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At least 80,000 Muslims in China Allegedly forced to do slave labor in Chinese concentration camps

Lol , here we go... don't have balls when it comes to chinese muslims... biased view..

don't need your certification, I am just saying that Pakistan obsessed Pagan subhumanic terrorists who openly lynch Muslims daily, mass murder every few years, where criteria to be elected as leader is to mass murder Muslims, who have locked million in Kashmir and killed hundred of thousands should not be allowed in such threads to troll, keep them limited to their uncivilized jungle i.e Indian section.

As for China, I have no love lost for them either, they are doing genocide, if not they should be transparent in their actions and I am not saying this for first time, I have been in abusive fights with Chinese on same forum. But Indian on every such threads start trolling by invoking Pakistan so Chinese and Pakistanis fight, well lowly subhumans Pakistanis will not act on your whims. We will say what we want to say, not what you want to hear. For us interests of 250 million Pakistanis and South Asian Muslims are supreme over other issues.

Long live China Pakistan relations.
What is 'humanity' ? The people of 2 continents in what is called America and Australia have suffered near total genocide and the world acts like its nothing, the world is a brutal place.

It is necesary not to believe all the exagerated gibberish that comes from western media and its various tentacles, I,m sure China wants to de-Islamize the Uighur region, a move that is unfortunate specially for us muslims but one that is based on rational reasons rather than any particular prejudice by China toward muslims, Islam is not quiet compatible with the Ideological pool in China and there are few proven solutions for such ideological conflicts.

I know for sure that many Isis members in Iraq and syria were Uighurs, I wouldnt put it past our northern neigbour and the western camp to eventually seek to destabilize China by inducing separitism in Xinjiang.

Compared to what the western camp has been and is still doing all over the world, what China is claimed to be doing doesnt even register, and we have no choice but to go with the lesser evil.

It's not good to give up to bullies, appeasement never works. we should stand against all evils including Chinese actions but also expose western genocide of Muslims in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya etc. How about when we take name of Palestine or Uygurs, we keep Kashmiris in our thoughts too.

First step should be to to ask friendly China for transparency in Xinjiang in very friendly manner.
When it comes to Higher deeper fraanshp,, become wise.


"Baap bara na bhayya sabse bara ruppaya."
--Motto of anythng4xtra2$
stronk patriots club​

Western media never reports these, can anyone deny them?? Indian only see what their masters want to to see

Xinjiang to lift remaining 42,000 households out of poverty in 2020

Full covery of all poor families with education fund in Xinjiang, not one dropout allowed

Milestone crossed, full coverage of safe tapwater for households across Xinjiang

Milestone crossed, the last village in Xinjiang Pamir mountains hooked up to China National Grid

Xinjiang children's concentration camp, barbwires, heavy police presence with big batons

The truth and reality is that so many good things happen in Xinjiang, this region is transforming from a poverty stricken, extremely underdeveloped and backward region into one of the world fastest growing region with world top class infrastructures, people are getting rich fast and now every household can afford a private car.

But from western media, all reports from Xinjiang are evil, dark and gloomy, if you only read western media, it's 100% that you will believe Xinjiang is hell on earth and every person lives a life worse than animals worrying about their organs being taking out by the government everyday.

Western media never reports these, can anyone deny them?? Indian only see what their masters want to to see

Xinjiang to lift remaining 42,000 households out of poverty in 2020

Full covery of all poor families with education fund in Xinjiang, not one dropout allowed

Milestone crossed, full coverage of safe tapwater for households across Xinjiang

Milestone crossed, the last village in Xinjiang Pamir mountains hooked up to China National Grid

Xinjiang children's concentration camp, barbwires, heavy police presence with big batons

The truth and reality is that so many good things happen in Xinjiang, this region is transforming from a poverty stricken, extremely underdeveloped and backward region into one of the world fastest growing region with world top class infrastructures, people are getting rich fast and now every household can afford a private car.

But from western media, all reports from Xinjiang are evil, dark and gloomy, if you only read western media, it's 100% that you will believe Xinjiang is hell on earth and every person lives a life worse than animals worrying about their organs being taking out by the government everyday.
Of course everything is alright in xinxiang,,the "New territory".
It's all propaganda,,,you believe it,,most Pakistani posters believe it.
And it hardly matters what others say or believe in PDF.
So chill,,,thr r no concentration camp like re education centers.
Ps-Can Uyghurs name there child Muhammad?
It's not good to give up to bullies, appeasement never works. we should stand against all evils including Chinese actions but also expose western genocide of Muslims in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya etc. How about when we take name of Palestine or Uygurs, we keep Kashmiris in our thoughts too.

First step should be to to ask friendly China for transparency in Xinjiang in very friendly manner.
We provides people in Xinjiang 15 years free education, free meals, free school break snacks including milk, egges and fruits, free school accommodation. kids under 6 years old is provided with free daily milk.

The government invested tens of billions to provide safe drinking water and stable electricity to every household in Xinjiang, for poor people in Xinjiang China provides free government houses with basic appliance and furniture, cash subsidy, free healthcare.

What do you provide for your people?
At day they do slave labor and their products are sold to Apple, Nike, Adidas among other brands. At night they are forced to attend re education camps. They are under surveillance 24/7. They are not allowed to leave the concentration camps


Report: At least 80,000 Muslim Chinese forced to produce designer clothes
According to a new report, Chinese factories that use forced labor deliver goods to giant companies such as Nike and Adidas. Lie, China replies.

Just now

Uighurs are being massively monitored in China. They are not allowed to practice Islam and are indoctrinated in the Communist Party program in factories surrounded by barbed wire and watchtowers.

There they also produce branded clothes that are exported to the whole world. It claims a report from the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI).

- Basically, everything sent out of China can be "infected" by forced labor, says the report's author, Vicky Xiuzhong Xu, to VG.

- Slave labor
In the case of Nike, the report writes that at at least one factory, Uighur employees are refused to practice Islam, or go home on vacation.

- Nike has so many factories in the world, so it is impossible to know which garment or shoes are made of slave labor, says Xiuzhong Xu.

Nike has not responded to VG's repeated inquiries.

- An app monitors
Workers often live with a very high degree of surveillance, according to the report.

- They have an app on the phone that monitors them and they have to inform in chat groups where they are, Xiuzhong Xu says.

A Washington Post reporter who has visited a factory has shared the findings in the report. She saw a watchtower, barbed wire fences everywhere, a police station inside the factory area, and that workers could not leave the factory.

At a factory where Adidas shoes are made, workers have long days. During the day they work, and in the evenings the "retraining" continues.

To VG, Adidas says that their guidelines prohibit the use of coercion and labor from prisoners. They deny that they have used goods from Xinjiang, but after the report was published, Adidas has told its suppliers not to use yarn from this region.

- If any of our partners use forced labor, we will end our partnership, says communications consultant Stefan Pursche to VG.

Further down in the case, you can see what the Chinese authorities respond to the allegations of forced labor and forced assimilation of Uighurs.

Thoroughly documented
In November, The New York Times published more than 400 leaked documents about how the Chinese government is working to break down the Muslim minority. Among the documents is an unpublished speech by President Xi Jinping, urging officials to show "no mercy."

Several human rights organizations, including Amnesty International, have accused the Chinese authorities of keeping one million Uighurs incarcerated.

Although the report states that this applies to 80,000 Uighurs, Vicky Xiuzhong Xu says that the estimate is low. Many more Uighurs are likely to be forced to work, both inside and outside Xinjiang Province.

- Absolutely no credibility
The Chinese Embassy in Norway is responding on behalf of the Chinese authorities. They deny that Uighurs are being subjected to forced labor, and say the report is an attempt to blacken China.

According to the embassy, Chinese Uighurs have the opportunity to take paid work with all rights, on an equal footing with all other Chinese citizens.

Call it vocational training
Regarding the retraining program, the Chinese embassy says that Xinjiang has long been plagued by terrorism and extremism. They say that the "education and instruction center" is an attempt to counteract this.

The aim of the school is to provide participants with information about the constitution, criminal law, marriage law, and laws that protect minors and women.

"Attempts by external anti-China forces and extremists who want to sabotage China's development by fabricating lies and provoking inter-ethnic relations will not succeed," the embassy wrote.


https://s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/ad-aspi/2020-06/Uyghurs for sale-05JUN20.pdf?gLsFgI8LmxiW__bfX8GZjgtHpA9dcK30=

And Ummah is totally silent.
Of course everything is alright in xinxiang,,the "New territory".

Ps-Can Uyghurs name there child Muhammad?
Xinjiang is a name given by Qing dynasty, not CCP. As for names, I don't know, but I do know they all have their own style names unlike central Asian countries that all locals adopted Russian style names, it shows how China is tolerant towards minority cultures and customs.

And Ummah is totally silent.
We provides people in Xinjiang 15 years free education, free meals, free school break snacks including milk, egges and fruits, free school accommodation. kids under 6 years old is provided with free daily milk.

The government invested tens of billions to provide safe drinking water and stable electricity to every household in Xinjiang, for poor people in Xinjiang China provides free government houses with basic appliance and furniture, cash subsidy, free healthcare.

What do you provide for your people? You Indians don't even have access to basic tap water even in your capital city, how pathetic...
We provides people in Xinjiang 15 years free education, free meals, free school break snacks including milk, egges and fruits, free school accommodation. kids under 6 years old is provided with free daily milk.

The government invested tens of billions to provide safe drinking water and stable electricity to every household in Xinjiang, for poor people in Xinjiang China provides free government houses with basic appliance and furniture, cash subsidy, free healthcare.

What do you provide for your people?

You forget to tell that those schools are concentration camps of Muslims. You guys sell their organs.
Xinjiang is a name given by Qing dynasty, not CCP. As for names, I don't know, but I do know they all have their own style names unlike central Asian countries that all locals adopted Russian style names, it shows how China is tolerant towards minority cultures and customs.
Yes of course,, tolerant indeed, whatever u say man. :D
Like I said, Anythng4xtra2$ club already believes you. So all iz gud in PDF.
You forget to tell that those schools are concentration camps of Muslims. You guys sell their organs.
LOl, why they are so happy while China is selling their organs?

Yes of course,, tolerant indeed, whatever u say man. :D
Like I said, Anythng4xtra2$ club already believes you. So all iz gud in PDF.
We provides people in Xinjiang 15 years free education, free meals, free school break snacks including milk, egges and fruits, free school accommodation. kids under 6 years old is provided with free daily milk.

The government invested tens of billions to provide safe drinking water and stable electricity to every household in Xinjiang, for poor people in Xinjiang China provides free government houses with basic appliance and furniture, cash subsidy, free healthcare.

What do you provide for your people? You Indians don't even have access to basic tap water even in your capital city, your kids go to school under bridge in your capital city, how pathetic...
Normal day in china, must be 100x worse in Xinjiang.

160 million Chinese travel overseas every year, the biggest in the world by a massive margin. China is also the country most international students are from by a big margin.
How many overseas tourists you have each year? how many students go study overseas in your country?
Wait, which country are you from anyway?
LOl, why they are so happy while China is selling their organs?

We provides people in Xinjiang 15 years free education, free meals, free school break snacks including milk, egges and fruits, free school accommodation. kids under 6 years old is provided with free daily milk.

The government invested tens of billions to provide safe drinking water and stable electricity to every household in Xinjiang, for poor people in Xinjiang China provides free government houses with basic appliance and furniture, cash subsidy, free healthcare.

What do you provide for your people? You Indians don't even have access to basic tap water even in your capital city, your kids go to school under bridge in your capital city, how pathetic...
Like I said,,, absolutely no worries.
New territory Xinxiang people r doing great.
I sincerely hope our western neighbors also follow tht path.

Free education, free meals, free school break snacks including milk, egges and fruits, free school accommodation. kids under 6 years old is provided with free daily milk.
Investement of tens of billions to provide safe drinking water and stable electricity to every household, for poor people free government houses with basic appliance and furniture, cash subsidy, free healthcare.
AND of course most importantly Re education schools for skill development.
A tolerant China sponsored Naya Pakistan. Good for them n the neighborhood. No complaints whatsoever.

Btw Why u getting agitated,,of course we r pathetic n u r great tolerant. :D
Like I said,,, absolutely no worries.
New territory Xinxiang people r doing great.
I sincerely hope our western neighbors also follow tht path.

Free education, free meals, free school break snacks including milk, egges and fruits, free school accommodation. kids under 6 years old is provided with free daily milk.
Investement of tens of billions to provide safe drinking water and stable electricity to every household, for poor people free government houses with basic appliance and furniture, cash subsidy, free healthcare.
AND of course most importantly Re education schools for skill development.

Btw Why u getting agitated,,of course we r pathetic n u r great tolerant. :D
I m not agitated, was just doing some copy and paste, I m just stating the facts that no one can deny, even western media can not deny those facts, I m not interested in making unverifiable rumors and claims like you guys have been always doing.

Have some guts and openly deny these facts, can you?

Xinjiang provides a free box of milk every day for the families with children under 6 years old and local community workers deliver them to every household.

Xinjiang provides a free box of milk every day for the families with children under 6 years old and local community workers deliver them to every household. As one of the suppliers, Xinjiang Terun Dairy Company set up a special production line , using the most advanced technology and the highest standards. The high-quality raw milk is from a designated cow pasture, and sampling inspection at the production line is conducted every 15 minutes -- much more frequently than in usual production lines, according to Checheg, head of the quality and technology department. "Technicians inspect the milk from multiple dimensions, such as the total number of colonies, protein index and taste. And all the indexes are absolutely superior to the market standard," Checheg said. The milk's fat content is 3.6 percent and the protein content 3 percent, which is equivalent to the nutritional value of high-priced milk in the market.
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