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Atatürk – the father of modern Turkey

A great visionary leader. Saved the turks from total division and subjugation against the alliance of western countries.
but in doing so he let the former ottoman regions be subjugated to the colonial powers. He looked inwards vs an overall statehood in a federation.

I am one of the descendants from the 1920 break up. The trauma of the breakup continues to echo even today.

Atta Turk was not a Muslim. He was certified Kafir. He insulted Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wassallam) on his speeches. In one of his speech he said ... muhammad was a camel herder his backward laws and barbarity of his religion has no place in modern Turkey. His book the Koran deserves to be on heap of rubbish because it has nothing which a civilised nation can adopt as law. He said such things many times when the Muslims reminded him of importance of religious education. He had instituted laws which made it impossible to oractice Islam. France banned Hijab in 2010 Attaturk banned Muslim dress hijab niqab teaching of quran hadith arabic banned madaris completly. Had this Kafir lived for longer much worse would have happened.

AttaTurk instituted every Ramadhan a boar hunt ... Hunt pigs ... N eat em ... This to ensure no one in his close circles was Muslim. This practice died as soon as he did. Muslims who cared about Islam fled to remote villages. His policies were so brutally enforced that uptil seventies Ankaras main mosque could not get more then three people for Salah. Maulana Abdul Sattar Khan Niazi wrote this in his travel journol published in 1978. He said had he and his companions not been in the Masjid there wasnt going to be Jammat prayer. Meaning there wasnt any Turk in Masjid. Maulana Shah Ahmad Noorani told that he was dragged out of Masjid Turkish police for rexiting Quran in Arbic. It was only after intervention of some big Arab personality they let him go.

To say Atta Turk was a Muslim is to say Abu Jahl was a Prophet and Dajjal is a RasoolAllah. People need to read his speeches ... Which now are censored ... Because of insults hurled at Allahs Messenger and Allah.
Atta Turk was not a Muslim. He was certified Kafir. He insulted Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wassallam) on his speeches. In one of his speech he said ... muhammad was a camel herder his backward laws and barbarity of his religion has no place in modern Turkey. His book the Koran deserves to be on heap of rubbish because it has nothing which a civilised nation can adopt as law. He said such things many times when the Muslims reminded him of importance of religious education. He had instituted laws which made it impossible to oractice Islam. France banned Hijab in 2010 Attaturk banned Muslim dress hijab niqab teaching of quran hadith arabic banned madaris completly. Had this Kafir lived for longer much worse would have happened.

AttaTurk instituted every Ramadhan a boar hunt ... Hunt pigs ... N eat em ... This to ensure no one in his close circles was Muslim. This practice died as soon as he did. Muslims who cared about Islam fled to remote villages. His policies were so brutally enforced that uptil seventies Ankaras main mosque could not get more then three people for Salah. Maulana Abdul Sattar Khan Niazi wrote this in his travel journol published in 1978. He said had he and his companions not been in the Masjid there wasnt going to be Jammat prayer. Meaning there wasnt any Turk in Masjid. Maulana Shah Ahmad Noorani told that he was dragged out of Masjid Turkish police for rexiting Quran in Arbic. It was only after intervention of some big Arab personality they let him go.

To say Atta Turk was a Muslim is to say Abu Jahl was a Prophet and Dajjal is a RasoolAllah. People need to read his speeches ... Which now are censored ... Because of insults hurled at Allahs Messenger and Allah.

You got any links to those speeches he made against the prophet and Allah?
You got any links to those speeches he made against the prophet and Allah?

Few years ago they were on youtube with translations but i havent seen them now. His speeches were recorded in goverment records they were published with insulting parts expounged in 1990s. Muslim scholars who went to talk to him reported the same in their books. When ever they made suugestions of Deen he would insult ALLAH and His messenger. I will try to find em again.
but in doing so he let the former ottoman regions be subjugated to the colonial powers. He looked inwards vs an overall statehood in a federation.

I am one of the descendants from the 1920 break up. The trauma of the breakup continues to echo even today.

Ofcourse it was a painful break up but he had nothing to do with ottoman demise. Those regions had already revolted and people of those areas sided with western alliance. They had no control over anything but atleast he saved Turkey. Without his policy, Turkey would have been divided into smaller countries.
Ofcourse it was a painful break up but he had nothing to do with ottoman demise. Those regions had already revolted and people of those areas sided with western alliance. They had no control over anything but atleast he saved Turkey. Without his policy, Turkey would have been divided into smaller countries.
Friend, there was no turkey back then. Just like you have various language and ethnicity in your country; same was the case then in Ottoman regions too. Yet, it was the stupidity of the sultans which cost the region.

THe breakup was intigated by the British and French. Unfortunately, many were silent on what happened.

I still remember my grandmother cursing the sultan for complete betrayal. What happened = millions displaced.
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