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At a time when Pakistan Iran relations are tanking, Saudi minister land in Pakistan.

well said. KSA relation with Pakistan is unconditional and time tested. its not based on how we conduct ourselves with Iran or Turkey.

this may or may not be coincidence that Saudis are visiting when BLA is using Iranian soil and TTP/ daesh are using Afghan soil to launch attacks on Pakistan.
they have their own issue of dealing with the Yemen which has become a fish bone.

Indians are master planners they please Iranians, Saudis, Israelis, Afghans, Qataris and Emaraties at the same time and all these countries compete with each other to please the Indians.
Pakistanis must learn that art of diplomacy instead of complaining.
All Indians have really done is to make sure that they are a large enough market, that everyone wants a piece of. This is why, Emiratis & Saudis, and Iranians all want to work with them. In order for Pakistan to be able to talk to everyone, it'll need to become a big enough economic power.

It's a long and hard way to do things, but really no two ways about it.
All Indians have really done is to make sure that they are a large enough market, that everyone wants a piece of. This is why, Emiratis & Saudis, and Iranians all want to work with them. In order for Pakistan to be able to talk to everyone, it'll need to become a big enough economic power.

It's a long and hard way to do things, but really no two ways about it.

India is not an economic power just a huge market there is big difference...

And if they wouldn't have been that it would have been strange try to fit 1.5b into one territory thats huge market by default
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  1. Rebuild Jindullah, place it under direct command of the ISI. Bring in retired SSG officers to command them, arm and train them properly, get Arabs, Americans and Jews to fund it. Let it lose on the IRGC, they should be facing casualties on a daily cycle, take out Chahbahar, destabilize its GLOCs with Afghanistan. Target Sistan and Ahvaz. Iranian Sunnis deserve a country inside Iran and Iranians deserve to taste their own medicine.
  2. Support the Taliban to build water canals out of dams built on shared rivers with Iran, choke the Persians from whatever little supply of water they get from Afghanistan.
  3. Start drilling for oil & gas in the shared hydrocarbon belt on the Pakistan, Iran border. Distribute the tender among American companies.
  4. Declare full support for Azeris seeking independence from Persian occupation in Northwestern Iran, to join Azerbaijan.
  5. Arm Azerbaijan with Ballistic Missile capabilities, able to thwart any Persian threat of aggression.
  6. Block all smuggled Iranian goods into Pakistan, from oil to chocolates. They'll suffer an annual loss of over $600m.
  7. Convert the entire coast of Gwadar into a military garrison, deploy a Corps sized force next to Iranian border, deploy additional Squadrons and build Ballistic Missile sites, targeting every city of Iran, just in case they think its cakewalk.
  8. Sit down with Americans, Arabs, British, Turks, Azeris, Iraqis to support containment of Iranian nuclear program and to eventually overthrow the Mullah regime.
Iran has declared hostilities against Pakistan, they're supporting terrorists in Balochistan for years now. It is time to turn the keys on the Persians and show them their proper place.
Simple. If Iran is truly destabilizing Balochistan through its terrorism... Make peace with Israel and invite them to Balochistan to exterminate the Mullah terrorist regime of Tehran.
There you go again Clutchy , showing zionophile tendencies, a mole in disquise. Come out clean and identify who you really are.
India is not an economic power just a huge market there is big difference...

And if they wouldn't have been that it would have been strange try to fit 1.5b into one territory thats huge market by default
Well it’s a market with enough buying power. The buying power is there because there’s an economy. If we’d even 100 million Pakistanis with enough buying power out of the 300 million, we’d have been courted the same way.

If it is asked to choose between the two, I would advise going for Bedouin every time and twice on Friday, Persians live in their on ancient fantasy, they forget that it was an Arab bedouins drenched in dust that went on to bring so-called might Persians empire to its knees and Hazrat Ali was a proud Arab that bought Fire worshippers and god knows what worshipper to Knees. It's about time these mentally paralyzed propagated creatures are taught the taste of their own Persian medicine.
  1. Rebuild Jindullah, place it under direct command of the ISI. Bring in retired SSG officers to command them, arm and train them properly, get Arabs, Americans and Jews to fund it. Let it lose on the IRGC, they should be facing casualties on a daily cycle, take out Chahbahar, destabilize its GLOCs with Afghanistan. Target Sistan and Ahvaz. Iranian Sunnis deserve a country inside Iran and Iranians deserve to taste their own medicine.
  2. Support the Taliban to build water canals out of dams built on shared rivers with Iran, choke the Persians from whatever little supply of water they get from Afghanistan.
  3. Start drilling for oil & gas in the shared hydrocarbon belt on the Pakistan, Iran border. Distribute the tender among American companies.
  4. Declare full support for Azeris seeking independence from Persian occupation in Northwestern Iran, to join Azerbaijan.
  5. Arm Azerbaijan with Ballistic Missile capabilities, able to thwart any Persian threat of aggression.
  6. Block all smuggled Iranian goods into Pakistan, from oil to chocolates. They'll suffer an annual loss of over $600m.
  7. Convert the entire coast of Gwadar into a military garrison, deploy a Corps sized force next to Iranian border, deploy additional Squadrons and build Ballistic Missile sites, targeting every city of Iran, just in case they think its cakewalk.
  8. Sit down with Americans, Arabs, British, Turks, Azeris, Iraqis to support containment of Iranian nuclear program and to eventually overthrow the Mullah regime.
Iran has declared hostilities against Pakistan, they're supporting terrorists in Balochistan for years now. It is time to turn the keys on the Persians and show them their proper place.
Why do so much effort, just nuke Iran

Ah we have Iranian bootlickers and Saudi bootlickers in Pakistan. No wonder Pakistan continues to be a mess.
Our foreign policy revolves around aids and loans... sorry, this is a bitter reality. We can't do business independently. We can't buy cheap oil from the open market.
There might have been talks of Pakistan assisting KSA in Yemen (or cooperation in general) and Iran decided to pre-occupy Pakistan via Afghanistan with a pinch of India in the mix
Time for neutrality is over, we need to point our guns towards Afghanistan and Iran, this visit can be fruitful but our civil military leadership is under heavy Pro Iranian lobby influence, Army won't take side because of fear of mutiny in the Army from the certain sect people, Pakistan will keep suffering and Pakistani's will keep dying.

  1. Rebuild Jindullah, place it under direct command of the ISI. Bring in retired SSG officers to command them, arm and train them properly, get Arabs, Americans and Jews to fund it. Let it lose on the IRGC, they should be facing casualties on a daily cycle, take out Chahbahar, destabilize its GLOCs with Afghanistan. Target Sistan and Ahvaz. Iranian Sunnis deserve a country inside Iran and Iranians deserve to taste their own medicine.
  2. Support the Taliban to build water canals out of dams built on shared rivers with Iran, choke the Persians from whatever little supply of water they get from Afghanistan.
  3. Start drilling for oil & gas in the shared hydrocarbon belt on the Pakistan, Iran border. Distribute the tender among American companies.
  4. Declare full support for Azeris seeking independence from Persian occupation in Northwestern Iran, to join Azerbaijan.
  5. Arm Azerbaijan with Ballistic Missile capabilities, able to thwart any Persian threat of aggression.
  6. Block all smuggled Iranian goods into Pakistan, from oil to chocolates. They'll suffer an annual loss of over $600m.
  7. Convert the entire coast of Gwadar into a military garrison, deploy a Corps sized force next to Iranian border, deploy additional Squadrons and build Ballistic Missile sites, targeting every city of Iran, just in case they think its cakewalk.
  8. Sit down with Americans, Arabs, British, Turks, Azeris, Iraqis to support containment of Iranian nuclear program and to eventually overthrow the Mullah regime.
Iran has declared hostilities against Pakistan, they're supporting terrorists in Balochistan for years now. It is time to turn the keys on the Persians and show them their proper place.
If I wrote this, or even half of it, I would've been banned...
I'm a zombie mutant.... Why?... Is defending Pakistan below your loyalties to Iran???
You sound like a crazy mutant jew, what is "Make peace with Israel and invite them" got to do with defending Pakistan? You show your colors every so often and you have been doing it for a long time. Come old buddy reveal yourself as to what you really are.
No way, Pakistan shall overtly become part of the conflict between Iran and KSA. It would be disastrous.
I really hope such sanity is also found in our policy makers. We cannot exist as a client state for we have our own issues to take care off. Let KSA and Iran sort it out between them, we should have relations with both based on mutual respect and interests.

Iran is an enemy of Israel while a friend of India. India enjoy best relationship with Israel and Iran and they don't ask India to choose a side. In case of Pakistan, we are always told to choose a side and we fail to balance our relationship.

People should be reminded that Iran has supported Baluch terrorists and Indian proxies while KSA is the one who did not help us in FATF and in Kashmir issue.

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