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Attack on CTD center in Bannu Cantonment

We shouldn’t deal with Afghanistan like a nation anymore, but a bunch of tribal confederations, loosely tied together in geographical clusters underneath a semi-regulated militia.

We should be mapping the “human landscape” of each of the tribes and sub-tribes, locating key middle and upper ranking members and dealing with them the way the police in the west deal with the mafia.

Financial means and travel restrictions on these key figures have to be used to make them realize the costs of their actions.

This has to be dealt with as a generational struggle, so fortifying the border and allowing passage through regulated points, till it just becomes a fact of life for all people has to be done and maintained regardless of the pressure they put on the Pakistani government.

We need to shape Afghanistan otherwise someone else will and it may not favor Pakistani interests.

Just look at what this militia has to deal with today. Based on how they deal with the Salang tunnel situation developing we will know how capable their are to maintain command and control between the two regions on either side without this link. They can’t be counted on to keep the tribes or militant groups in line on their side of the border. They don’t have the financial means to offer alternative livelihoods and many of these militant groups, I suspect, are probably just covers for smuggling networks.
You are not getting into the tactical aspect of the situation.

1. By passing all security apparatus of Pakistan, entering cantt and attacking a Police department,

Planning on comms (cellular or landline or sat com) not deciphered.
Gathering point not monitored.
Weapon movement (concealed or unconcealed) went un noticed.
Police checkpoints by passed.
Transport movement. veh identification.
Cantt security level questioned, Regulars manning posts or paramilitary or Cantt Sec Force.
Cantt houses military, target was CTD, so security level of CTD as a soft target or in retaliation of CTD Ops.

2. The Intel

What was level of intel.
Where did TTP get intel.
How did TTP use intel.
Which secure comms or new comms TTP uses.
How TTP by passes intel agnecies.
How many TTP terrorist's were inside cantt monitoring the situation before the attack.
Did they enter separately and then gathered inside cantt.
Training level of TTP terrorists
Training level in use of weapons

3. The attack.

Direction of attack.
Split teams.
Police sentry failed to identify, and alert others.
Gate Breach, wall climbing, use of vehicles, use of weapons (AKs/RPG/Grenades)
Time of attack, time of entering building, time of taking hostages.
what was the reaction time.
Which CTD personnel were ON duty/OFF duty.
TTP gained access to CTD ammo and weapons means they needed to carry enough ammo just to take over facility.
Suicide vests are last resort or a solid escape plan with an exit strategy carved by their leaders in Afg.

There are a lot of points to gather and formulate the scene.
Why not take help of Red mosque Moulana or his clones to broker some deal... Already two days gone
You are not getting into the tactical aspect of the situation.

1. By passing all security apparatus of Pakistan, entering cantt and attacking a Police department,

Planning on comms (cellular or landline or sat com) not deciphered.
Gathering point not monitored.
Weapon movement (concealed or unconcealed) went un noticed.
Police checkpoints by passed.
Transport movement. veh identification.
Cantt security level questioned, Regulars manning posts or paramilitary or Cantt Sec Force.
Cantt houses military, target was CTD, so security level of CTD as a soft target or in retaliation of CTD Ops.

2. The Intel

What was level of intel.
Where did TTP get intel.
How did TTP use intel.
Which secure comms or new comms TTP uses.
How TTP by passes intel agnecies.
How many TTP terrorist's were inside cantt monitoring the situation before the attack.
Did they enter separately and then gathered inside cantt.
Training level of TTP terrorists
Training level in use of weapons

3. The attack.

Direction of attack.
Split teams.
Police sentry failed to identify, and alert others.
Gate Breach, wall climbing, use of vehicles, use of weapons (AKs/RPG/Grenades)
Time of attack, time of entering building, time of taking hostages.
what was the reaction time.
Which CTD personnel were ON duty/OFF duty.
TTP gained access to CTD ammo and weapons means they needed to carry enough ammo just to take over facility.
Suicide vests are last resort or a solid escape plan with an exit strategy carved by their leaders in Afg.

There are a lot of points to gather and formulate the scene.
Your right, on a tactical levels there are layers and layers of potential failures on ways in which security of compromised (why it was compromised or failed definitely needs to be investigated, addressed, and prevented from happening again)

What I was referring to was at the strategic level. The logistics that allows the money to fund these kinds of miscreants operations as well as their freedom of movement over the border as well as through our territory.

The points you lay out seem too many to be the work of amateurs, and it may not be prudent to speculate at this point in the origin of those immediately supporting these miscreants as in within our territory), but this seems to beyond the failure of our technical equipment, and a breakdown of readiness. Are the FC and army on a “war footing” in the wake of the TTP calling off their ceasefire? What was the force posture during the height of militancy and have force returned to them or some level based on lessons learned from those years?
These militant looks like religiously motivated. Why don't pakistan take the help of their religious leaders in the pak and afghan?

In big loud speaker, there should continuously be blasting azan and sermons to reverse the brainwash.

By this time, security forces should have identified terrorist family members, These family members should be on the ground to request for at least release of hostages.



@Signalian what do you think about this TTP gear ?
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You will not come across more incompetent and coward force then KP police/FC. They surrender to terrorists and then army need to be called in.

For f***'s sake. They have killed and apprehended hundreds, if not thousands, of TTP scum and have paid dearly. The number of sacrifices and their continued bravery is astonishing. If their leadership/government hasn't funded enough capacity building, that's a big issue. And we all know how all provincial police forces have suffered under political interference.

Secondly, the terrorism issue CANNOT be dealt with by the police. It is a cross-border issue with foreign / hostile agency support and sanctuary by the Afghan Taliban. The KP Police has no way to raise the cost for these two groups --- only the State, through its Armed Forces, does.

Are these TTP guys coming from Afghanistan or is it a home grown problem?
Even if it is a home grown problem the KPK Police need to armed like the
TTP are.

These TTP guys come in with night vision goggles, bullet proof vests, M4 carbines
and intelligence from foreign agencies. What are the KPK Police getting?
If ISI pulls it head out of Azam Swati's @rse then they should be giving early
warning reports to KPK Police.

Sar, crushing dissent first priority sar....

That was a cheering moment as A.Ghanis and Indian presence vanished on that day. It is TTP detainees who got free by advancing IEA forces.
IEA is reluctant to act against TTP bcz of ethnicity and fear that TTP may join ISIS.
Couple it with a drone attack on Zawahiri.
IEA cannot stop anti-Pak elements in such an environment. Yes, they are not friendly but they are not an enemy like TTP or ISIS.
There is a bomb blast today in Afghanistan too. So mcuh 'kharmas' that blaming Kabul only is not right.

A good economy may help locals and may result in less terrorism with frequent blockades if they (Kabul) doesn't listen.

The IEA can crush the TTP (as they did the IMU) within a month. These groups only survive if they have safe haven, typically cross-border (like the TTP has in Afghanistan).

The real problem is that they deep down see the Pak Army (and state) as liberal, satanic, and an extension of US interests. They also don't believe in the international border ("Durand Line" nonsense). As such, they have a VERY close ethnic and ideological affinity with the TTP.
For f***'s sake. They have killed and apprehended hundreds, if not thousands, of TTP scum and have paid dearly. The number of sacrifices and their continued bravery is astonishing. If their leadership/government hasn't funded enough capacity building, that's a big issue. And we all know how all provincial police forces have suffered under political interference.

Secondly, the terrorism issue CANNOT be dealt with by the police. It is a cross-border issue with foreign / hostile agency support and sanctuary by the Afghan Taliban. The KP Police has no way to raise the cost for these two groups --- only the State, through its Armed Forces, does.

Sar, crushing dissent first priority sar....
KPK police has basic weapons compared to TTP..


I have heard, the ranks of TTP are mostly wanted criminals and lower class that are seeking refuge and power through this outfit.
KPK police has basic weapons compared to TTP..

View attachment 906876
View attachment 906875

Not even all SSG operators have the same tech as some of the toys that TTP has captured in Afghanistan... (thermal sights etc).

I have heard, the ranks of TTP are mostly wanted criminals and lower class that are seeking refuge and power through this outfit.

True of almost all terror groups. Often, the leaders are also the same. Zarqawi of AQI was a hardcore criminal --- and then started killing people "in the name of Islam."
Not even all SSG operators have the same tech as some of the toys that TTP has captured in Afghanistan... (thermal sights etc).

True of almost all terror groups. Often, the leaders are also the same. Zarqawi of AQI was a hardcore criminal --- and then started killing people "in the name of Islam."
If SSG no fully equiped then who else .....



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UN chief calls on Taliban govt to end terror activities posing threat to Pakistan from Afghan soil

In this connection, he particularly mentioned an attack by terrorists on a police station in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s Lakki Marwat on Sunday that left four policemen dead and several others injured.

Hours after the attack, militants detained at a facility run by Khyber Pakhtunkhwa police’s Counter Terrorism Department in Bannu took over the compound, held interrogators hostage and demanded a safe passage first to Afghanistan and later to North Waziristan or South Waziristan.

I think its time for Pakistan to openly give base to Americans, Let the Americans kill these SOB's and spare no supporters even if they are pashtoon or tribals, its been long enough these Tribal Animals has kept the country hostage.

KP CTD suffers from ‘capacity gaps’: report

...a critical report by an intelligence agency has highlighted “capacity gaps” in KP’s counterterrorism department...

According to the report, there was no allocations for procurements despite the fact that pay and allowances are the lowest among the provinces.

...the qualification of human resource is “poor, untrained and very ill-equipped,” says the report about the KP’s CTD.

About the infrastructure, the intelligence agency said that four regional headquarters, including one in Bannu, were under construction for many years. While work on many others has not even started due to bureaucratic hurdles.

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