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At least 80,000 Muslims in China Allegedly forced to do slave labor in Chinese concentration camps

These propaganda videos are so cringe, its like they were directed by Kim Jong himself. "I am Uighur, I am very happy. I eat Halal food. I have many Chinese friends. Chinese people are friendly. The Chinese community helps my family. Our leaders are so great. I had lots of problems but after guidance from our great leaders, I now live a happy life" You can tell what kind of society they live in when they are filming the most obvious propaganda videos.
Go to check Tik tok videos, they are real people with names, occupations, hobbies...in their profile page.

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These propaganda videos are so cringe, its like they were directed by Kim Jong himself. "I am Uighur, I am very happy. I eat Halal food. I have many Chinese friends. Chinese people are friendly. The Chinese community helps my family. Our leaders are so great. I had lots of problems but after guidance from our great leaders, I now live a happy life" You can tell what kind of society they live in when they are filming the most obvious propaganda videos.

No no no...you must not resist the 1984 orwellian big brother sampler..... ACCEPT ACCEPT....COMPLY.
No no no...you must not resist the 1984 orwellian big brother sampler..... ACCEPT ACCEPT....COMPLY.
He's seriously using videos of Uighurs singing Chinese nationalist songs on TikTok; A Chinese government controlled social media platform? Just wow. Its like Nazis filming Jews giving Nazi salutes in concentration camps and using it to show that Jews like Hitler.
He's seriously using videos of Uighurs singing Chinese nationalist songs on TikTok; A Chinese government controlled social media platform? Just wow. Its like Nazis filming Jews giving Nazi salutes in concentration camps and using it to show that Jews like Hitler.
Haha, so anything from China can not be believed, even personal channel where you can actually talk and investigate the authors, and all unverifiable western media must be hard fact and truth, gets to know you more each passing day, lol..
*Makes fun of any western leader any way he wants to in the west* .....nothing happens, even gets words of support and discussion

*Chinese guy in PRC attempts same*..... clink clink clink

Please treat media of the latter as the same credibility as the former.

Yes you were born yesterday, we highly credible big brother told you so ourselves.
Haha, so anything from China can not be believed, even personal channel where you can actually talk and investigate the authors, and all unverifiable western media must be hard fact and truth, gets to know you more each passing day, lol..
You are posting videos of Uighurs singing nationalistic Chinese songs on a social media platform that is controlled and highly censored by the Chinese government. How dumb do you think people are? Whatever they are paying you, they are paying too much.
You are posting videos of Uighurs singing nationalistic Chinese songs on a social media platform that is controlled and highly censored by the Chinese government. How dumb do you think people are? Whatever they are paying you, they are paying too much.
They have tons of other videos in their channels, go and talk to them personally and find out if they are government shills.

This Uighur girl builds up her Tik tok channel by being a food critic trying all restaurants across China and gives her thoughts and suggestions to her Tik tok subscribers.

*Makes fun of any western leader any way he wants to in the west* .....nothing happens, even gets words of support and discussion

*Chinese guy in PRC attempts same*..... clink clink clink

Please treat media of the latter as the same credibility as the former.

Yes you were born yesterday, we highly credible big brother told you so ourselves.
Have you seen those cringe TV commercials? Those who go like "before I tried this pill, I couldn't even walk, but after only 2 days, I grew wings and now I can fly!!!" His propaganda videos remind me of those commercials.
You are posting videos of Uighurs singing nationalistic Chinese songs on a social media platform that is controlled and highly censored by the Chinese government. How dumb do you think people are? Whatever they are paying you, they are paying too much.
There is no shortage of dumb people. :lol:
Have you seen those cringe TV commercials? Those who go like "before I tried this pill, I couldn't even walk, but after only 2 days, I grew wings and now I can fly!!!" His propaganda videos remind me of those commercials.

Let me tell you one simple thing about this BW guy....

It is not about having a conversation or thinking or convincing someone on something or even being right on some issue.

It is simply about having the last word....he will keep going (with all the saved tik tok video archive, quotations and whatever else to be copied and pasted as much as is needed) as long as you are here and 7th floor management doesn't change the policy of employment/deployment for this topic especially...for the keyboard punching brave warriors of glolious CCP.

....don't believe me?...just keep going. He will see this to completion yet again....i's dotted t's crossed for the later performance review with the overbearing boss who has another overbearing boss up the thought control totalitarian neural network.
Western media never reports these, can anyone deny them??

Xinjiang to lift remaining 42,000 households out of poverty in 2020

Full covery of all poor families with education fund in Xinjiang, not one dropout allowed

Milestone crossed, full coverage of safe tapwater for households across Xinjiang

Milestone crossed, the last village in Xinjiang Pamir mountains hooked up to China National Grid

Xinjiang children's concentration camp, barbwires, heavy police presence with big batons

The truth and reality is that so many good things happen in Xinjiang, this region is transforming from a poverty stricken, extremely underdeveloped and backward region into one of the world fastest growing region with world top class infrastructures, people are getting rich fast and now every household can afford a private car.

But from western media, all reports from Xinjiang are evil, dark and gloomy, if you only read western media, it's 100% that you will believe Xinjiang is hell on earth and every person lives a life worse than animals worrying about their organs being taking out by the government everyday.
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