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At least 80,000 Muslims in China Allegedly forced to do slave labor in Chinese concentration camps

This thread is about ethnic cleansing, genocide and forced slave labor of Muslim Uighurs in China. Don't derail the thread and discuss Taiwan and other issues.
Can you explain this simple logic question?

Some media say 2 million, some say 3 million, they can't even make up their mind on a number.

And how can Xinjiang become so developed and prosperous if a big percentage of their population are being locked away? how about the logistics? it's a logistically disaster to feed and support 1 million people.
Most rich countries can not even support 1 million armed forces.

How about the house facilities to hold those 1-3 million people? Xinjiang has only one city with urban population over 1 million, Urumqi, we didn't hear any news that Urumqi is being vacated for concentration camps, so where they put this supposed 1-3 million?

Uighur's whole population is around 10 million, 3 million basically mean every single Uighur adult except for the childen and the very old, you should not be able to see any Uighurs walking around in Xinjiang by this claim, but how come we see crowded streets full of Uighurs?
Can you explain this simple logic question?

Some media say 2 million, some say 3 million, they can't even make up their mind on a number.

And how can Xinjiang become so developed and prosperous if a big percentage of their population are being locked away? how about the logistics? it's a logistically disaster to feed and support 1 million people.
Most rich countries can not even support 1 million armed forces.

How about the house facilities to hold those 1-3 million people? Xinjiang has only one city with urban population over 1 million, Urumqi, we didn't hear any news that Urumqi is being vacated for concentration camps, so where they put this supposed 1-3 million?

Uighur's whole population is around 10 million, 3 million basically mean every single Uighur adult except for the childen and the very old, you should not be able to see any Uighurs walking around in Xinjiang by this claim, but how come we see crowded streets full of Uighurs?
How many times are you going to copy paste the same question over and over again after getting answers?

  • What appears superficially as a targeted aid program for the poor and undereducated people in the province is a relocation and reeducation program meant to destroy their culture and religious practices.

  • Companies all over China have been encouraged to provide “industrial Xianjing aid” by building factories in the province to absorb what China terms “surplus labor capacity” or to hire Uighurs for other tasks in factories across the rest of China."

  • It is extremely difficult for Uyghurs to refuse or escape these work assignments, which are enmeshed with the apparatus of detention and political indoctrination both inside and outside of Xinjiang. In addition to constant surveillance, the threat of arbitrary detention hangs over minority citizens who refuse their government-sponsored work assignments. Most strikingly, local governments and private brokers are paid a price per head by the Xinjiang provincial government to organise the labour assignments…
  • The Uyghur workers, unlike their Han counterparts, are reportedly unable to go home for holidays… Uyghur workers are often transported across China in special segregated trains…

  • Multiple sources suggest that in factories across China, many Uyghur workers lead a harsh, segregated life under so-called ‘military-style management’. Outside work hours, they attend factory-organised Mandarin language classes, participate in ‘patriotic education’, and are prevented from practising their religion.

  • Every 50 Uyghur workers are assigned one government minder and are monitored by dedicated security personnel. They have little freedom of movement and live in carefully guarded dormitories, isolated from their families and children back in Xinjiang.
If you can’t refuse a work assignment, can’t go home to see your family, can’t practice your religion, are forced to live by a schedule in which virtually every minute of your life is regimented for you, are kept under constant or near-constant surveillance and subject to the whims of headhunters who earn a bounty for delivering you to a job, and didn’t get any choice in the matter, I’d argue you’re effectively a slave. In some cases, workers’ families are also under simultaneous surveillance back at home, which provides an extra incentive for the slaves “prisoners with jobs” to behave themselves."


Chinese companies are couraged to build factories around Xinjiang which is the reason for it becoming "prosperous"
Muslim Uighurs are sold as slaves to these factories for slave labor

You see Palestinians in Gaza too.
Did you just admit they are propaganda videos? Lol
Now somebody try to put his words into my mouth. What a low cheap move. Maybe you learn from Trump? :enjoy:

I have check your history. You have no post of attacking US or western but China only. Then you brag as Iran defender and Soleimani supporter. I guess your cheap shot against China as CIA moles is too obvious.
Now somebody try to put his words into my mouth. What a low cheap move. Maybe you learn from Trump? :enjoy:

I have check your history. You have no post of attacking US or western but China only. Then you brag as Iran defender and Soleimani supporter. I guess your cheap shot against China as CIA moles is too obvious.
You said and I quote:

"These video is not for China but overseas audience :enjoy:"

Literal definition of propaganda right there.

Someone is getting fired...

I have criticized US many times... Not supporting genocide, ethnic cleansing and forced slave labor = CIA mole :tup:
You said and I quote:

"These video is not for China but overseas audience :enjoy:"

Literal definition of propaganda right there.

Someone is getting fired...

I have criticized US many times... Not supporting genocide, ethnic cleansing and forced slave labor = CIA mole :tup:
YOu never criticise US, what a liar, prove it!
Everyone country is pushing their claim there, China has the least physical presence in that region, the western media only tells what they want people to know, so very few people know the truth. I can understand your igonrance on that, you are an Indian.

Can you explain this simple logic question?

Some media say 2 million, some say 3 million, they can't even make up their mind on a number.

And how can Xinjiang become so developed and prosperous if a big percentage of their population are being locked away? how about the logistics? it's a logistically disaster to feed and support 1 million people.
Most rich countries can not even support 1 million armed forces.

How about the house facilities to hold those 1-3 million people? Xinjiang has only one city with urban population over 1 million, Urumqi, we didn't hear any news that Urumqi is being vacated for concentration camps, so where they put this supposed 1-3 million?

Uighur's whole population is around 10 million, 3 million basically mean every single Uighur adult except for the childen and the very old, you should not be able to see any Uighurs walking around in Xinjiang by this claim, but how come we see crowded streets full of Uighurs?

China deploying full muscle in SCS... your country doing everything to flex its muscle... ramming fishing boats, sinking them with chinese maritime militia.. harassing economical activities of other countries.. what not..
China deploying full muscle in SCS... your country doing everything to flex its muscle... ramming fishing boats, sinking them with chinese maritime militia.. harassing economical activities of other countries.. what not..
Yup, Indian attacking Pakistan, Nepal and China while continue bully Bhutan into submission. You think rest of the world do not know Indian dirty trick? The western media not reporting all these indian evil deed becos of their biased to stop superpower China from over taking white man leadership in globe.

You said and I quote:

"These video is not for China but overseas audience :enjoy:"

Literal definition of propaganda right there.

Someone is getting fired...

I have criticized US many times... Not supporting genocide, ethnic cleansing and forced slave labor = CIA mole :tup:
I asked you for evidence of attacking US but after so long, you seems into go into hiding and avoid my inquiry? What take you so long to prove if you are so called so impartial. Maybe you are busy posting post attacking US now just to try to prove your fake sympathy for muslim?

Your trick of CIA mole against China is too commonly used in PDF. There is another trash forumer who behave exactly like you. Pretending to be defender of Islam and fly Pakistan but all the while only post attacking China. It so easy to see thru such pathetic trick :enjoy:
World is legally obliged to pressure China on Uighurs, leading lawyers say


Sanctions on China and companies operating there, along with use of treaty agreements, can bring Beijing to account, British barristers argue


Helen Davidson
Published onWed 22 Jul 2020 07.27 BST0
The international community is legally obliged to take action on China’s alleged abuse of Uighur and other Turkic minorities, a prominent group of British lawyers has said, suggesting nations use sanctions, corporate accountability mechanisms, and international treaties preventing racial discrimination to pressure Beijing.

China’s refusal to be held legally accountable for the widespread and documented allegations did not absolve the global community of responsibility, the Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales (BHRC) said in a report released on Wednesday.

“All states, including China, have unequivocally accepted that slavery and racial discrimination, torture and genocide are prohibited,” it said.

“They have committed to not carry out those proscribed acts; they have committed to their prevention; and they have committed to punishment of perpetrators where they have found individuals to have committed those proscribed acts. There can be no derogation from those commitments.”

The 'perfect Uighur': outgoing and hard working – but still not safe from China's camps
Read more

The BHRC briefing paper, written by some of Britain’s leading human rights barristers, underlines a growing push for concrete action against China’s crackdown in Xinjiang. It also provides some of the most specific recommendations yet for states to pressure Beijing into meeting legal obligations to its own people, and to ensure that other states do not breach their obligations by failing to act.

The report is the strongest intervention so far from the British legal community at a time when the UK and the international community have become increasingly vocal in condemning Beijing’s measures in Xinjiang.

“The UK must take all available measures to prevent and seek to end human rights violations,” it said.

Abuse and mistreatment of the Uighurs and other Muslim minorities in Xinjiang has been extensively documented but strenuously denied by Beijing, which claims its policies are to counter terrorism.

The evidence of mass detention in “re-education camps”, surveillance and restrictions on religious and cultural beliefs amounts to cultural genocide, critics have said. There have also been reports of forced sterilisation of Uighur women, alleged efforts to curb the growth of the Uighur population which human rights investigators say provide the clearest evidence yet of genocide.

On Sunday, the UK foreign secretary Dominic Raab accused China of “gross and egregious” human rights abuses. The US government recently announced Magnitsky style sanctionsagainst Chinese officials over the allegations, and on Tuesday France demanded independent observers be allowed into Xinjiang.

Schona Jolly QC, chair of the BHRC, told the Guardian the international community could not claim ignorance in the face of the evidence.

“Governments must take concrete and urgent steps towards accountability and redress before an entire community is devastated through the deliberate, targeted and systematic abuse which has been credibly alleged,” she said.

“Courageous investigative journalism and testimony by survivors and witnesses has exposed grave allegations of crimes against humanity against Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang, which the Chinese state continues to deny,” she added.
The BHRC report said other countries should use all available means, including international law, to call upon China to cease human rights violations, and to allow and support independent investigations into the allegations of “genocide, murder, extermination, torture, and other forms of ill-treatment, and enslavement”, and to prosecute offenders.

It recommended the use of Magnitsky-style sanctions on state and non-state individuals who were reasonably suspected of being involved in serious human rights violations.

Nation states should also create and maintain international bodies to carry out the investigations, and use “all available offices and legal means” to prevent violations, and to investigate, apprehend and punish alleged perpetrators of violations against Uighur and Turkic Muslim populations.

Britain has no ethical option but to keep up the pressure on China over the Uighurs
James McMurray
Read more

China is a party to several international human rights and criminal law treaties prevention discrimination, genocide, torture and slavery. China has placed numerous reservations on them which prevent the treaties being fully enforced by other states. However the BHRC suggested other countries could use the UN’s convention on the elimination of racial discrimination, which had no such legal obstacles.

“The global community is not absolved of responsibility because the Chinese state has precluded itself from being found to be legally accountable under most of the usual international legal avenues,” Jolly told the Guardian.
“States must use all diplomatic means and good offices to pursue accountability.”

It said there were also domestic avenues available including requiring that international corporations that operate in or are linked to Xinjiang make sure they don’t contribute to the commission of rights violations.

Numerous high profile international brands have been linked to Chinese manufacturers alleged to be involved in enforced labour programs, where Uighur men and women are allegedly subjected to highly coercive conditions, including constant surveillance, the banning of religious observance, limited freedom of movement, segregated dormitory living, and mandatory ‘ideological training’.

The Chinese government says the programs are designed to address labour shortages in factories and to alleviate poverty in Xinjiang. It denies that people are force into the work.

World is legally obliged to pressure China on Uighurs, leading lawyers say


Sanctions on China and companies operating there, along with use of treaty agreements, can bring Beijing to account, British barristers argue


Helen Davidson
Published onWed 22 Jul 2020 07.27 BST0
The international community is legally obliged to take action on China’s alleged abuse of Uighur and other Turkic minorities, a prominent group of British lawyers has said, suggesting nations use sanctions, corporate accountability mechanisms, and international treaties preventing racial discrimination to pressure Beijing.

China’s refusal to be held legally accountable for the widespread and documented allegations did not absolve the global community of responsibility, the Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales (BHRC) said in a report released on Wednesday.

“All states, including China, have unequivocally accepted that slavery and racial discrimination, torture and genocide are prohibited,” it said.

“They have committed to not carry out those proscribed acts; they have committed to their prevention; and they have committed to punishment of perpetrators where they have found individuals to have committed those proscribed acts. There can be no derogation from those commitments.”

The 'perfect Uighur': outgoing and hard working – but still not safe from China's camps
Read more

The BHRC briefing paper, written by some of Britain’s leading human rights barristers, underlines a growing push for concrete action against China’s crackdown in Xinjiang. It also provides some of the most specific recommendations yet for states to pressure Beijing into meeting legal obligations to its own people, and to ensure that other states do not breach their obligations by failing to act.

The report is the strongest intervention so far from the British legal community at a time when the UK and the international community have become increasingly vocal in condemning Beijing’s measures in Xinjiang.

“The UK must take all available measures to prevent and seek to end human rights violations,” it said.

Abuse and mistreatment of the Uighurs and other Muslim minorities in Xinjiang has been extensively documented but strenuously denied by Beijing, which claims its policies are to counter terrorism.

The evidence of mass detention in “re-education camps”, surveillance and restrictions on religious and cultural beliefs amounts to cultural genocide, critics have said. There have also been reports of forced sterilisation of Uighur women, alleged efforts to curb the growth of the Uighur population which human rights investigators say provide the clearest evidence yet of genocide.

On Sunday, the UK foreign secretary Dominic Raab accused China of “gross and egregious” human rights abuses. The US government recently announced Magnitsky style sanctionsagainst Chinese officials over the allegations, and on Tuesday France demanded independent observers be allowed into Xinjiang.

Schona Jolly QC, chair of the BHRC, told the Guardian the international community could not claim ignorance in the face of the evidence.

“Governments must take concrete and urgent steps towards accountability and redress before an entire community is devastated through the deliberate, targeted and systematic abuse which has been credibly alleged,” she said.

“Courageous investigative journalism and testimony by survivors and witnesses has exposed grave allegations of crimes against humanity against Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang, which the Chinese state continues to deny,” she added.
The BHRC report said other countries should use all available means, including international law, to call upon China to cease human rights violations, and to allow and support independent investigations into the allegations of “genocide, murder, extermination, torture, and other forms of ill-treatment, and enslavement”, and to prosecute offenders.

It recommended the use of Magnitsky-style sanctions on state and non-state individuals who were reasonably suspected of being involved in serious human rights violations.

Nation states should also create and maintain international bodies to carry out the investigations, and use “all available offices and legal means” to prevent violations, and to investigate, apprehend and punish alleged perpetrators of violations against Uighur and Turkic Muslim populations.

Britain has no ethical option but to keep up the pressure on China over the Uighurs
James McMurray
Read more

China is a party to several international human rights and criminal law treaties prevention discrimination, genocide, torture and slavery. China has placed numerous reservations on them which prevent the treaties being fully enforced by other states. However the BHRC suggested other countries could use the UN’s convention on the elimination of racial discrimination, which had no such legal obstacles.

“The global community is not absolved of responsibility because the Chinese state has precluded itself from being found to be legally accountable under most of the usual international legal avenues,” Jolly told the Guardian.
“States must use all diplomatic means and good offices to pursue accountability.”

It said there were also domestic avenues available including requiring that international corporations that operate in or are linked to Xinjiang make sure they don’t contribute to the commission of rights violations.

Numerous high profile international brands have been linked to Chinese manufacturers alleged to be involved in enforced labour programs, where Uighur men and women are allegedly subjected to highly coercive conditions, including constant surveillance, the banning of religious observance, limited freedom of movement, segregated dormitory living, and mandatory ‘ideological training’.

The Chinese government says the programs are designed to address labour shortages in factories and to alleviate poverty in Xinjiang. It denies that people are force into the work.


Instead of pressuring India to free Kashmir, these pathetic loser decide to use the muslim card to achieve their imperial domination aim for the christian white?

I am sure any Pakistanis or muslim who after watching this video shall can agree, taking India hindu to court is more important than talking about China uighur issue. Those who disagree either are fake Pakistanis or simply not interested in protecting muslim but to attack China to score whiteman point. :enjoy:
I really wonder what is going on in the religiously fanatic Iranian to quote some ETIM pan-turkism lies, as Iran is also the victim. You should just think why Iranian foreign affairs are total mess and why Iran turned ex-allies to be your enemies.
"Iranians suppress Azeri Turks" from Grey Wolf --- you denied
"Chinese suppress Uighurs" from well-known terrorist group ETIM supported by West --- you believed
While ETIM and Grey Wolf are the same bastards. Please, use your brain.

They don't even know it is Hui ( more than 10 million, and they claim they are the descendants of Persians ) that is the biggest Muslim minority within China, and it is Hui that destroys Uighur separatists in 40s. They also don't know it was Muslims that are killed most in Xinjiang terrorism events, all they know is that to blindly follow Western propagandas which they suffer most. What an irony, as if Westerns are the savers of muslims while China is the slaughter.
What appears superficially as a targeted aid program for the poor and undereducated people in the province is a relocation and reeducation program meant to destroy their culture and religious practices.
So living in poverty without enough food, water, education, medicare housing... is observing tradition and cultural practice? Sorry, not in China.

  • Companies all over China have been encouraged to provide “industrial Xianjing aid” by building factories in the province to absorb what China terms “surplus labor capacity” or to hire Uighurs for other tasks in factories across the rest of China."
So , the so called concentration camps are more of facturies all over China, not really the camps western media portrays?

  • It is extremely difficult for Uyghurs to refuse or escape these work assignments, which are enmeshed with the apparatus of detention and political indoctrination both inside and outside of Xinjiang. In addition to constant surveillance, the threat of arbitrary detention hangs over minority citizens who refuse their government-sponsored work assignments. Most strikingly, local governments and private brokers are paid a price per head by the Xinjiang provincial government to organise the labour assignments…
  • .
How did you know, you work for them?

Uighur's whole population is around 10 million, 3 million basically mean every single Uighur adult except for the childen and the very old, you should not be able to see any Uighurs walking around in Xinjiang by this claim, but how come we see crowded streets full of Uighurs?

China deploying full muscle in SCS... your country doing everything to flex its muscle... ramming fishing boats, sinking them with chinese maritime militia.. harassing economical activities of other countries.. what not..
If we really flex our muscle, we won't be the least physical presence in SCC. it's common sense.
I asked you for evidence of attacking US but after so long, you seems into go into hiding and avoid my inquiry? What take you so long to prove if you are so called so impartial. Maybe you are busy posting post attacking US now just to try to prove your fake sympathy for muslim?

Your trick of CIA mole against China is too commonly used in PDF. There is another trash forumer who behave exactly like you. Pretending to be defender of Islam and fly Pakistan but all the while only post attacking China. It so easy to see thru such pathetic trick :enjoy:

I'm not falling for your desperate attempt to derail the thread by discussing US here, everyone on the forum who knows me knows of my harsh criticism of US. This thread is for ethnical cleansing, genocide and forced slave labor of Uighur Muslims.
I really wonder what is going on in the religiously fanatic Iranian to quote some ETIM pan-turkism lies, as Iran is also the victim. You should just think why Iranian foreign affairs are total mess and why Iran turned ex-allies to be your enemies.
"Iranians suppress Azeri Turks" from Grey Wolf --- you denied
"Chinese suppress Uighurs" from well-known terrorist group ETIM supported by West --- you believed
While ETIM and Grey Wolf are the same bastards. Please, use your brain.

They don't even know it is Hui ( more than 10 million, and they claim they are the descendants of Persians ) that is the biggest Muslim minority within China, and it is Hui that destroys Uighur separatists in 40s. They also don't know it was Muslims that are killed most in Xinjiang terrorism events, all they know is that to blindly follow Western propagandas which they suffer most. What an irony, as if Westerns are the savers of muslims while China is the slaughter.
He only speaks for himself.
This is the real Iranian government

Iran condemns US’ meddling in China’s affairs
6 December 2019 - 13:10


TEHRAN, Dec. 06 (MNA) – Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Seyyed Abbas Mousavi slammed a recent bill adopted in the US House of Representatives against China.

“With a disgraceful record in genocide of indigenous people, black slavery and massacres of civilians, as well as the killing of Muslims in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Palestine and Yemen, and the pardoning of war criminals, America is the least qualified to comment on ethnicity, races and Muslims,” Mousavi said on Friday.

The remark came as the US House of Representatives approved a bill that requires President Trump to toughen response to Xinjiang, where Washington claims China is holding re-education camps for Muslims.

“Repeating such blatant violations against the principles of the international law is just stressing the fact that interfering in internal affairs of other countries has become a tenet of America’s anti-normative foreign policy,” added Mousavi.

Condemning the recent measure taken by the US Congress against China, Mousavi warned the international community against threats of such behaviors that endanger global peace and stability.

The spokesman also called on independent countries to react to uncontrolled US behavior and unilateralism.

So living in poverty without enough food, water, education, medicare housing... is observing tradition and cultural practice? Sorry, not in China.

So , the so called concentration camps are more of facturies all over China, not really the camps western media portrays?

How did you know, you work for them?

Uighur's whole population is around 10 million, 3 million basically mean every single Uighur adult except for the childen and the very old, you should not be able to see any Uighurs walking around in Xinjiang by this claim, but how come we see crowded streets full of Uighurs?
Sir, it is meaningless to keep quarrel with him. You can wake up a man pretending to sleep.
What I feel sad is he believed the lies from pan-turkism terror group ETIM while Iran is the very victim of pan-turkism. Leave him alone.
I'm not falling for your desperate attempt to derail the thread by discussing US here, everyone on the forum who knows me knows of my harsh criticism of US. This thread is for ethnical cleansing, genocide and forced slave labor of Uighur Muslims.
Did you see Chinese insult us and our nationality as a payback for your China bashing posts? You have been freely posting anti China BBC propaganda against this country but they are on self defense mode. Stop embarrassing Iranians or else I will report your propaganda posts from now on.
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