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At least 27 killed as Iraqi forces raid Sunni protest camp

Who are you? Iraqis are arabic, so you're another Iranian in Iraq?

you grew up in USA so you didn't learn enough about history of countries
what means Arabic ? damned only stupid people think that all Arabs of the world are the same culture and can unite
it is like we think all Iranic people can unite and make one country... non sense

So they did welcome them.

There never was a ba’athist army, it was the Iraqi army under the command of a different political group.
Sunnis are allowed in the Iraqi army, the commander of Operational command Dijala is a high ranked sunni that has served in the army during Saddam’s time as a high ranked official aswell, Kurds complained that a ba’athist was commanding the forces.
.:: ???????? ???? ?????? ??????????????? ?????????? ???????? ?????? ::.
The guy on the right.

Your pulling things out of nowhere..
these guys have no culture about your ocuntry and they want to teach you who you are ;)
you grew up in USA so you didn't learn enough about history of countries
what means Arabic ? damned only stupid people think that all Arabs of the world are the same culture and can unite
it is like we think all Iranic people can unite and make one country... non sense

these guys have no culture about your ocuntry and they want to teach you who you are ;)
its all about sectarianism these people the most backword people in the planet earth most of them are traito and cheap and they can sell anything belong to them for few $$ just look @ their leaders and you get the idea.
Sunni fighters take over town in northern Iraq after clashes with government forces

Insurgents seized western parts of the city after using a mosque loud speaker to call for Sunni to join the fight

Sunni fighters have taken over a town in northern Iraq as armed conflict escalates between government forces and the Sunni Arab minority across the country. At least 128 people have died since the Iraqi army opened fire at Sunni protesters on Tuesday.

Gunmen seized the town of Suleiman Beg 150 miles north of Baghdad, capturing the police station and other government buildings which are now besieged by government troops. There has also been fierce fighting in the Sunni majority city of Mosul where 15 Iraqi policemen and 31 Sunni militants were killed today. Earlier, the insurgents had seized western parts of the city after using a mosque loud speaker to call for Sunni to join the fight. They were later reported to have been driven back, but were holding a police station with five hostages. Streets in the city are empty as people stay at home to avoid the violence.

Iraq is teetering on the edge of a return to a sectarian civil war between the Shia-dominated government and the Sunni Arabs. Making up a fifth of the population, they have been protesting for the last four months against discrimination and persecution. They demand the resignation of prime minister Nouri al-Maliki whose television appeal for calm is likely to be ignored. Two Sunni ministers have resigned in protest at the violent break up by the army of a sit-in in the town of Hawijah three days ago in which at lest 30 people were killed.

Outrage among the Sunni Arabs may now be uncontrollable and is spreading all five provinces where they are the largest community. “This is the deepest and most dangerous crisis…since 1921,” the former national security adviser Mowaffak al-Rubaie told the AFP, referring to the year of the creation of the Iraqi state. He said that the present situation “could lead to a sectarian conflict, and then division.” Many Iraqi leaders have been predicting that Mr Maliki and his advisers have been under-estimating the significance of the Sunni protest movement.

The Sunni see themselves as having been reduced to second class citizens since the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003 when the Shia and Kurds became the dominant communities. The Sunni lost jobs in the army and security forces and fear being arrested and tortured after being denounced by anonymous informers under the much-criticised anti-terrorism law.

Sunni fighters take over town in northern Iraq after clashes with government forces - Asia - World - The Independent
Terrorists are making use of the cover of protests for their own dirty agendas.
Real protesters would never decide to do this, that is asking for war not protest.
Terrorists are making use of the cover of protests for their own dirty agendas.
Real protesters would never decide to do this, that is asking for war not protest.
honestly I believe the war is inevitable since the baath party and alqaeda strong in the west and north of the country plus they get big support from the GCC puppets and another nations don't like to see or want to divide the country by any means!!! so the government suppose to have the first strike. without a fist of fury and an ironic punch these traitors wont stop it and wont accept to come to table for the sake of the country since their decisions not in their hand but some where else.
honestly I believe the war is inevitable since the baath party and alqaeda strong in the west and north of the country plus they get big support from the GCC puppets and another nations don't like to see or want to divide the country by any means!!! so the government suppose to have the first strike. without a fist of fury and an ironic punch these traitors wont stop it and wont accept to come to table for the sake of the country since their decisions not in their hand but some where else.

Naqshabandi group of Izzat al douri probably.
The city will be retaken soon or is already retaken news agencies reported that they were getting ready to go into the city.

Sunnis in Anbar have experienced how al qaeda treats its people, they did not side with the US army for no reason.
Naqshabandi group of Izzat al douri probably.
The city will be retaken soon or is already retaken news agencies reported that they were getting ready to go into the city.

Sunnis in Anbar have experienced how al qaeda treats its people, they did not side with the US army for no reason.
What city you talk about is it the little town near toozkhormato or haweejah.
I think this is because of the instability glooming in Saudi Arabia, and by extension Bahrain. Bahrain regime is on the trajectory of total collapse, and if Khalifa goes, then perhaps Al Saud will follow suit.
And regimes that feel vulnerable (especially a reactionary one like Saudi Arabia) tend to project hostility and instability outwards.
I hope Iraqi forces hold their composure, so that the country do not get tricked and dragged into a sectarian conflict. But I believe Iraqis, generally, have had enough of that.
I wish you the best of luck, and my condolences to all that have died. RIP
Naqshabandi group is said to be operating most in Kerkuk province because there has been little military presence for the last 10 years due to the KRG-Baghdad issue.
Oh, yes all Shia in Iraq suppose to be Iranian that's the way for you to keep you're dirty war against us and keep sending your ****** bastards for jihad against us!.

No it isn't, you're again playing the victim. You kept referring to me as 'You Arabs' and you have an Iraqi flag. So you too must be Arabic. So why racist against Arabs? Iraqis are Arab. So someone from Iraq telling referring to me with a slur as an 'Arab'. You must be a non arab. Which I don't have a problem with. But I have a problem with your point of view.

you grew up in USA so you didn't learn enough about history of countries
what means Arabic ? damned only stupid people think that all Arabs of the world are the same culture and can unite
it is like we think all Iranic people can unite and make one country... non sense

these guys have no culture about your ocuntry and they want to teach you who you are ;)

Why do you project so much? I asked a simple question and you went off on your own rant trying to make me look stupid. You're a failure.
No it isn't, you're again playing the victim. You kept referring to me as 'You Arabs' and you have an Iraqi flag. So you too must be Arabic. So why racist against Arabs? Iraqis are Arab. So someone from Iraq telling referring to me with a slur as an 'Arab'. You must be a non arab. Which I don't have a problem with. But I have a problem with your point of view.
You so naive if you think you can cheat someone in this forum since must of them are educated to some level exceed yours and I can bring or show you what those protest in Iraq I mean the baathist calling us to make sure that you people know nothing more than hate. hate every thing even your self.

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