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Atomic war between Pakistan and India: A Brief Note

BS :angry:,, :hitwall:
i guess you did also signed peace treaty a number of time but still look what the mess your forces created in 65, 71 and then in kargil conflict. :hitwall:

Read operation Gibraltor
Read PAF attack on Indian air bases
And read Kargil incursions.

I think you will get the idea who attacked whom.

moreover i guess india also agreed to resolve Kashnir issue and UN was to be involved but look what is going on,,, do i need to say anything about it??? :disagree:
Remove your armies from pakistan occupied kashmir, stop the insurgencies, rehabilitate kashmiri pandits.

and yes can you pleace enlighten me by naming some of your good anti missile systems, just for my knowledge,,, :rofl:
atleast you must think about what you are saying, such baseless posts wont earn you any good~

India has an active ABM development effort using indigenously developed and integrated radars and locally designed missiles.[9] In November 2006, India successfully conducted the PADE (Prithvi Air Defence Exercise) in which an Anti-ballistic missile, called the Prithvi Air Defense (PAD) an Exoatmospheric (outside the atmosphere) interceptor system intercepted a Prithvi-II ballistic missile. The PAD missile has the secondary stage of the Prithvi missile and can reach altitude of 80 km. During the test the target missile was intercepted at an 50 km altitude.[10] India became the fourth nation in the world to acquire such a capability and the third nation to develop it through indigenous effort.[11] On 6 December 2007 the Advanced Air Defence (AAD) missile system was tested successfully.[12] This missile is an Endo atmospheric interceptor with an altitude of 30 km. According to scientist V K Saraswat of DRDO the missiles will work in tandem to ensure a hit probability of 99.8 percent.[13] Induction of the system into services is expected to be in 2010. Two new anti ballistic missiles that can intercept IRBM/ICBMs are being developed. These high speed missiles (AD-1 and AD-2) are being developed to intercept ballistic missiles with the range of 5000 km.[14]

On March 6 2009 India successfully tested an indigenous interceptor missile that destroyed an incoming "enemy" ballistic missile at an altitude of 80 km. A Dhanush missile was launced from a ship about 100 km from the coast. It rose to a height of 120 km and as it began its downward trajectory, the interceptor was launced and successfully achieved a kill.[15

Any more issues?:devil::rofl:
India is capable enough and have faith in her armed forces. Thats the reason for declaring no first use policy. We know that our enemies cant win in conventional war, so there is no need to use nuclear weapon. Moreover with the launching of ATV we have 2nd strike capability.

Please note that no nation can sell nuclear powered submarine.:thinktank:

So there will be no help from China this time:undecided:

Moreover our Prithvi-II has a hit rate of 99.8% and will be deployed by 2011.:yahoo:
Indian Ballistic Missile Defense Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I think no first use policy is only holds in case of Pakistan, in case of china it would not remain same. This concession is only for Pakistan...
I think no first use policy is only holds in case of Pakistan, in case of china it would not remain same. This concession is only for Pakistan...

Is that true? Why does "no first use" not apply to China?
1. Nuclear doctrines of world are based on MAD policies ... and like its literal meaning ... a practical implementation of Mutually Assured Destruction is a big NO-NO for every nation in this world.

2. Till mid 1980s, India held a higher hand, since Pakistan lacked nuclear arsenal, but that is a thing of past. Threat of unilateral nuclear destruction at hands of India was powerful enough for Pakistan to invest billions into making its own nukes to ensure that India did not hold a superior position, and since 1990's both nations are now deadlocked by MAD. To India this is BAD as it enjoyed the upper hand for almost 2 decades when Pakistan lacked both the number of nuclear devices as well as the means of delivery, but that has changed. Now we both possess first strike capability, ensuring peaceful co-existence under threat of MAD.

3. Presently, India has achieved 2nd strike capability by launching a nuclear armed sub, which will again prompt Islamabad to counter it either by increasing number of arsenal or by pursuing rapid delivery systems or better yet, its own nuclear armed subs.

Nuclear War is an endgame scenario ... no matter how it starts ... we will end up losing hundreds of years of progress, thousands of years of civilization, and even worse, millions and billions of lives.

Your last para is almost apocalyptic. As someone noted in an earlier post, the effects of a nuclear war will be felt far and wide. If you remember the Chernobyl disaster, radioactive clouds floated all the way to Europe. I wonder if humanity will even survive the next nuclear war. I hope I don't live to see the day.
Is that true? Why does "no first use" not apply to China?

No first use policy applies to all including China. But the point is to be noted is that this is a theory. Why he said that it will not apply to china because of the fact that we acknowledge china to be more powerful than us. Although we have no first use policy but in a war i don't think that any policy holds good.

Even we can use nukes against Pakistan if the situation demands.

I think all of you will agree that theory does not work in the actual war.

Please note that no nation can sell nuclear powered submarine.:thinktank:

So there will be no help from China this time:undecided:

You are wrong because if we want a nuclear sub we can lease one similar what India did with the Russians. Now quit boosting your chest or else it would hurt after a certain time.
Your last para is almost apocalyptic. As someone noted in an earlier post, the effects of a nuclear war will be felt far and wide. If you remember the Chernobyl disaster, radioactive clouds floated all the way to Europe. I wonder if humanity will even survive the next nuclear war. I hope I don't live to see the day.
I will prefer an immediate death for myself and my nearest family members in a nuclear exchange, if I am near a target. An immediate death will be more covetted comparing to the slow deaths in agony after suffering from cancer and blood vomittings.

Pakistan and India should use it as a deterrent, but should never use it in a real war even if on the verge of a defeat. Both countries will be destroyed and the first attacker will perhaps be dismantled as a nation by the superpowers. An atomic bomb is not a toy gun for sure.
I will prefer an immediate death for myself and my nearest family members in a nuclear exchange, if I am near a target. An immediate death will be more covetted comparing to the slow deaths in agony after suffering from cancer and blood vomittings.

What about those who are not your immidiate relatives?

Pakistan and India should use it as a deterrent, but should never use it in a real war even if on the verge of a defeat. Both countries will be destroyed and the first attacker will perhaps be dismantled as a nation by the superpowers. An atomic bomb is not a toy gun for sure.

If Nukes are not usable then what is the purpose of having them and holding on to them.

IMO Indian NFU will hold against even China in a conventional war.
See Indians wont attack any one of the Chi-Pak combination,
if Pakistan attacks it is rather unlikely that China will attack,
if China attacks then Pakistan will surely attack.
In such a Two front war Indians will have a lot of difficulty on there own. Now if we keep getting conventional arms supply from say US/Russians then Indians will make the fight the longest, biggest and bloodiest fight this world has ever seen (WW2 would pale in comparison) and all three NFUs will still hold. If however Indians dont get the conventional arms supply then..........

In fact even in 62 when Indians had a zilch of a chance of even living (what to say of defending) and counter attacks would surely have been massacred, even at that time Indians were trying desparately to retreat in order and stage counter attacks. That war was not so bloody perhaps because both sides went out of logistics and US supply was coming in too late. Now the situation is completely different. US and Russians will begin providing supplies merely to prevent the war from going nuclear as in a nuclear war even they could get pulled in merely to save the world economy.

Anyhow the whole thread is pretty theoretical. Chinese have grown way more pragmatic since Viet war (when they won and still lost) then they are perceived to be and Indians have grown in pragmatism since 62 (when we lost for nil planning) and 71 (when we lost even when we had won), in fact looks like even Pakistanis are getting pragmatic esp since Kargil ..... Besides the Chinese way too much interested in keeping the status quo....CCP guys are making so much money and are so dependent on world economy (in 62 they were a deficit financed command economy) that the chances of conflict starting even from China's side have been going down for last so many years......IMO there is only an outside chance of this happening.
India is capable enough and have faith in her armed forces. Thats the reason for declaring no first use policy. We know that our enemies cant win in conventional war, so there is no need to use nuclear weapon. Moreover with the launching of ATV we have 2nd strike capability.

Please note that no nation can sell nuclear powered submarine.:thinktank:

So there will be no help from China this time:undecided:

Moreover our Prithvi-II has a hit rate of 99.8% and will be deployed by 2011.:yahoo:
Indian Ballistic Missile Defense Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
But we can always ship the submarine in dismantled state, put it together in Karachi shipyard and call it a Co-Venture.
As in the case of Arihant.:pakistan:
agar asa huwa tu Hindusim dunya say gayaa :P muslim countries are stilll left !! MIDDLEAST :P

You people cannot think other than Hindu and muslim.
Note that your army along with US are killing muslims in pakistan and afghanistan.:hitwall:
dont think negitiv. both country have huge population and in this population a huge number of inocent child women and old persons can you imagine about them .
why both countrys are involve in arm race?
what they want to proof?
why they want to become a super power?
think about it. this is the topic be positiv
You people cannot think other than Hindu and muslim.
Note that your army along with US are killing muslims in pakistan and afghanistan.:hitwall:

Do n t get to smart who is supporting those terrorist.if you do n t know its Indians raw.
At least we want peace agreement with them by them still killing Muslim of Pakistan.
We got no choice to launch operation against them.
dont think negitiv. both country have huge population and in this population a huge number of inocent child women and old persons can you imagine about them .
why both countrys are involve in arm race?
what they want to proof?
why they want to become a super power?
think about it. this is the topic be positiv

you better ask this from an Indian .
Pakistan never introduces any arm race.
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