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Atatürk – the father of modern Turkey

You have to lay this to rest mate. The world was different. You think the ummah wouldn't have sent everything they had if they had been free and not under british rule ?

The same shit is going on today. Look at the situation. Not a single muslim country is free to do as they please, they got their own shit to clean up and lots of issues. Perhaps Indonesia, Algeria and Marokko (I don't know tbh, just guessing these countries are doing better than the rest).

Palestine exists at the mercy of the arabs and everyone else. So yes the same shit is still going on just in a different time and place. Europe is long past territorial infights. It's about time we do the same. Afghanistan has it's own internal problems, but I don't hear much about territorial disputes from them and their neighbouring countries though.
Caliphate which Atatürk had abolished was not the same as the Caliphate of Süleymān Ḳānūnī. It had by then become a vestige of the past. It was necessary to end this farce.
On the Islamic notes, it is also quite debatable if we really need a central authority like the Vatican. Islam allows wide range of autonomy and localization.
Atatürk was a traitor who abandoned the Caliphate

500 years of glorious history gone

he could have reformed without doing away with the Caliphate

The Ottoman state is signing a ceasefire agreement.


While British and French forces continue theirs occupation movement after the ceasefire, Turkish war of liberation begins.


Although Hatay, Mosul vilayet and the straits problems postponed, the Turks sign a permanent peace agreement.


The biggest mistake in interpreting the historical events are that the conditions and difficulties of the time of these events are not seen.

If you can see anything other than the British empire and the soviet empire in the maps above, please show us too.
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Unbelievable how people here are condemning Ataturk for Abolishing Ottoman Sultanate.
I mean Arabs of Hijaz, Najd, Syria, Palestine, Iraq,Transjordan had already revolted against Turks. They Defiled Ottomans and Sided with British and French and Butchered the Turks.
What Ummah existed in that time? Iran and Afghanistan weak monarchies who have no connection to Ottoman empire historically. Subcontinent Muslims and African Muslims are LOYAL British Subjects, Arabs want to make their own kingdoms. And Somehow Turkey should have held UMMA together and Ataturk was a traitor to save his own Turk people and get rid of all the Arabs who wanted independence and fought against them anyway.

And its even more hilarious that mostly Pakistanis raise this objections all the time and not the former subjects of Ottoman empire outside the Turkish Mainland. (Even back then, Arabs were butchering the Turks hand-n-hand with British while Subcontinent was doing peaceful protest to keep sanctity of the Caliphate :-))
Dude Palestinians and Arabs of Hejaz blinded and killed captured Ottoman soldiers and they talk about Ummah.
The Ottoman Army were besieged for 3 years by Arabs with their masters in the city Medina without support or supplies and they talk about Ummah. Wouldn't the Arabs have attacked Turkish supply lines and railways the British & French together would end up as fertilizer in the desert.

Hard times require hard decisions, the Turkish ethnicity was on the brink of total extinction or do you believe the European powers with their Greek/Armenian thugs would let Turks live in Anatolia any longer?
What Atatürk did was saving the Turkish homeland.

You people protested against the British in the subcontinent while we lost ~4 million people in the war.
~20% of the poulation.

No go f*ck yourself.
One of the great statesmen and nation builders of the 20th century.. A great visionary that separated the Church and state thus making Turkey what it is today a beacon in a cluster feck of religious theocracies of the middle East.. Unfortunately for Turkey Erdogan seems to have other ideas
Atatürk was a good military leader. But his ugly statements about Islam and the Prophet (PBUH) are not so good.

The Ottoman Empire had a nationalist revolution in the 19th century and this was no good for a poly ethnic society. I don’t care about the „caliphate“ of the ottomans because it was not a true muslim rule.

Many Turks need some critical thinking regarding their Ottoman AND republican history.

Turks here in Germany describe their country as paradise with no faults, Arabs are traitors (yeah, they had no reason to be against the Turks at that time, Turkey was as mentioned earlier the paradise on earth!), a big Jewish conspiracy and so on.
Bu father muhabbeti nedir yahu? father father diye diye 2. Jesus yapacaksınız adamı. Bi kutsal ruh eksik.
Unbelievable how people here are condemning Ataturk for Abolishing Ottoman Sultanate.
I mean Arabs of Hijaz, Najd, Syria, Palestine, Iraq,Transjordan had already revolted against Turks. They Defiled Ottomans and Sided with British and French and Butchered the Turks.
What Ummah existed in that time? Iran and Afghanistan weak monarchies who have no connection to Ottoman empire historically. Subcontinent Muslims and African Muslims are LOYAL British Subjects, Arabs want to make their own kingdoms. And Somehow Turkey should have held UMMA together and Ataturk was a traitor to save his own Turk people and get rid of all the Arabs who wanted independence and fought against them anyway.

And its even more hilarious that mostly Pakistanis raise this objections all the time and not the former subjects of Ottoman empire outside the Turkish Mainland. (Even back then, Arabs were butchering the Turks hand-n-hand with British while Subcontinent was doing peaceful protest to keep sanctity of the Caliphate :-))
Here we see the difference between educated people who actually know something about history and madrasa schooled islamists.

Dude Palestinians and Arabs of Hejaz blinded and killed captured Ottoman soldiers and they talk about Ummah.
The Ottoman Army were besieged for 3 years by Arabs with their masters in the city Medina without support or supplies and they talk about Ummah. Wouldn't the Arabs have attacked Turkish supply lines and railways the British & French together would end up as fertilizer in the desert.
May i add that after Medina fell it got looted by Wahhabis for 12 days where many cultural treasures got lost forever?
What Ummah are people still talking about?
What kemal did it's effects are still being seen today,M.E has failed to recover from fall of Calipahat till date.
what a joke and British had no hand in failed ME ?? Arabs after they got their independence had no free will ?? how many years have past since arabs get their independence ?? and yet you blame ataturk for failed ME ?? the Calipahat those arabs from iraq syria lebanon Egypt jordan yemen arabia fought against what Calipahat are you talking about ?? use your brain instead of making fantasy
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what a joke and British had no hand in failed ME ?? Arabs after they got their independence had no free will ?? how many years have past since arabs get their independence ?? and yet you blame ataturk for failed ME ?? the Calipahat those arabs from iraq syria lebanon Egypt jordan yemen arabia fought against what Calipahat are you talking about ?? use your brain instead of making fantasy
Ever heard about power vacuum theory in politics?
Better take some time and understand that.
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