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At least 10 dead in Paris shooting

May the victims rest in Peace. I hope the attackers are caught and killed quickly before they take any more innocent lives. It is clear which certain Sect is behind almost all terrorist attacks in the world.. Why not just deport all who belong to this particular Sect and don't let any more in?
I am not here in a d1ck measuring contest. I am not a right winger Hindutvavadi to support them from my country. In fact I routinely oppose many things they say or do. Although I can still understand why it might offend some people when someone draws your God naked. The keyword here is naked.

But I am yet to understand why is it so offensive to everyday Muslims when someone draws a picture of Mohammad? I am just looking for an answer. Why is it so?

intolerance... caused by several factors...
RIP, i guess France should shutoff immigrants from terrorism affected area for a little while, and start to round up and deport people with connection to terrorist organizations.
draws a picture of Mohammad? I am just looking for an answer. Why is it so?

If I find something offensive then I try not to look at it. Easy solution right? no body gets harmed? And the reason why pictures of Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) are not drawn is to avoid people worshipping his image. On the other hand some magazines have not just drawn pictures but cartoon showing him as a terrorist. I found them offensive but my reaction was to emulate the character of Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) of forgiveness. I know Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) would not have harmed any one who made fun of him. He didn't do it in his life time so why are Muslims acting ape crazy? As I said if you find something offensive then don't bloody look at it.
Yeah, USA led coalition invaded Middleast, and problem is within The Muslim Mind.

I leave you to yourself. You better solve your delusions within your Muslim mind.

Yeah, USA led coalition invaded Middleast, and problem is within The Muslim Mind.

I leave you to yourself. You better solve your delusions within your Muslim mind.

i see where you coming from was off the same opinion for few decades .. events and experiences over decades made one realise .. who is deluding time will tell .. peace !!
This is whats wrong with your mentality. You see Muslims as apes. But never think Muslims may gain upperhand in near future.
In quantity may be Yes , but in Quality , Never gonna happen till a huge chunk dont come out of the centuries old ideology!!!
I was having a conversation with a Pakistani guy at work , and we were talking about Big Bang , and his bottom line was like , No , Allah created all the universe , PERIOD and all the attacks happening inside Pakistan are dont by muhajirs. WTF , they still call the Muslims who left India for Pakistan at the time of partition as Muhajirs .!!
Conspiracy theories feed upon themselves.
In quantity may be Yes , but in Quality , Never gonna happen till a huge chunk dont come out of the centuries old ideology!!!
I was having a conversation with a Pakistani guy at work , and we were talking about Big Bang , and his bottom line was like , No , Allah created all the universe , PERIOD and all the attacks happening inside Pakistan are dont by muhajirs. WTF , they still call the Muslims who left India for Pakistan at the time of partition as Muhajirs .!!
Conspiracy theories feed upon themselves.

Nobody says that. Even the most racist idiot. Stop coming with your own cooked up stories.
Shocking. I know that area of Paris quite well. This happened in the 11th arrondissement of Paris. A close friend once lived not far from Rue Nicolas-Appert.

This is the first attack of such kind in Paris that I can remember. A 10 million big city with at least 2 million Muslims. I needed to call family to make sure that they were safe and all right. Scary scenes that were captured with that policeman lying down praying for his life.

The Muslims of France are shooting themselves in the foot by such actions. They really are. No matter what happens the average Muslim (while 99,9% have nothing to do with such actions) will be blamed. Even if those two are converts which cannot be ruled out.

Messed up. France has always made fun of religion since the French Revolution almost 250 years ago. Those two terrorists are idiots of the highest calibre.


Je vous prie de bien vouloir accepter mes très vives et sincères condoléances.:(
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First this attack was for putting prophet saw cartoon in the magazine and if any muslim believe that its condemnable then they left Islam to protect the honor of prophet saw is a duty of the muslim no matter with their life .allahdullilah it's the sign that there are muslim still alive .
See hypocrasies of the west when people talk about or questions nazi massacre of Jews they put them to jail of boycott them or put sanctions where is their freedom of expression.

What a magazine hit by publishing cartoon of a prophet saw which billion of people love more then their own self .nobody care about this magazine or even afare of it existence before this event.

so publishing cartoons gave terrorists the right to kill those unarmed people ? If we apply your theory globally than if a muslim commits blasphemy against any religion he / she should be killed in the same manner be it hindu , christians , budhist , parsis gods and religious personalitites ? or does this only apply to muslim e ummah ?
Nobody says that. Even the most racist idiot. Stop coming with your own cooked up stories.

I have no proof of it ... U can believe what you like mate.. and I will what I hear with conversations with him.
He also asked me why is RSS forcefully converting Muslims in India , and I told him what really is happening.
Strange creature is a human mind!! They rightly call it as , " Mans biggest friend and worst enemy".
If I find something offensive then I try not to look at it. Easy solution right? no body gets harmed? And the reason why pictures of Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) are not drawn is to avoid people worshipping his image. On the other hand some magazines have not just drawn pictures but cartoon showing him as a terrorist. I found them offensive but my reaction was to emulate the character of Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) of forgiveness. I know Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) would not have harmed any one who made fun of him. He didn't do it in his life time so why are Muslims acting ape crazy? As I said if you find something offensive then don't bloody look at it.
Why should they be forgiven, they are not Muslim and this is the problem with religious people, were humans and are born free of religion so if religious people have a problem the onus is on them. We non religious don't need to watch what we say, if religious people get offended then **** them they chose to be religious, your born a free man and shouldn't have to appease ancient traditions.

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