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Atheist Conversion to Islam

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if u knew life better then you would yourself had answer this question

I would love to continue this interesting conversation, but saw you are still at registered. Never mind,next time may be, these threads will keep popping up.
Today, I think conversion is not a big factor for spreading of a religion.
Do you know one thing that Most of the early scientists and mathematician were Muslims i.e., religious!

Actually many of the polymaths, scientists, and thinkers from the so-called Islamic Golden Age were agnostic, possibly atheists even and many of the ones who were Muslims would be viewed as apostates today because they believed in Sufi concepts like Kalam which the the "mainstream" muslim imams like Hanifa rejected, and some of them were even executed for heresy.
Some of the names that come to mind are....Ibn Rushd (Averroes), Ibn Sina (Avicenna), al Rundi, al-Kindi, ibn Bajjah (Avemspace), al-Razi, Abu Nuwas, al-Jahiz, al-Hallaj, al-Khwarizmi, al-Farabi, Jabr Ibn Hayyan, and there are many others.

Even if they were Muslims nominally, they were not afraid of doubt and actually sought to improve on science based on the scientific method rather than the BS that Muslims today believe in like "scientific miracles of the quran" or when they call it a miracles when they find an animal saying "allah", and creationism.

Even if we assume they are Muslims, can we assume that this implies that Islam is a the true religion. Newton and Galileo were Christians, but their achievement rarely, if ever have been recorded as "Christian Science". Same thing goes for Einstein and Judaism.

watch this after 4:30

I suppose you could say that the wuzu created the incentive for the water wheel for inventors like al jazari, and how three of the five pillars of Islam combined with the affinity for imperialism and conquest helped improve navigation and time keeping . But these are little more than coincidences, and the same thing can be said of the religions of the ancient greeks and ancient Egyptians.

In any case, the Islamic Golden Age is a thing of the past, and the reason why it succeeded was because during this times Muslims were considered progressive compared to the rest of the world, whereas today some of them, many of them, are brainwashed into believing that a backwards, barbaric,
1000 year old philosophical and legal system will bring them glory.
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Waqas if you can prove to me god exists and your god is true god I'll Gladys convert. Inb4 scientific miricals in Koran.

Did the world not stick with Darwin's theory,but Muslims as well as Quran rejected it,and later on who turn out to be right.
If you can tell us about your religion then i think we might be able to put up something that you may understand!
Did the world not stick with Darwin's theory,but Muslims as well as Quran rejected it,and later on who turn out to be right.
If you can tell us about your religion then i think we might be able to put up something that you may understand!

Who turned out to be right? Darwin's theory is still the most universally accepted theory.
Did the world not stick with Darwin's theory,but Muslims as well as Quran rejected it,and later on who turn out to be right.
If you can tell us about your religion then i think we might be able to put up something that you may understand!

Uh... no they didn't.
Did the world not stick with Darwin's theory,but Muslims as well as Quran rejected it,and later on who turn out to be right.
If you can tell us about your religion then i think we might be able to put up something that you may understand!

I don't follow any relegion. And Darwin's theory is accepted by every scientfic coumnity and bilogists.
Did the world not stick with Darwin's theory,but Muslims as well as Quran rejected it,and later on who turn out to be right.
If you can tell us about your religion then i think we might be able to put up something that you may understand!

Actually the idea Evolution did not start with Darwin, it started with the ancient Greeks, and even some of the polymaths of the so-called Islamic Golden Age theorized it, such as al-Jahiz who mentioned what is pretty similar to natural selection, as he recognized how some animals who eat other weaker animals can cause the weaker ones to go extinct.

This is the reason why I ignore most creationists:
Actually the idea Evolution did not start with Darwin, it started with the ancient Greeks, and even some of the polymaths of the so-called Islamic Golden Age theorized it, such as al-Jahiz who mentioned what is pretty similar to natural selection, as he recognized how some animals who eat other weaker animals can cause the weaker ones to go extinct.

This is the reason why I ignore most creationists:

oh yea if i remeber correctly anaximander was the first person to sugest that specis evovle from more simler forms. I can be wrong though :/.
I think its a personal choice but there is no need to turn this thread and derail it into some personal battle , I think the man made his choice
Surprisingly darwin theory is not widely accepted theory Man wasn't monkey before.

Essentially a theory is not a fact to begin with so you're wrong to start with, Theory is not equal to The Fact.

This thread reminds me of "dumb and dumber",
The video posted is of an individual so there shouldn't be chillies burning in the rest of atheist lot or those ultra liberals, don't want to convert so don't, whining doesn't solve problems not your ultra liberalism or enlightened moderation has fixed anything yet!, he chose what he chose what is your problem? why should he follow you?

For non Muslims this video means nothing probably good video to bash at who cares They are more of a flunk in their lives sadly doh!.

For some rare extremists on this forum they'd declare themselves roman gods if they wish and yet proclaim to be ultra liberal with enlightened moderation when it comes to following...Epic Fail for all of you specially liberals and atheists, that poor guy who converted to Islam doesn't even know he's being bashed and discussed.
Surprisingly darwin theory is not widely accepted theory Man wasn't monkey before.

Essentially a theory is not a fact to begin with so you're wrong to start with, Theory is not equal to The Fact.

And where is Darwin's theory not widely accepted? Your assertion that man wasn't a monkey before is quite right, it is simply born of a completely wrong understanding of evolution. Man couldn't have come from monkeys, the immediate question by the likes of you is that " why are there still monkeys around then?". The theory of Evolution is not making that argument. It is simply that Man & monkey share a common ancestor and that ancestor would have resembled a monkey more than it would have resembled a man. Btw, evolution didn't just start off there; go back far enough & you could draw connections with every living being.

A common & a silly argument is that Evolution is still only a theory and not fact. It is a selective use of the word theory. Copernicus theory of heliocentrism is also called a theory but is accepted as fact. Darwin's theory of evolution is also read in the same manner.

Btw, this are some of the definitions for theory that are germane to this subject.

"a coherent group of general propositions used as principles of explanation for a class of phenomena: Einstein's theory of relativity"

" A theory in technical use is a more or less verified or established explanation accounting for known facts or phenomena: the theory of relativity. A hypothesis is a conjecture put forth as a possible explanation of phenomena or relations, which serves as a basis of argument or experimentation to reach the truth: This idea is only a hypothesis. "
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