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Attack Copters Wipe Out Chinese Tanks in Simulated Battle !

We can make soldiers. Btw, the above picture is the weapon we made.
You need some more humanity to judge other casualties, as you remember that dozen millions of Chinese people killed in wartime too.
In long history, the number of the people of the enemy we killed is far less than the number of our people killed by others, that is why we are the largest nation in the world.:agree: Temporary success or failure is normal, how to win in long long time is the most important thing. For your people, cherish the precious peace time, and don't provoke us and don't expect we will eat what you want to impose us in SCS, or your loss will be far larger than what you have got.:agree:

Let summarize your post, cnleio.
Actually, Vietnam never bring up our tanks for enemy to use as targets.
Vietnam spent very little for tanks in recent 4 decades.
The war will be even simpler. So remember your real strength.:agree:
Modern war (TV-guided ATGM) from helicopter cockpit :coffee:

The thread would be for discussing about tactical issue...
Why you guys voice sound like threaten others ?
It derails the topic. Anyway, fearless is our characteristic.

Vietnam faced the US helicopter quite early.
And ever used carbines and even mines to hit those.
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The thread would be for discussing about tactical issue...
Why you guys voice sound like threaten others ?
It derails the topic. Anyway, fearless is our characteristic.
Latest HJ-12 Top-attack ATGM also can hit armed helicopter with IR-guided warhead ... the only problem within 5km fire range, but it will be another superstar weapon for PLA individual soldier to against tank and helicopter toghter.

If there's a good solution for PLA soldier to hit down enemy helicopter, i select HJ-12 Top-attack ATGM !
You should get some facts straight, China has always been the wealthiest China’s Not a Superpower
China became poor due to well known reasons, but that never stopped China from making a comeback. Within 10-15 years from now China most likely would have surpassed USA as the biggest economy. So Japan as the first Asian country to become as wealthy as the West after WW2 is not a big deal.

You like to remind us China is light years behind Japan, but you never mention what specific areas Japan is leading. If you are really that honest, why not make a list and tell us rather than being extremely vague about it.
The guy like to pull rat out of his ***. LOL His argument is consistently the same. Japan is the MOST ADVANCE, the country can make gundam robot and space elevator. What can you say? LOL
Latest HJ-12 Top-attack ATGM also can hit armed helicopter with IR-guided warhead ... the only problem within 5km fire range, but it will be another superstar weapon for PLA individual soldier to against tank and helicopter toghter.

If there's a good solution for PLA soldier to hit down enemy helicopter, i select HJ-12 Top-attack ATGM !

Vietnam used Strela-10
and Igla-S

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Vietnam used Strela-10 as we made under the name A-89
Strela-10 as same as China TY-90 or HQ-7 short-range anti-aircraft missile ... vehicle-borne weapon. HJ-12 is individual weapon for infantry, IR/CCD TV-guided HJ-12 missile can destroy tank and helicopter together. Superstar weapon will be in PLA Army like American Javelin.





Is it in operation?

Vietnam use this one for marines

LOL ... ur toys at least older than 1~2 generations.

HJ-12 Wikipedia
The HJ-12 is a modern, third generation anti-tank missile developed by China North Industries Corporation (NORINCO). The HJ-12 is a fire-and-forget system utilizing Lock-On Before Launch (LOBL) and is capable of being fired within buildings and bunkers due to its soft launch system. Once launched, it will home autonomously onto its target, allowing the operator to immediately take cover or reload to engage another target. the missile can be fitted with either high-explosive warheads or thermal effect warheads. Its fire-and-forget technology will reduce the number of anti-tank operators needed on a battlefield, which lowers probable casualties. When engaging enemy tanks and armored vehicles, the HJ-12 aims to destroy the top of its targets which the expert said is the more vulnerable point.


China PF98 120mm anti-tank rocket,lazer lock-on




China PF89A 80mm anti-tank rocket




3. Army also euiped HJ-8, HJ-9 anti-tank missile for PLA soldiers.
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the difference. We have targets, you don't. Land, sea and air. We're phantoms

Old or new, it doesn't matter,
they are better than using carbines to shoot helicopters or grenades against tanks

Some more:
1. AT-4

2. AT-5

3. BMG-71A TOW
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In 1960s ~ 1970s Vietnam War, the UH-1 or AH-G helicopters flying in Vietnam all equiped Machine-gun or Rocket only fire 1-2 km weapons ... not precision guided missile yet. After 1990s Iraqi War, fire 10km TV-guided missile + IR-guided missile + Lazer-guided missile as main weapons for the armed helicopter ... Iraqi Army ever had thousand T-55 and Type62 tanks more than Vietnam but all lost on the ground by precision guided missiles attack from 'Apache' & A-10.

Vietnam War, machine-gun & rocket as weapons (1-2km fire range) for armed helicopter


UH-1 with TOW in Vietnam 1972
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the difference. We have targets, you don't. Land, sea and air. We're phantoms
The phantom u said just a target under modern infrared imaging devices ...





Old or new, it doesn't matter,
they are better than using carbines to shoot helicopters or grenades against tanks

Some more:
1. AT-4

2. AT-5

3. BMG-71A TOW
When to get BMG-71A TOW, Does U.S sold to Vietnam ?
The phantom u said just a target under modern infrared imaging devices ...

infrared imaging isn't so modern.

Fifty Years of Owning the Night: The History of Infrared Imaging

The story of FLIR begins in 1963 when Texas Instruments’ Defense Systems and Electronics Division, later acquired by Raytheon, invested $30,000 in what engineer Kirby Taylor called a “little experiment” in infrared imaging.

The U.S. Air Force had been mounting scanners in the bays of large cargo aircraft, shooting images of the ground in the infrared spectrum with film. It was a very slow process because the film had to be returned to base, then developed and then analyzed. One-hour pickup at the photo center, it's not.


A U.S. Air Force Douglas AC-47D Spooky gunship used an early FLIR system during the Vietnam War.

Taylor’s idea was to replace the film with photoconductive detectors. Their output could be “rasterized“ and put onto a TV-style display.

The technology came just in time for the military, which was having trouble tracking troop movements in Vietnam.

"The problem was the enemy was moving from North to South at night, undetected," Taylor said. "They weren’t picking up any activity — zero."

After conducting tests at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, and Clark Air Base in The Philippines, the Air Force began flying missions over North Vietnam in the fall of 1965 using FLIR to identify ammunition dumps, bases and troop movements.

“By the time the team and I left, we were engaging 400 trucks a month, driving in convoys, on the Ho Chi Minh trail, “ Taylor said.
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UH-1 with TOW in Vietnam 1972
Wiki BGM-71 TOW

TOW ATGM only appeared in Vietnam war from 1972.4.24 to 1972.8.19 ... Is TOW missile as the main weapons for helo during whole 1960s - 1970s Vietnam War ???
Vietnam: first combat use of TOW anti-armor missile
On 24 April 1972, the U.S. 1st Combat Aerial TOW Team arrived in South Vietnam; the team's mission was to test the new anti-armor missile under combat conditions.[9] The team consisted of three crews, technical representatives from Bell Helicopter and Hughes Aircraft, members of the United States Army Aviation and Missile Command, and two UH-1B helicopters; each mounting the XM26 TOW weapons system, which had been taken from storage. After displacing to the Central Highlands for aerial gunnery, the unit commenced daily searches for enemy armor.[9] On 2 May 1972, U.S. Army UH-1 Huey helicopters firing TOWs destroyed North Vietnamese tanks near An Loc. This was heralded as the first time a U.S. unit neutralized enemy armor using American-designed and built guided missiles (in this case against an American-made M-41[10]). On 9 May, elements of the North Vietnamese Army's 203rd Armored Regiment assaulted Ben Het Camp held by Army of the Republic of Vietnam Rangers . The Rangers destroyed the first three PT-76 amphibious light tanks of the 203rd, thereby breaking up the attack.[11][12] During the battle for the city of Kontum, the TOW missile had proven to be a significant weapon in disrupting enemy tank attacks within the region. By the end of May, BGM-71 TOW missiles had accumulated 24 confirmed kills of both PT-76 light and T-54 main battle tanks.[11][12]

On 19 August, the South Vietnamese 5th Infantry Regiment abandoned Firebase Ross in the Que Son Valley, 30 miles southwest of Da Nang, to the North Vietnamese 711th Division. A dozen TOW missiles were left with abandoned equipment and fell into Communist hands.
Wiki BGM-71 TOW

TOW ATGM only appeared in Vietnam war from 1972.4.24 to 1972.8.19 ... Is TOW missile as the main weapons for helo during whole 1960s - 1970s Vietnam War ???

can you watch the video ? that's TOW on UH-1B in Vietnam during 1972
As you may know, the first tank killer helicopters was born in Vietnam War.
And you may know that, there's not many tanks from North Vietnam at the time, and VPA adopted guerrila tactic. So they aren't naive to show their tanks as targets for TOW

Raytheon developed first infrared imaging during 1960s and first use in Vietnam during night aerial in Ho Chi Minh trails and night airstrike in North Vietnam.
They called 50 years of owning the night.

UH-1 with TOW in Vietnam 1972


File:UH-1B with TOW.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

English: UH-1B HELICOPTER WITH TOW MISSILES lifts off strip at Pleiku. ( Vietnam )



UH-1B TOW in flight near Cam Ranh Bay
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