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Atatürk – the father of modern Turkey

Ever heard about power vacuum theory in politics?
Better take some time and understand that.

So what I would ask? Arabs wanted to become independent and We just let them. Not that We could ever stop it... Yes today they are dying everywhere because of this, but who cares really? We are not their daddy their protector who has to protect them in every situation.
And perhaps they should have think before attack us with their british masters...
But what I am saying? Arabs and ''thinking'' it is different as day and night. It was always like that. And it will be always like that.
Atatürk was a good military leader. But his ugly statements about Islam and the Prophet (PBUH) are not so good.

The Ottoman Empire had a nationalist revolution in the 19th century and this was no good for a poly ethnic society. I don’t care about the „caliphate“ of the ottomans because it was not a true muslim rule.

Many Turks need some critical thinking regarding their Ottoman AND republican history.

Turks here in Germany describe their country as paradise with no faults, Arabs are traitors (yeah, they had no reason to be against the Turks at that time, Turkey was as mentioned earlier the paradise on earth!), a big Jewish conspiracy and so on.
After someone who is supposedly your brother betrays you then you realize it’s time for a start new life with new rules
When you start a new life usually you tend not to make the same mistake as you did in the past
Ataturk always said religion is a private matter of the citizen nothing wrong with that
Today Turkey is the perfect combination between conservative and modern liberal state something that few countries posses such society
Arabs wanted “freedom” they got it now they should deal with their incompetence
Why do you think ottoman state wasn’t “caliphate”?
He was the Turkish version of Hitler
I've never been a fan of the Turks or their Ottoman empire either
He was the Turkish version of Hitler
I've never been a fan of the Turks or their Ottoman empire either

Far from it. He was like Jinah to Turkey. He created a new country a country that could only survive if he was incharge, In doing so he left a state that was self-sufficient and laid foundations for their future prosperity.

Hitler took a nation that was doing very well, then used the wealth to expand and in the process ended up destroying and undoing all the progress they has made.

If Hitler was even half as competent as Ataturk he would have won.
The following are world leaders in my book who should be studied for their leadership characteristics.

1- Winston Churchill.
2- Kemal Ataturk.
3- MA Jinnah.
4- JL Nehru.
5- N Mandela.
A great visionary leader. Saved the turks from total division and subjugation against the alliance of western countries.
i dont understand how pdf gives away analyst titles here. People with lack of understanding of contexts and background are badmouthing founding fathers of friendly nations.
If you dont have anything good to say just rather stay quite.
Wear the the Fedora or I will execute you. No need to follow the Arab buried in Madina(estafrullah). Sums up Kemal Pasha.
Far from it. He was like Jinah to Turkey.

It is offensive to compare the Qaid-e-Azam to ‘Ataturk’. The latter was a fascist authoritarian.
Also, Qaid-e-Azam was a lover of Islam, but 'Ataturk' was in total contempt of our Religion

Wear the the Fedora or I will execute you. No need to follow the Arab buried in Madina(estafrullah). Sums up Kemal Pasha.

Fez not fedora.
Btw, 'Ala Hazrat' Ahmad Reza Khan issued a fatwa against wearing that red Fez or Turkish hat since it was associated with Sir Syed and also the Khilafat Movement.
The cap of choice for orthodox Sunni Muslims has traditionally been the white skullcap. That is the one I mostly wear
It is offensive to compare the Qaid-e-Azam to ‘Ataturk’. The latter was a fascist authoritarian.
Also, Qaid-e-Azam was a lover of Islam, but 'Ataturk' was in total contempt of our Religion

Fez not fedora.
Btw, 'Ala Hazrat' Ahmad Reza Khan issued a fatwa against wearing that red Fez or Turkish hat since it was associated with Sir Syed and also the Khilafat Movement.
The cap of choice for orthodox Sunni Muslims has traditionally been the white skullcap. That is the one I mostly wear

I don't know where you get your historical facts from. You might as well burn those books you are reading because you cannot be any more wrong then you already are.

Jinnah and Ataturk were similar as in they were radicals who saw the western way as a way out of poverty and misery for their countries and ultimately their prosperity.

You need to visit the Mausoleum in Karachi to truly appreciate how far ahead of time Jinnah was and how far Pakistan has fallen. His mannerism, his clothing, his vehicles and his lifestyle will put some of the current celebrities to shame. I never knew him or appreciated him until I went there and saw his belongings.

But I think my words are wasted on you - you smell like a troll .
I fail to understand the logic where Khalifah giving away Muslim land to Europeans is considered a patriot and a Ghazi kicking out Europeans from Turkish land is a traitor.
To the people who consider Attaturk wrong should declear Lawrance of Arabia a Sage. IDIOTS

A request to moderators, enough with Mustafah Kemal bashing. It is requested slandering Attaturk should be consider as slandring Qaid i Azam.

P.s. : I am not a secular person, infact I am a Jamitya !!!!!
It is offensive to compare the Qaid-e-Azam to ‘Ataturk’. The latter was a fascist authoritarian.
Also, Qaid-e-Azam was a lover of Islam, but 'Ataturk' was in total contempt of our Religion

Fez not fedora.
Btw, 'Ala Hazrat' Ahmad Reza Khan issued a fatwa against wearing that red Fez or Turkish hat since it was associated with Sir Syed and also the Khilafat Movement.
The cap of choice for orthodox Sunni Muslims has traditionally been the white skullcap. That is the one I mostly wear
Fedora because he wanted to get rid of both turban and fez.
I fail to understand the logic where Khalifah giving away Muslim land to Europeans is considered a patriot and a Ghazi kicking out Europeans from Turkish land is a traitor.
To the people who consider Attaturk wrong should declear Lawrance of Arabia a Sage. IDIOTS

A request to moderators, enough with Mustafah Kemal bashing. It is requested slandering Attaturk should be consider as slandring Qaid i Azam.

P.s. : I am not a secular person, infact I am a Jamitya !!!!!

Ive said before it was planned to attack the muslim "United States" if you will; on both flanks. They lit both ends of the rope on fire and watched it burn with content.
It is offensive to compare the Qaid-e-Azam to ‘Ataturk’. The latter was a fascist authoritarian.
Also, Qaid-e-Azam was a lover of Islam, but 'Ataturk' was in total contempt of our Religion

Fez not fedora.
Btw, 'Ala Hazrat' Ahmad Reza Khan issued a fatwa against wearing that red Fez or Turkish hat since it was associated with Sir Syed and also the Khilafat Movement.
The cap of choice for orthodox Sunni Muslims has traditionally been the white skullcap. That is the one I mostly wear
Ahmed Raza Khan and Ashraf Ali Thanvi also said a lot more BS stuff. Indo-Pakistanis will still follow them because they are true "ashiqs".
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