always posts one line propaganda threads. Only spewing anti-Pakistan propaganda all along this forum. Don't you ever think that we haven't noticed it for one moment.
Some of you act like such children. Wouldn't surprise me if most probably are. I know suppression of opinion is a bad thing on forums but by the frequency of posts blaming everyone but the most obvious suspects should be grating on the Mods by now. It drowns out otherwise decent speculation/analysis with the back 'n forth of equally puzzling people who spend time retorting.

Condolences to the families of the dead. Personally until you see heads roll from people within the establishment who're abetting these attacks nothing of substance will happen. The security state within isn't going just roll over and let a purge happen.
Look who is talking here. The person who always posts one line propaganda threads. Only spewing anti-Pakistan propaganda all along this forum. Don't you ever think that we haven't noticed it for one moment.

Propaganda threads?. Do point out. Everything is from main stream media. It is my prerogative to post what I want to post within the rules of the forum. If you have any problem take it up in the respective threads.
Do you have it in you to do so?. 60 years is a long time. Please give it a try if possible. You are unable to control the monster that you have created, the Taliban, when you do, please do take us down.

Pakistan did not created Taliban...
It was a an indigenous movement of the suppressed Afghanis against the brutalities of war lords, which later became northern alliance armed and assisted by indian army.
As per the facts if Taliban may have any grudge against any one than it has to be !ndia not Pakistan.
Talking about TTP, it has no link to those Taliban which ruled Afghanistan.
TTP is a an organization engineered by RAW +.
After US invasion northern alliance captured many afghan children and later sent those to india or indian compounds in Afghanistan.
Where they were molested and raised as suicide bombers to be used against Pakistan.
Now after 8 years past those children have reached the age of 20+ and are being smuggled in to Pakistan with the assistance of politicians of Pakistan.
So now it is fun time for Pakistan.

In last 60 years only once Pakistan went on offence at Kargil which you also taken back from our politicians and from this day indians have realised that they can buy Pakistan from the elected politicians.

It is not upto me to decide about counter attack on india in result of their gorilla war inside Pakistan teritory.

What is happening in Swat is over blown by media and govt. other wise no one is above the law.
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Propaganda threads?. Do point out. Everything is from main stream media. It is my prerogative to post what I want to post within the rules of the forum. If you have any problem take it up in the respective threads.

Just by shutting your eyes or blatantly denying won't change the fact. No one is blind and we know with what purpose you post those threads. Anyhow, let's not divert this topic. Back on topic please!

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