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At least 80,000 Muslims in China Allegedly forced to do slave labor in Chinese concentration camps

Well I'm saying, ccp can't trusted..
Of course, we know who you Indians trust. Lord of all Indians

No beating around the bush, are you denying these? yes or no?

"China provides people in Xinjiang 15 years free education, free meals, free school break snacks including milk, egges and fruits, free school accommodation. kids under 6 years old is provided with free daily milk.

The government invested tens of billions to provide safe drinking water and stable electricity to every household in Xinjiang, for poor people in Xinjiang China provides free government houses with basic appliance and furniture, cash subsidy, free healthcare."

"The report details how this massive system of relocation and forced labor has been built up under the guise of an aid program known as “Xinjiang Aid.” What appears superficially as a targeted aid program for the poor and undereducated people in the province is a relocation and reeducation program meant to destroy their culture and religious practices. Companies all over China have been encouraged to provide “industrial Xianjing aid” by building factories in the province to absorb what China terms “surplus labor capacity” or to hire Uighurs for other tasks in factories across the rest of China."

"The paper, by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, doesn’t use the term “slavery,” preferring to rely instead on the euphemism of “forced labor.” Here’s how the situation is described (Uighur and Uyghur are two different ways of spelling the same word):

It is extremely difficult for Uyghurs to refuse or escape these work assignments, which are enmeshed with the apparatus of detention and political indoctrination both inside and outside of Xinjiang. In addition to constant surveillance, the threat of arbitrary detention hangs over minority citizens who refuse their government-sponsored work assignments. Most strikingly, local governments and private brokers are paid a price per head by the Xinjiang provincial government to organise the labour assignments…

The Uyghur workers, unlike their Han counterparts, are reportedly unable to go home for holidays… Uyghur workers are often transported across China in special segregated trains… Multiple sources suggest that in factories across China, many Uyghur workers lead a harsh, segregated life under so-called ‘military-style management’. Outside work hours, they attend factory-organised Mandarin language classes, participate in ‘patriotic education’, and are prevented from practising their religion. Every 50 Uyghur workers are assigned one government minder and are monitored by dedicated security personnel. They have little freedom of movement and live in carefully guarded dormitories, isolated from their families and children back in Xinjiang. There is also evidence that, at least in some factories, they are paid less than their Han counterparts.

There’s a common perception that the difference between slaves and free individuals is that the latter is paid for their work, but the truth is more complex. This article from the Organization of American Historians is a deep dive into the history of slaves earning wages in the South. In some cases, slaveowners found it advantageous to allow slaves to earn a certain amount of money and to spend it on improving their own lives or the lives of their families. The same is undoubtedly true in China today.

If you can’t refuse a work assignment, can’t go home to see your family, can’t practice your religion, are forced to live by a schedule in which virtually every minute of your life is regimented for you, are kept under constant or near-constant surveillance and subject to the whims of headhunters who earn a bounty for delivering you to a job, and didn’t get any choice in the matter, I’d argue you’re effectively a slave. In some cases, workers’ families are also under simultaneous surveillance back at home, which provides an extra incentive for the slaves “prisoners with jobs” to behave themselves."

This is what he calls "free education" and "free health care"
Beijingwalker's propaganda is boring af and it's not working on us foreigners.
LOl, why they are so happy while China is selling their organs?

We provides people in Xinjiang 15 years free education, free meals, free school break snacks including milk, egges and fruits, free school accommodation. kids under 6 years old is provided with free daily milk.

The government invested tens of billions to provide safe drinking water and stable electricity to every household in Xinjiang, for poor people in Xinjiang China provides free government houses with basic appliance and furniture, cash subsidy, free healthcare.

What do you provide for your people? You Indians don't even have access to basic tap water even in your capital city, your kids go to school under bridge in your capital city, how pathetic...

You can't prove anything by posting propaganda video of few paid guys.
You can't prove anything by posting propaganda video of few paid guys.
She is a teenager having her social media channel, you paid her?

Popular teenager Uighur vlogger girl receives Silver Award from Youtube


Two Uighur high school besties live stream their lives in Xinjiang
One girl studies in Beijing and many of her classmates asked her about Xinjiang, she found it's hard to describe Xinjiang in words and came up with the idea of live streaming Xinjiang's daily life so that people can know her hometown better. With this idea she reached out to one of her besties in Urumqi and her friend also believed that's a very good idea so they started this live streaming this July.

They didn't expect much at first with just the simple goal of promoting Xinjiang and letting more people know their hometown better, yet their streaming was quickly getting popular and after just a couple of months they got 200000 followers and their videos had been played almost 5 million times on Chinese social media by September.

They are still high school students and we don't know what they are going to do after suddenly becoming social media influencer 网红 .

2018-09-06 11:53 来源:都市消费晨报
都市消费晨报讯(记者 刘萌萌)“今天我会送大家一些从新疆霍尔果斯带回来的特色礼物,希望喜欢的网友能和我互动起来。”9月5日16时,和往常一样,“安妮古丽”开始了最新一期的直播。















Of course, we know who you Indians trust. Lord of all Indians


He was chosen by Americans... why do we support a country who try to occupy our lands... and try to corner India.. we do whatever it takes.. china is greed for land and sea never ends... china lay new claims... I never know which idiot will claim an entire sea ... just because of some stupid maps..
She is a teenager having her social media channel, you paid her?

Popular teenager Uighur vlogger girl receives Silver Award from Youtube


Two Uighur high school besties live stream their lives in Xinjiang
One girl studies in Beijing and many of her classmates asked her about Xinjiang, she found it's hard to describe Xinjiang in words and came up with the idea of live streaming Xinjiang's daily life so that people can know her hometown better. With this idea she reached out to one of her besties in Urumqi and her friend also believed that's a very good idea so they started this live streaming this July.

They didn't expect much at first with just the simple goal of promoting Xinjiang and letting more people know their hometown better, yet their streaming was quickly getting popular and after just a couple of months they got 200000 followers and their videos had been played almost 5 million times on Chinese social media by September.

They are still high school students and we don't know what they are going to do after suddenly becoming social media influencer 网红 .

2018-09-06 11:53 来源:都市消费晨报
都市消费晨报讯(记者 刘萌萌)“今天我会送大家一些从新疆霍尔果斯带回来的特色礼物,希望喜欢的网友能和我互动起来。”9月5日16时,和往常一样,“安妮古丽”开始了最新一期的直播。
















So you want to hide sins of china by posting a single video? Let international observers enter into the camps where Uighurs are kept as a Slave in reeducation camp and let there interview be published. Then only world will know the real picture of what is happening with uighurs. By putting 1 million into reeducation camp or concentration camp and posting one video of one girl being cheerful will wash away your sins?Actually China is the dictatorial and most inhuman uncivilized Nation on the earth today doing all sort of human right violation including the selling of organs of of their own citizen for money. The list of sins of China is so long that it will need an ocean of ink to write there atrocities
Western media only wants the world to know China's claims in SCS, but they don't want anyone to know that in reality China controls the least number of islands comparing to all other claimants.

And the world also doesn't know that PRC's claim is exactly the same as ORC (Taiwan)'s, and Taiwan occupies the biggest island in SCS, the Taiping island, argubly the only island in SCS worth fighting for.

So you want to hide sins of china by posting a single video?
There are tons of similar videos, way more than China bashing propaganda videos, Uighur post so many videos on Tik Tok, weibo, weixi, youtube....

By putting 1 million into reeducation camp or concentration camp

Can you explain this simple logic question?

Some media say 2 million, some say 3 million, they can't even make up their mind on a number.

And how can Xinjiang become so developed and prosperous if a big percentage of their population are being locked away? how about the logistics? it's a logistically disaster to feed and support 1 million people.
Most rich countries can not even support 1 million armed forces.

How about the house facilities to hold those 1-3 million people? Xinjiang has only one city with urban population over 1 million, Urumqi, we didn't hear any news that Urumqi is being vacated for concentration camps, so where they put this supposed 1-3 million?

Uighur's whole population is around 10 million, 3 million basically mean every single Uighur adult except for the childen and the very old, you should not be able to see any Uighurs walking around in Xinjiang by this claim, but how come we see crowded streets full of Uighurs?
These amateurish propaganda videos by paid actors should ring a bell for anyone with more than half a brain.

The day you see social media videos of Muslims popping up on facebook, twitter, instagram etc saying:

"Hello, I am a Muslim, and I live in Europe, the Europeans DID NOT try to kill me and DID NOT EVER put me and my family in concentration camps, the Europeans are very nice to me and my family, they give us Halal food. Before, we were brainwashed, but now under the guidance of Europeans, we ARE NOT SLAVES, we are free and happy"

Know something is very wrong in Europe, the fact that China has to pay these actors to make these foolish videos really tells what is really going on behind closed doors.
Western media only wants the world to know China's claims in SCS, but they don't want anyone to know that in reality China controls the least number of islands comparing to all other claimants.

And the world also doesn't know that PRC's claim is exactly the same as ORC (Taiwan)'s, and Taiwan occupies the biggest island in SCS, the Taiping island, argubly the only island in SCS worth fighting for.

There are tons of similar videos, way more than China bashing propaganda videos, Uighur post so many videos on Tik Tok, weibo, weixi, youtube....

Can you explain this simple logic question?

Some media say 2 million, some say 3 million, they can't even make up their mind on a number.

And how can Xinjiang become so developed and prosperous if a big percentage of their population are being locked away? how about the logistics? it's a logistically disaster to feed and support 1 million people.
Most rich countries can not even support 1 million armed forces.

How about the house facilities to hold those 1-3 million people? Xinjiang has only one city with urban population over 1 million, Urumqi, we didn't hear any news that Urumqi is being vacated for concentration camps, so where they put this supposed 1-3 million?

Uighur's whole population is around 10 million, 3 million basically mean every single Uighur adult except for the childen and the very old, you should not be able to see any Uighurs walking around in Xinjiang by this claim, but how come we see crowded streets full of Uighurs?

No one literally no one pushing like China... didn't you see.. you claim an entire sea... taiwan is not bullying like China... Taiwan is democratic country.. unlike brainwashing ccp controlled china..
No one literally no one pushing like China... didn't you see.. you claim an entire sea... taiwan is not bullying like China... Taiwan is democratic country.. unlike brainwashing ccp controlled china..
Everyone country is pushing their claim there, China has the least physical presence in that region, the western media only tells what they want people to know, so very few people know the truth. I can understand your igonrance on that, you are an Indian.

These amateurish propaganda videos by paid actors should ring a bell for anyone with more than half a brain.

The day you see social media videos of Muslims popping up on facebook, twitter, instagram etc saying:

"Hello, I am a Muslim, and I live in Europe, the Europeans DID NOT try to kill me and DID NOT EVER put me and my family in concentration camps, the Europeans are very nice to me and my family, they give us Halal food. Before, we were brainwashed, but now under the guidance of Europeans, we ARE NOT SLAVES, we are free and happy"

Know something is very wrong in Europe, the fact that China has to pay these actors to make these foolish videos really tells what is really going on behind closed doors.
Can you explain this simple logic question?

Some media say 2 million, some say 3 million, they can't even make up their mind on a number.

And how can Xinjiang become so developed and prosperous if a big percentage of their population are being locked away? how about the logistics? it's a logistically disaster to feed and support 1 million people.
Most rich countries can not even support 1 million armed forces.

How about the house facilities to hold those 1-3 million people? Xinjiang has only one city with urban population over 1 million, Urumqi, we didn't hear any news that Urumqi is being vacated for concentration camps, so where they put this supposed 1-3 million?

Uighur's whole population is around 10 million, 3 million basically mean every single Uighur adult except for the childen and the very old, you should not be able to see any Uighurs walking around in Xinjiang by this claim, but how come we see crowded streets full of Uighurs?
This thread is about ethnic cleansing, genocide and forced slave labor of Muslim Uighurs in China. Don't derail the thread and discuss Taiwan and other issues.
Everyone country is pushing their claim there, China has the least physical presence in that region, the western media only tells what they want people to know, so very few people know the truth. I can understand your igonrance on that, you are an Indian.

Can you explain this simple logic question?

Some media say 2 million, some say 3 million, they can't even make up their mind on a number.

And how can Xinjiang become so developed and prosperous if a big percentage of their population are being locked away? how about the logistics? it's a logistically disaster to feed and support 1 million people.
Most rich countries can not even support 1 million armed forces.

How about the house facilities to hold those 1-3 million people? Xinjiang has only one city with urban population over 1 million, Urumqi, we didn't hear any news that Urumqi is being vacated for concentration camps, so where they put this supposed 1-3 million?

Uighur's whole population is around 10 million, 3 million basically mean every single Uighur adult except for the childen and the very old, you should not be able to see any Uighurs walking around in Xinjiang by this claim, but how come we see crowded streets full of Uighurs?

"The report details how this massive system of relocation and forced labor has been built up under the guise of an aid program known as “Xinjiang Aid.” What appears superficially as a targeted aid program for the poor and undereducated people in the province is a relocation and reeducation program meant to destroy their culture and religious practices. Companies all over China have been encouraged to provide “industrial Xianjing aid” by building factories in the province to absorb what China terms “surplus labor capacity” or to hire Uighurs for other tasks in factories across the rest of China."

"The paper, by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, doesn’t use the term “slavery,” preferring to rely instead on the euphemism of “forced labor.” Here’s how the situation is described (Uighur and Uyghur are two different ways of spelling the same word):

It is extremely difficult for Uyghurs to refuse or escape these work assignments, which are enmeshed with the apparatus of detention and political indoctrination both inside and outside of Xinjiang. In addition to constant surveillance, the threat of arbitrary detention hangs over minority citizens who refuse their government-sponsored work assignments. Most strikingly, local governments and private brokers are paid a price per head by the Xinjiang provincial government to organise the labour assignments…

The Uyghur workers, unlike their Han counterparts, are reportedly unable to go home for holidays… Uyghur workers are often transported across China in special segregated trains… Multiple sources suggest that in factories across China, many Uyghur workers lead a harsh, segregated life under so-called ‘military-style management’. Outside work hours, they attend factory-organised Mandarin language classes, participate in ‘patriotic education’, and are prevented from practising their religion. Every 50 Uyghur workers are assigned one government minder and are monitored by dedicated security personnel. They have little freedom of movement and live in carefully guarded dormitories, isolated from their families and children back in Xinjiang. There is also evidence that, at least in some factories, they are paid less than their Han counterparts.

There’s a common perception that the difference between slaves and free individuals is that the latter is paid for their work, but the truth is more complex. This article from the Organization of American Historians is a deep dive into the history of slaves earning wages in the South. In some cases, slaveowners found it advantageous to allow slaves to earn a certain amount of money and to spend it on improving their own lives or the lives of their families. The same is undoubtedly true in China today.

If you can’t refuse a work assignment, can’t go home to see your family, can’t practice your religion, are forced to live by a schedule in which virtually every minute of your life is regimented for you, are kept under constant or near-constant surveillance and subject to the whims of headhunters who earn a bounty for delivering you to a job, and didn’t get any choice in the matter, I’d argue you’re effectively a slave. In some cases, workers’ families are also under simultaneous surveillance back at home, which provides an extra incentive for the slaves “prisoners with jobs” to behave themselves."
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