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ATF-10 NLOS - Nasty shock for 'Cold Start'?

that chinese developer has even inducted rafael into their airforce. Still their air raids r fear some.......
I just defend and defend till their attacks dry out and i make proper static defenses backed by airforce and cobras as well as reserve forces of tanks to take them on if they manage to penetrate the defenses......

So when they dry out i launch massive offenses with infantry, tanks backed by airforce, strategic strikes and helicopters.....By this way i had beaten them in hard difficulty.

A selam

Keep on, nice to to read that you have enjoyment, I have drink a cup of tea (jai with milk), eat ladu and namka, and reading here in forum while playing Panzer Corps....by the way reading about Janbaaz Forces of Pakistan,I did found that here ( I thought they deserve it to have a place in Pakistan Defence military history ):

I hope you will also enjoy the reading (because you were interest about Pakistani Rangers in war with India) @Zarvan


The Hurs
The Hurs were and are the main tribe living in this area. A proud and fierce people, the Hurs had given the British a difficult time. They had rebelled during World War II against British rule . At the time of the 1965 War the spiritual leader of the Hur was the Pir Pagaro.

The Hurs had earlier not joined the Pakistan Army in any numbers, however with the coming of war, thousands volunteered to fight against the Indians. The Hurs were (due to constraints of finances as well as time) given only basic training and armed with light weapons such as machine guns and assault rifles. The militia was placed under the Pakistani military and para-military forces operating in the sector (known collectively as the "Desert Force"). The Hur militia was commanded by the Faqir Jamal Mangrio.

Faqir Jamal Mangrio

Hurs in the 1965 War
During the 1965 war between India and Pakistan, about 65,000 Hurs served in various fronts especially that of Sindh. The Southern desert sector was a mere sideshow to the major battles fought in the Punjab and in Kashmir. However the Indians had placed two divisions in the desert with the aim of tying down Pakistani troops.


Facing a shortage of troops and unable to divert any substantial forces from the Punjab and Kashmir sectors (where the main Indian thrust has come), the commander of the Pakistan Rangers, Brigadier Khuda Dad Khan, turned to local help. Hurs volunteered in droves. Given only basic training and light weapons, the Hurs nevertheless gave a fine account of themselves in the conflict. Fighting alongside Rangers and regular army units (known collectively as the Desert Force), the Hurs used their knowledge of the desert to good effect and helped to blunt the Indian offensive. But perhaps their most famous (and militarily important) action was the capture of the Indian fort of Kishangarh, a feature located several kilometers inside India.

The battle
The war began on 6 September 1965 and the hostilities in this sector commenced on September the 8th. Initially the Desert Force and the Hur was placed in a defensive role, a role for which they were well suited as it turned out. The Hur were familiar with the terrain and the local area and possessed many essential desert survival skills which their opponents (and indeed their comrades in the Pakistan Army) did not. Fighting as mainly light infantry, the Hur inflicted many casualties on the Indian forces as they entered Sindh. The Hurs were also employed as skirmishers, harassing the Indians LOC, a task they often undertook on camels. As the battle wore on the Hurs and the Desert Force were increasingly used to attack and capture Indian villages inside Rajasthan. It was in this vein that an assault on Kishangarh fort was launched. The attack surprised the Indians and the fort was captured after several days of bitter fighting.

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that chinese developer has even inducted rafael into their airforce. Still their air raids r fear some.......
I just defend and defend till their attacks dry out and i make proper static defenses backed by airforce and cobras as well as reserve forces of tanks to take them on if they manage to penetrate the defenses......

So when they dry out i launch massive offenses with infantry, tanks backed by airforce, strategic strikes and helicopters.....By this way i had beaten them in hard difficulty.
Which game are you guys talking about?
some says 10 Km some Says 70 Km :undecided::undecided:

American version before it was canceled because of budget problems was around 70km.


XM501 Non-Line-of-Sight Launch System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Precision Attack Munition (PAM)
Used to attack vehicles, armor, bunkers, and other targets of opportunity. Uses 3 modes of guidance, GPS/INS, semi-active laser homing, and autonomous imaging infrared. Carries a multi-mode warhead effective against several types of targets. It also includes an online library of pictures of targets, so that it can visually identify what it is homing in on.

Loitering Attack Munition (LAM)
Designed to fly to a preset area and loiter while autonomously seeking out targets.

  • Datalink:> Networked for in-flight updates, retargeting and images.
  • Motor: Micro turbojet.
  • Range: 45 mi (72 km) with 30 min loiter time.

Different version.

There are other multi porpous NLOS missiles in the market for example the Serbian ALAS B with 60 km range.

@proka89 Bro what is the cost per missile for ALAS B?

Who can tell. ALAS-C prototype with a range of 25 km should be delivered to UAE for testing in this year.
Sorry for 1st question don't have enough to share right now.
1. Intelligent assets I presume u mean Pakistanis early warning systems. Yes Pakistan has many intelligence systems for example C4ISR standard systems that is (Communication, Command, Control, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) these combined, Pakistan came up with some Different types that are;

a. Awacs of two types especially (ZDK and SAAB 2000) most of these are used to monitor the international activities of sea and borders.

b. Threat Matrix, This is a database that measures the threats imminent or inevitable using this the High Command has full control to monitor pakistan armed forces and civlian police activities during any threat that is issue for nationals security.

2. Pakistan has at least 7000 tow missiles and around 1000 launchers with at least 3000 being the later variants of tandem warhead. Pakistan also has one German missile which is said to not effective so was phased out in around 2001 to 2008. Baktar-e-shikan missile its IR guided if im not wrong there is speculation that Pakistan has came up with laser beam variant the quantity of this missile is not figured because its produced in Pakistan so its upto the requirements the ones that are used are replaced quickly. Yes Emergency production capacity is definitely I dont know.

3. As I mentioned before the armed forces strategy is simple to repel the cold start which is a doctrine that will achieve its objectives withing first 72 hours. so the time for Pakistan is short, so the question isn't if Pakistan's conventional war has all the punch that it can defeat india's advance mechanized corpses and its air force. The question is if it is capable enough to counter act such an attack that will happen and different parts of border at the time. Since the Cold Start has clearly stated that offensive forces will have at least 3 times ratio of the Pakistan defense ( This is rule for offensive since ancient times ) That means Pakistan corps will face at least 3 times larger enemy, Hence to counter such an attack and repel the Indian forces Pakistan has to decide either its able to repel them withing their goal time that is within 72 hours.

Well the military strategists think there is chance Pakistan can as stated in Azme-Nau IV but the probability is not much to rely on conventional forces. rather The Pakistan has approached the strategy from Cold war era by American forces who knew that Soviet is far more superior in quantity (if not quality lets presume) the Europe ( not superior in forces ) will easily fall from the attacks of Soviets. So the USA came with the new low yield missiles that were designed to defeat enemy forces strike groups in seconds so that Europe may not fall these low yield weapons are known as tactical nuclear bombs.

Remember this Tactical nuclear missiles even today are of same stockpile in USA as in cold war the nuclear missile reduction deal with Russia is for only strategic large missiles like ICBM. Because it plays an excellent role.
So Pakistan has came with same approach to counter Indian forces which has to be 3 times larger force in Cold Start.

hence the strategy to counter Cold start is not Pakistan's but USA's Cold start time era.

What is the audience of your white paper?

They should its like guided MRL and it should be for both Para Military
Not really. This is something better. It's small footprint makes it very difficult for the enemy to know IF it is deployed or not, thus making an offense even more difficult.

Is it possible for a hardkill APS such as Quick Kill to destroy an incomming long range missile with a speed of 1 Mach?
What is the audience of your white paper?

Not really. This is something better. It's small footprint makes it very difficult for the enemy to know IF it is deployed or not, thus making an offense even more difficult.
The one who favor Pakistan's use of nukes in cold start doctrine may find this interesting. Its not white paper im not giving any solution, I am just providing the facts whether Pakistan's response to cold start is good or not good.

PS. I am undergraduate student, we have this course on Research Paper using IEEE standards. so everyone had to come up with research topic. I was doing Cold start study those days so I chose it.
Cool gadget..Just one question..Why do some of the Pakistanis in this thread think anything that the Chinese come up with is going to find its way straight to the Pakistani inventory ? Is there any such agreement ?

Also, can anybody tell us about the different Chinese military equipments that Pakistan is using ? I already know about the Chinese version of Mig-21 and the JF-17.

Not everything is offered and not everything is sought. China now supplies 55% of our requirements
Not everything is offered and not everything is sought. China now supplies 55% of our requirements
Yes I agree but because of India what ever China makes world start talking that its first customer will be Pakistan many times completely not true

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